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Ring of Fire
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L5R Singles

Ring of Fire

Fire • Unique Focus Effect: You may give this card -2 Focus Value. If you do, after this duel ends, put this card into play if you won this duel during a battle. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, and destroy your target Personality: Destroy a target enemy Personality with lower Chi.
Lavish Gift
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L5R Singles

Lavish Gift

Political · Winter Open: If it is not your turn: Target another player. You give him a lavish gift. He gains the ability, "Reaction: When paying a Gold cost: Produce 1 to 10 Gold. All other players gain Honor equal to the amount of Gold this produced." Gain 1 Honor.
The Elements Align
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L5R Singles

The Elements Align

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell: Put a Ring into play from your hand. If the performing Shugenja and the Ring share an element keyword, straighten the Shugenja.
Consumed by Five Fires
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L5R Singles

Consumed by Five Fires

Fire Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target enemy unit with fewer cards than this unit.
Heavenly Daisho of the Dragon
L5R Singles

Heavenly Daisho of the Dragon

Weapon • Unique Will only attach to a Dragon Clan Personality. Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, after an action resolves which this Personality performed: Straighten this unit.
Heavenly Blade of the Crane
L5R Singles

Heavenly Blade of the Crane

Weapon • Unique Will only attach to a Crane Clan Personality. Open: Bow this card: Target another player with one or more unbowed Personalities. He may choose to bow one of them. If he did not bow a Personality, gain 2 Honor.
Taoist Archer
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L5R Singles

Taoist Archer

Reaction: After this card enters play:Draw a card. Battle: Ranged 5 Attack.
Tactical Advisors
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Tactical Advisors

Battle: Once per battle, if this unit is opposed, discard a card: The enemy leader discards a card at random. Raise this Personality’s Force by the Focus Value of the enemy leader's discarded card.
Battle Maiden Troop
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L5R Singles

Battle Maiden Troop

Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: The enemy leader chooses to either have you gain 3 Honor or to have you give each Battle Maiden in this army +1F.
We Stand Ready
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L5R Singles

We Stand Ready

Recon Limited: Target your Scout, and bow him if he is not Crab Clan: Target a province. After each time one of your units assigns to its battlefield this turn, create a 0F Follower card and attach it its Personality.
Toturi's Tactics
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L5R Singles

Toturi's Tactics

Reaction: After the resolution of a Battle action on a Strategy you played, target your Tactician: The card is placed on top of your Fate deck instead of in the discard pile.
The Last One
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L5R Singles

The Last One

Open: Target your Personality: Destroy all of your other Personalities. If this destroyed at least four Personalities, permanently give your targeted Personality +4F, and until the end of the game, negate effects of other player's actions that bow, dishonor, move, or destroy him.
Souls of Virtue
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L5R Singles

Souls of Virtue

Battle: Target your Paragon who has performed a Bushido Virtue or Dark Virtue action this turn: Give him +3F and straighten him.
Settling the Homeless
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L5R Singles

Settling the Homeless

Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move a target Personality without Followers home.
Know Your Center
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L5R Singles

Know Your Center

Battle: Target your unbowed Personality with 3 or higher Chi: Destroy a target Terrain. Battle: Move your target unit at a battlefield to a battlefield where there are enemy units
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L5R Singles

Insight (Spanish)

Dark Virtue Battle: Target your Samurai: Look at the top 3 cards of any Fate deck. You may rearrange them. You may take an additional Battle action to play one of them that is a Battle Strategy.
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L5R Singles


Reaction: Before another player’s action's resolution, target your unbowed Commander at the current battlefield: Negate the bowing or movement of one of your Personalities at the current battlefield from that action.
Flanked by Nightmares
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L5R Singles

Flanked by Nightmares

Battle: If your current army has more units than the current enemy army, bow your target Shadowlands Personality: The enemy leader targets and destroys a Personality in his current army.
Fight As One
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L5R Singles

Fight As One

Battle/Open: Bow your target Follower: Straighten its Personality. Battle/Open: Straighten all your Yojimbo cards.
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L5R Singles


Limited: Target your unbowed Personality: Create a battlefield (not at any province). Assign your Personality's unit to attack there. Assign another player’s target unit to defend there, even if its Personality is bowed. Other units will not move there. Fight a battle there (after this action's resolution). After the battle ends, lose 5 Honor.
Aggressive Landing
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L5R Singles

Aggressive Landing

Battle: Target your Naval Personality: Give him +1F. You may take an additional Battle action.
A Warrior's Patience
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L5R Singles

A Warrior's Patience

Bushido Virtue This card can only be played from your discard pile. Reaction: Before your End Phase begins, if you control a Samurai with 4 or more Personal Honor or a Paragon: Put this card in your hand.
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L5R Singles


Farm • Singular Limited: Pay 2 Gold: Create a 1F Follower and attach to your target personality.
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L5R Singles


Ronin • Samurai • Duelist • Kensai • Tactician • Hero
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