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Hiroshi's Legion
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L5R Singles

Hiroshi's Legion

Unique Will only attach to a Tactician. Battle/Open: If this card is in your hand or discard pile: Attach it to your target Personality.
Undying Warriors
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L5R Singles

Undying Warriors (Spanish)

Shadowlands • Undead After this card enters play: Lose 4 Honor.Fear Battle: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments.Limited: If this card is in your discard pile: Attach it to your target Personality.
Rekai's Yumi
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Rekai's Yumi

Weapon • Unique Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, bow this card: Move this Personality there. If he moved, Ranged 4 Attack.
Yagimaki's Fist
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Yagimaki's Fist

Weapon • Unique Battle: Destroy a target enemy card with lower Gold Cost than this card and no attachments.
Dove Tattoo
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Dove Tattoo (Spanish)

Political • Tattoo • Kiho Open: Choose your performing unbowed Tattooed Personality: You show the elegance of the Dove Tattoo. Gain 5 Honor. Take the Imperial Favor. Permanently increase the Family Honor required for an Honor Victory by 5 for all players.
Distractions in Court
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Distractions in Court

Political Reaction: After another player’s action is announced, bow your performing Courtier or Magistrate: Reduce all Honor losses by 5 until the action ends. Open: Discard the Imperial Favor: Bow a target Personality.
Fearless Defense
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Fearless Defense

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and bow all unbowed cards in his unit: Bow a target enemy Personality. Destroy him if his unit’s total Gold Cost is lower than your Personality’s unit’s total Gold Cost.
Fire on My Command
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Fire on My Command

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Commander and your performing Follower: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the Follower’s Force +2.
Stay Put
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Stay Put (Spanish)

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Kensai: You may attach a Weapon to him from your hand, paying 4 less Gold if he is defending. Bow a target enemy card without attached Weapons or Armor.
Startling Attack
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L5R Singles

Startling Attack

Iaijutsu Reaction: After another player’s Personality enters play, if it is not the Dynasty Phase, choose your performing unbowed Duelist or Samurai: He challenges the Personality. Destroy the duel’s loser.
Sudden Strike
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Sudden Strike

Kiho Open: Bow your performing Monk without Weapons: Bow a target Personality with equal or lower Chi.
Sullied Gift
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Sullied Gift

Open: Bow your performing Artisan Personality: Bow a target Personality.
Travel Light
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Travel Light

Reaction: After a Celestial is revealed in a province: Shuffle it into its owner’s deck. Battle: Straighten your target Personality. Draw a card if he has two or fewer keywords.
Seppun Heavy Elite
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Seppun Heavy Elite

Elite • Imperial This Personality contributes his Force to his army's total Force even if bowed.
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Farm • Singular Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Create a 1F/1C/1PH Personality with your Clan alignment.
Void Dragon's Guidance
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L5R Singles

Void Dragon's Guidance

Void • Dragon • Unique. After this card enters play: You may put the Ring of the Void from your discard pile into your hand. Battle/Open: Discard this card: Look at the top 5 cards of any Fate deck. Put them back in any order. If you control the Ring of the Void, draw a card
Hida Tenshi
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L5R Singles

Hida Tenshi

Crab Clan • Samurai Battle: Bow Tenshi: Reduce the Force of a target enemy Personality or Follower by an amount equal to Tenshi’s Force.
Akodo Kuma
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Akodo Kuma

Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander Limited: Discard Kuma from your province and pay 3 Gold: Create a 2F Follower and attach it to your target Lion Clan Personality.
Matsu Nishijo
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L5R Singles

Matsu Nishijo

Lion Clan • Samurai • Justicar • Paragon Nishijo has +2F while attacking.Battle: Give a target enemy Follower or Personality a Force penalty equal to Nishijo’s Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor.
Bayushi Eiyu
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Eiyu

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Bitter Lies Battle: Show the top card of your Fate deck: Target an enemy Personality. If the card’s Focus Value is odd, or lower than the Focus Value of one of Eiyu’s Weapons, move the Personality home.
Bayushi Keirei
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Keirei

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • Acrobat Battle: If Keirei is at the current battlefield: Move him to an adjacent battlefield. You may target and give a -1F Poison token to a Personality at the current battlefield or at Keirei’s new battlefield.
Shosuro Orikasa
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Orikasa

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Samurai Reaction: Even if Orikasa is bowed, after the resolution of one of your Political actions: Straighten Orikasa.
Yogo Rieko Exp
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Yogo Rieko Exp

Scorpion Clan • Air • Shugenja • Ninja • Kuroiban • Experienced • Unique. Battle/Open: Transfer a Poison token from a target Personality to another target Personality. Battle/Open: Even if Rieko is bowed: Straighten a target Personality
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L5R Singles


Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • Monk • Kensai After Ao-bozu enters play: Lose 4 Honor, create a +1F Weapon Item, and attach it to Ao-bozu.Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with fewer attachments than Ao-bozu.
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