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Ravenous Podlings  - Creature. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor.You must remove a destroyed (not discarded) Personality in your discard
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Ravenous Podlings

Creature. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor.You must remove a destroyed (not discarded) Personality in your discard pile from the game as a cost of bringing Ravenous Podlings into play.
Ogre Hag  - Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Ogre Hag has a Force bonus equal to the highest printed non-variable Fear effect
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L5R Singles

Ogre Hag

Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Ogre Hag has a Force bonus equal to the highest printed non-variable Fear effect in her army.
Lesser Shrine  - Destroy Lesser Shrine if you ever control a Shadowlands card or if you take an action that causes you an Honor
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Lesser Shrine

Destroy Lesser Shrine if you ever control a Shadowlands card or if you take an action that causes you an Honor loss, even if the loss is modified. Bow Lesser Shrine to produce 2 Gold. Limited: If your Family Honor is below 10, bow Lesser Shrine to gain 2 Honor. 
Kisada's Shrine  - Unique Reaction: Bow Kisada's Shrine after one of your Samurai Personalities with Yu is destroyed to return t
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Kisada's Shrine

Unique Reaction: Bow Kisada's Shrine after one of your Samurai Personalities with Yu is destroyed to return that Personality to play, bowed, in your home, ignoring all costs and restrictions. 
Hida Advisor  - Retainer Bow Hida Advisor to produce 1 Gold.Open: Bow Hida Advisor during any player's Action Phase to move one
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Hida Advisor

Retainer Bow Hida Advisor to produce 1 Gold.Open: Bow Hida Advisor during any player's Action Phase to move one of your Followers from one of your unbowed Personalities to another. 
Garen  - Shadowlands. Undead. Naval Lose 4 Honor. Garen has +1 Personal Honor for purposes of attaching Human Followers. Human F
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Shadowlands. Undead. Naval Lose 4 Honor. Garen has +1 Personal Honor for purposes of attaching Human Followers. Human Followers gain the Undead and Shadowlands traits while attached to Garen.
Shosuro Yudoka Exp  - Open: Give target Personality a 1F/1C bonus until the end of the turn.
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Shosuro Yudoka Exp

Open: Give target Personality a 1F/1C bonus until the end of the turn.
Agasha Chieh  - Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Magistrate Chieh is also considered a member of every family that has members in your Fac
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Agasha Chieh

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Magistrate Chieh is also considered a member of every family that has members in your Faction.
Yoritomo Kumiko  - Mantis Clan Samurai. Daughter of Storms. Naval. Shadowlands. Unique Kumiko gains +1F/+1C for every Weapon and
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Yoritomo Kumiko

Mantis Clan Samurai. Daughter of Storms. Naval. Shadowlands. Unique Kumiko gains +1F/+1C for every Weapon and every Naval Follower in her unit.
Moshi Jukio  - Mantis Clan Shugenja. Seer. Unique Reaction: Bow Jukio before one of your Events resolves to replace it with anot
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Moshi Jukio

Mantis Clan Shugenja. Seer. Unique Reaction: Bow Jukio before one of your Events resolves to replace it with another face-up Dynasty card and shuffle the Event back into your deck.If the new card is an Event, it resolves immediately.?Wakiza? had a daughter?? 
Akodo Yobi  - Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician Tactical Reaction: After playing a Terrain from your hand, draw a card. Yobi does not
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Akodo Yobi

Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician Tactical Reaction: After playing a Terrain from your hand, draw a card. Yobi does not need to be in the battle to use this ability.
Kozue  - Crane Clan Sensei. Kenku. Creature You may bow one of your Human Personalities with more than 4 Chi to waive Kozue's Go
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Crane Clan Sensei. Kenku. Creature You may bow one of your Human Personalities with more than 4 Chi to waive Kozue's Gold cost. Kozue may remain bowed.Limited: Bow Kozue to give a Samurai Personality Double Chi while Kozue remains bowed and in play.?Master, how can I avoid this fate???Follow me, Yasuyo, and I shall teach you.?
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