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Twenty-Seven Days of Darkness  - Until the beginning of your turn two turns from now, lower to 3 the Gold Production of each Hol
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L5R Singles

Twenty-Seven Days of Darkness

Until the beginning of your turn two turns from now, lower to 3 the Gold Production of each Holding in play with over 3 Gold Production and negate the effects of Holdings that pay full Gold cost, reduce Gold cost to 0, or bring cards into play without Gold cost
Troll Raiders  - The first time this Event resolves, shuffle it back into your deck. Until it resolves a second time, no other E
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L5R Singles

Troll Raiders

The first time this Event resolves, shuffle it back into your deck. Until it resolves a second time, no other Events resolve.
Recovering the True Tao  - Each player may get from his or her discard pile an Elemental Ring that has been in play this game an
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L5R Singles

Recovering the True Tao

Each player may get from his or her discard pile an Elemental Ring that has been in play this game and return it to play.
Calm Winds  - For the rest of the game, negate all card effects that bow cards, other than effects from cards controlled or play
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L5R Singles

Calm Winds

For the rest of the game, negate all card effects that bow cards, other than effects from cards controlled or played by the bowing cards' controller. This does not affect cards bowed during the attack phase.
Bitter Destiny  - Bow all tattooed cards in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, tattooed cards cannot take actions.
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L5R Singles

Bitter Destiny

Bow all tattooed cards in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, tattooed cards cannot take actions.
Shiryo no Kaze  - Dragon Clan Ancestor. Monk Clan Ancestor. Unique If Shiryo no Kaze's Personality has no Weapons attached, the
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L5R Singles

Shiryo no Kaze

Dragon Clan Ancestor. Monk Clan Ancestor. Unique If Shiryo no Kaze's Personality has no Weapons attached, the Personality gains +1F/+2C while facing one or more Personalities with Weapons attached in a battle or duel.
Woodland Reserves  - Battle: Bow one of your forests. Move one of your units from one battle to another.
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L5R Singles

Woodland Reserves

Battle: Bow one of your forests. Move one of your units from one battle to another.
Summoning the Moon  - Unique Limited: Bow one of your Personalities. The Personality cannot straighten until your Straighten Pha
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L5R Singles

Summoning the Moon

Unique Limited: Bow one of your Personalities. The Personality cannot straighten until your Straighten Phase three turns from now. While the Personality is bowed, each other Personality in play gains the ability "Limited: Issue an unrefusable challenge to the Personality bowed by Summoning the Moon." When the Personality next straightens, he or she...
Dead Eyes  - This card costs 0 Gold when targeting a Crab Personality. Limited: Target one of your Personalities. Lower the Pers
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L5R Singles

Dead Eyes

This card costs 0 Gold when targeting a Crab Personality. Limited: Target one of your Personalities. Lower the Personality's Personal Honor to 0. The personality permanently gains the Berserk trait and the ability "Battle: Once per turn, this Personality gains +3F. Destroy this Personality immediately after this battle unless his or her army has at least...
Bloodspeaker's Deal  - Open: Bow one of your Bloodspeaker Personalities. Bow a Personality in play.
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L5R Singles

Bloodspeaker's Deal

Open: Bow one of your Bloodspeaker Personalities. Bow a Personality in play.
Vengeful Kami  - Nonhuman. Spirit Reaction: Bow Vengeful Kami after a human Personality performs a Maho or Shadowlands action to
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L5R Singles

Vengeful Kami

Nonhuman. Spirit Reaction: Bow Vengeful Kami after a human Personality performs a Maho or Shadowlands action to bow that Personality.
Toturi's Grave  - Unique. This card does not count against the number of Regions a Province can attach. Battle: Even during batt
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L5R Singles

Toturi's Grave

Unique. This card does not count against the number of Regions a Province can attach. Battle: Even during battles at other locations, bow this card and remove it from the game: Give each Follower you control +2F.
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