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Mystic Ground
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L5R Singles

Mystic Ground

Singular You must bow one of your Monks or Shugenja as an additional cost of playing Mystic Ground. Reaction: Before this Province is destroyed, destroy Mystic Ground to negate the Province's destruction.
Hiruma Castle
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Castle

Unique While this card is in play, your Personalities and Followers have a 1F bonus while facing one or more opposing Shadowlands cards in a battle. If this Province is destroyed in battle, all Shadowlands Personalities and Followers in the attacking army gain a permanent 1F bonus.
Black Finger River
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L5R Singles

Black Finger River

Whenever a player reveals a Personality in this Province, the Personality permanently gains the Shadowlands trait.
Aka Mizu-umi
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Aka Mizu-umi

Any Event that is about to destroy this Province has all of its effects negated. The Event is still considered to have been resolved.
700 Soldier Plain
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700 Soldier Plain

Singular Battle: Twice per battle, bow one of your defending units to force the Attacker to bow two attacking Personalities and/or Followers.
Unscalable Walls
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L5R Singles

Unscalable Walls

Fortification This Province gains +4 Strength while Unscalable Walls are attached.
The Shinjo Stockades
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L5R Singles

The Shinjo Stockades

May remain bowed. Limited: Bow the stockades and one of your Personalites to imprison a dishonored Personality. The prisoner is bowed and cannot straighten until he is released. The prisoner is released and immediately straightened if he is restored to honorable status, if the stockades straighten, or if his controller pays gold equal to twice his gold...
The Edge of Shinomen Forest
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L5R Singles

The Edge of Shinomen Forest

Fortification Battle: The Attacker must bow one attacking Personality, or an ally (offensive or defensive) must bow one of his or her Personalities; you choose. Shuffle the Edge of Shinomen Forest back into your deck.
River Bridge of Kaiu
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River Bridge of Kaiu

Fortification Units may not move into this battle after the maneuvers segment of the Battle phase.
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L5R Singles


Retainer Open: This action does not produce any effects, but does count as performing an action. You may take this action once per action phase or segment.
Otaku Kamoko Exp3
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L5R Singles

Otaku Kamoko Exp3

Unicorn Clan Samurai. Double Chi. Cavalry. Experienced 3 Will only attach Cavalry Followers. Limited: Bow to challenge a Kolat to a duel that cannot be refused. Reaction: Bow to destroy a Personality with a lower Chi that was just assigned or moved into a battle at which Kamoko is present.
Ginawa Exp2
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L5R Singles

Ginawa Exp2

Unaligned Samurai. Unique. Experienced 2. Toturi's Army Ginawa gains a 4C bonus when dueling ninja. May attach a bloodsword without cost. Reaction: Bow Ginawa when another Personality is about to cause an honor loss to a player other than the Personality's controller. Ginawa challenges that personality to a duel that cannot be refused. If Ginawa wins the...
Kage Exp3
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L5R Singles

Kage Exp3

Unaligned Kolat Master. Experienced 3. Unique. Tactician Limited: Bow Kage and target a Personality in play of whom you have a face-up copy in one of your Provinces. The target Personality is discarded from play, and your copy of the Personality enters play with all costs and requirements waived.
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Blind Prophetess. Shugenja. Unique Reaction: Immediately after Itako performs a kiho, place it face down under her instead of in your discard pile. During a future discard phase instead of drawing a card from your deck, you may take the kiho from under itako and place it in your hand. You may only do this once per kiho card.
Shiba Tetsu Exp
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L5R Singles

Shiba Tetsu Exp

Phoenix Clan Samurai. Experienced. Unique Battle: Target a Shugenja you control to give Tetsu a Force bonus equal to the Shugenja's Chi. You can do this once per battle.
Shiba Gensui
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L5R Singles

Shiba Gensui

Phoenix Clan Samurai Battle: Once per turn, move Gensui into an army that contains a Shugenja you control.
Isawa Norikazu Exp
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L5R Singles

Isawa Norikazu Exp

Phoenix Clan Seer. Shugenja. Experienced. Unique Reaction: Immediately after an event is revealed and before it is resolved, destroy Norikazu to destroy the event, which is discarded without effect.
Shosuro Exp
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Exp

Unaligned. Experienced Ninja Shapeshifter. Unique Followers must be Ninja. Shosuro will join the Scorpion Clan for 2 less Gold. Reaction: If Shosuro is in an attacking army that destroys a Province containing a Personality, that Personality enters play under our control. Ignore all costs and requirements. This Personality gains the Ninja trait permanently...
Goju Adorai
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L5R Singles

Goju Adorai

Unaligned Ninja Shugenja. Unique Followers must be Ninja. Adorai will only join the Ninja. Another player cannot target Adorai with actions unless Adorai has targeted that player or his cards since that player's last End Phase.
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Ninja Followers must be Ninja. This unit cannot be targeted by ranged attacks. Battle: Send this unit home from the current battle, even if Chochu is bowed. If unbowed, Chochu does not bow. Reaction: Remove chochu from the current duel instead of focusing. The duel ends without resolution.
The Daini Exp2
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L5R Singles

The Daini Exp2

Naga Liason. Samurai. Toturi's Army. Unique. Experienced 2. Murumoto Daini. Human Reaction: Reduce the cost by two of a human Personality of Follower you are bringing into play if you are a Naga player. This does not bow The Daini, but can only be done once per card you are bringing into play.
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L5R Singles


Naga Astrologer Limited: Bow Malekish to look at the top cards of your Fate or Dynasty deck. You may look at a number of cards up to Malekish's Chi. Rearrange the cards in any order you wish and return them to the top of your deck.
Eshru Exp
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L5R Singles

Eshru Exp

Naga Slayer. Experienced. Unique May attach crystal items for free. Battle: Bow for a ranged 4 attack against any Tattooed card. Battle: Bow to challenge an opposing Tattooed Personality to a duel that cannot be refused.
Takao Exp
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L5R Singles

Takao Exp

Unaligned Monk. Experienced. Unique Acolyte of Fire Reaction: Bow Takao when he is entering a duel. Both Takao and his opponent in this duel are destroyed.
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