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Seductive Kansen  - Nonhuman Maho Reaction: When attaching a Spell to this Personality, bow Seductive Kansen to reduce its Gold
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Seductive Kansen

Nonhuman Maho Reaction: When attaching a Spell to this Personality, bow Seductive Kansen to reduce its Gold cost by 3 to a minimum of 1. Reveal and discard your top Fate card. If the Focus value is greater than 3, permanently give this Personality the Shadowlands trait if he or she does not have it, otherwise destroy this Personality.
Ravenous Podlings  - Creature. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor.You must remove a destroyed (not discarded) Personality in your discard
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Ravenous Podlings

Creature. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor.You must remove a destroyed (not discarded) Personality in your discard pile from the game as a cost of bringing Ravenous Podlings into play.
Ogre Hag  - Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Ogre Hag has a Force bonus equal to the highest printed non-variable Fear effect
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Ogre Hag

Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Ogre Hag has a Force bonus equal to the highest printed non-variable Fear effect in her army.
Lesser Shrine  - Destroy Lesser Shrine if you ever control a Shadowlands card or if you take an action that causes you an Honor
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Lesser Shrine

Destroy Lesser Shrine if you ever control a Shadowlands card or if you take an action that causes you an Honor loss, even if the loss is modified. Bow Lesser Shrine to produce 2 Gold. Limited: If your Family Honor is below 10, bow Lesser Shrine to gain 2 Honor. 
Kisada's Shrine  - Unique Reaction: Bow Kisada's Shrine after one of your Samurai Personalities with Yu is destroyed to return t
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Kisada's Shrine

Unique Reaction: Bow Kisada's Shrine after one of your Samurai Personalities with Yu is destroyed to return that Personality to play, bowed, in your home, ignoring all costs and restrictions. 
Hida Advisor  - Retainer Bow Hida Advisor to produce 1 Gold.Open: Bow Hida Advisor during any player's Action Phase to move one
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Hida Advisor

Retainer Bow Hida Advisor to produce 1 Gold.Open: Bow Hida Advisor during any player's Action Phase to move one of your Followers from one of your unbowed Personalities to another. 
Garen  - Shadowlands. Undead. Naval Lose 4 Honor. Garen has +1 Personal Honor for purposes of attaching Human Followers. Human F
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Shadowlands. Undead. Naval Lose 4 Honor. Garen has +1 Personal Honor for purposes of attaching Human Followers. Human Followers gain the Undead and Shadowlands traits while attached to Garen.
Shosuro Yudoka Exp  - Open: Give target Personality a 1F/1C bonus until the end of the turn.
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Shosuro Yudoka Exp

Open: Give target Personality a 1F/1C bonus until the end of the turn.
Agasha Chieh  - Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Magistrate Chieh is also considered a member of every family that has members in your Fac
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Agasha Chieh

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Magistrate Chieh is also considered a member of every family that has members in your Faction.
Yoritomo Kumiko  - Mantis Clan Samurai. Daughter of Storms. Naval. Shadowlands. Unique Kumiko gains +1F/+1C for every Weapon and
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Yoritomo Kumiko

Mantis Clan Samurai. Daughter of Storms. Naval. Shadowlands. Unique Kumiko gains +1F/+1C for every Weapon and every Naval Follower in her unit.
Moshi Jukio  - Mantis Clan Shugenja. Seer. Unique Reaction: Bow Jukio before one of your Events resolves to replace it with anot
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Moshi Jukio

Mantis Clan Shugenja. Seer. Unique Reaction: Bow Jukio before one of your Events resolves to replace it with another face-up Dynasty card and shuffle the Event back into your deck.If the new card is an Event, it resolves immediately.?Wakiza? had a daughter?? 
Akodo Yobi  - Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician Tactical Reaction: After playing a Terrain from your hand, draw a card. Yobi does not
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Akodo Yobi

Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician Tactical Reaction: After playing a Terrain from your hand, draw a card. Yobi does not need to be in the battle to use this ability.
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