L5R Singles

Outer Walls
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L5R Singles

Outer Walls (Spanish)

Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Give its province +3 strength. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it -2 strength.
One After Another
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L5R Singles

One After Another (Spanish)

Political Open: Target your unbowed Courtier: Players may not use abilities on any Personality with a target Personality's title this turn. Lose 1 Honor.
Never Stand Alone
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Never Stand Alone (Spain)

Open: Remove a target Personality in a discard pile from the game. Limited: Target a discarded (not dead) Personality you own. Put the Personality face-up in one of your provinces, discarding a card from it if necessary.
Mountains of the Phoenix
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Mountains of the Phoenix (Spanish)

Mountain • Terrain Battle: Before this battle’s resolution, the Attacker and the Defender each choose a unit in their own army; the active player decides who chooses first. Then, destroy the chosen units.
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Manipulation (Spanish)

Political Battle: Target your Courtier who is not at the current battlefield: Target another player's Personality who is not at the current battlefield. Straighten him and move him there. His controller loses 1 Honor.
Last Gift
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Last Gift (Spanish)

Political Open: Permanently give a target Human Personality +1PH.
Know Your Center
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Know Your Center (Spanish)

Battle: Target your unbowed Personality with 3 or higher Chi: Destroy a target Terrain. Battle: Move your target unit at a battlefield to a battlefield where there are enemy units
Kata of the North Wind
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L5R Singles

Kata of the North Wind (Spanish)

Kata Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards there. While this card is in your home you have the ability, "Battle: Bow your target Weapon: Straighten its Personality."
Justly Earned Victory
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Justly Earned Victory (Spanish)

Battle: Target your Personality: Move a target enemy Personality with lower Force or with fewer attachments home. Battle: Negate all current Force bonuses and penalties to cards at this battlefield from actions.
Insurmountable Obstacle
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Insurmountable Obstacle (Spanish)

Terrain Battle: After each time an action moves a Personality home from this battlefield, dishonor him. You may take an additional Battle action after playing this Terrain.
Inspire Fear
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L5R Singles

Inspire Fear (Spanish)

Fear • Water • Kiho Battle: Target your unbowed Shugenja or Monk: Move a target enemy Human Personality home. If the performer has the Water keyword, negate the Human Personality's movement to battlefields this turn.
Impressive Resilience
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Impressive Resilience (Spanish)

Battle: Give a target opposed Personality +2F. Negate his bowing or movement during the current Combat Segment.
Impeccable Nobility
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Impeccable Nobility (Spain)

Political Limited: If you have higher Family Honor than each other player, target your honorable Personality: Take the Imperial Favor. Battle: Discard the Imperial Favor: Bow a target Personality.
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Hold! (Spanish)

Reaction: Before another player’s action's resolution, target your unbowed Commander at the current battlefield: Negate the bowing or movement of one of your Personalities at the current battlefield from that action.
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Hitsu-Do (Spanish)

Fire • Kiho Battle: Bow and destroy your target Shugenja or Monk: Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without Followers, in a unit whose Personality’s Chi is less than or equal to your Shugenja or Monk’s Chi.
Hidden Scandal
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L5R Singles

Hidden Scandal (Spanish)

Political Open: From now until the turn ends, after a player gains 5 total Honor from his own card effects, negate his further gains from such effects, and after he loses 5 total Honor from other players’ card effects, negate his further losses from such effects.
Heroic Feat
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Heroic Feat (Spanish)

Heroic Battle: Target your opposed unit: Straighten all attachments in it. If its Personality is a Hero, straighten him.
Hand of Osano-Wo
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Hand of Osano-Wo (Spanish)

Thunder • Kiho Battle: Target your unbowed Monk, and bow him unless he is Tattooed: Destroy a target enemy attachment. If its Personality now has no Followers, you may make a Ranged 3 Attack targeting him.
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L5R Singles

Hamstrung (Spanish)

Focus Effect: Lower this card's Focus Value by an amount from 0 to 4: Gain Honor equal to the amount it was lowered by. Reaction: Before the resolution of an action: Choose a Personality. Negate his movement into attacking armies from the action.
Fury of the Dark Lord
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Fury of the Dark Lord (Spanish)

Limited: Destroy each non-Shadowlands Personality with a base Gold Cost less than or equal to his controller’s Stronghold’s Gold Production plus 2. Remove all Personalities in discard piles from the game.
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Forewarning (Spanish)

Reaction: Before an Event resolves: Its effects do not happen. Battle: Target your Personality: Destroy a target Terrain.
Flanked by Nightmares
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Flanked by Nightmares (Spanish)

Battle: If your current army has more units than the current enemy army, bow your target Shadowlands Personality: The enemy leader targets and destroys a Personality in his current army.
Final Sacrifice
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L5R Singles

Final Sacrifice (Spanish)

Reaction: When an action would target a Personality you control, target your Yojimbo: The action targets him instead, if legal.
Fight As One
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Fight As One (Spanish)

Battle/Open: Bow your target Follower: Straighten its Personality. Battle/Open: Straighten all your Yojimbo cards.
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