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Daimyo's Blade
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L5R Singles

Daimyo's Blade

Weapon • Unique. Attaches to a Clan Champion or Unique Daimyo paying 3 less Gold. Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target enemy item.
Brisk Economy
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Brisk Economy

Open: If you have an Item in your hand:Attach it to one of your target Personalities,reducing its Gold Cost by the Personality’sbase Force until it attaches. If this attached aWeapon to a Kensai personality, draw a card.
Akasha Exp2
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Akasha Exp2

Unicorn Clan • Shugenja • Cavalry • Duelist Tactician • Naga • Experienced 2 • Unique (Akasha is Human.) Your Naga Personalities in an army with both Akasha and Moto Chen have +4F. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack.
Isawa Kokuten
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Isawa Kokuten

Phoenix Clan • Shugenja • Duelist • Fire Fire Battle: Bow Kokuten: Ranged 4 Attack.
Yoritomo Kazuma
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Yoritomo Kazuma

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • Naval Battle: Dishonor a target enemy Personality with Personal Honor less than Kazuma’s Chi.
Mirumoto Agito
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Mirumoto Agito

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Battle: Dishonor a target enemy Personality with Personal Honor less than Agito’s Chi.
Unbroken Blade Style FOIL
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Unbroken Blade Style FOIL

Focus Effect: If your Personality in this duel is Crab Clan: Set the Focus Value of this card to 5 or his Force, whichever is lower. Battle: Target one of your unbowed Crab Clan Samurai or Berserker Personalities: Target an enemy Personality with lower Fo
Tsuruchi Amaya FOIL
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Tsuruchi Amaya FOIL

Mantis Clan · Samurai. Battle: Bow Amaya: Ranged 4 Attack. Bow the Ranged Attack's target if it is still in play.
The Rashana FOIL (Spanish Language)
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L5R Singles

The Rashana FOIL (Spanish Language)

Dragon Clan · Naga · Greensnake · Nonhuman Reaction: After you bring a non-Shadowlands Nonhuman Personality into play (including The Rashana): Permanently give The Rashana either +2F, Samurai, Monk or Cavalry
Houritsu Mura (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Houritsu Mura (Spanish)

Personalities opposing one or more of your Magistrates have -1PH. Battle: Bow one of your target Personalities: Move home a target Personality opposing him with lower Personal Honor than your Personality's Chi.
Utaku Saber
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L5R Singles

Utaku Saber

Weapon. Reaction: After the first time each turn this card enters play: You may rehonor this Personality. If you do not choose to rehonor him, gain 1 Honor; this gain does not rehonor him if he is dishonourable.
Blade of the Kansen
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L5R Singles

Blade of the Kansen

Weapon · Shadowlands · Spirit This personality has Shadowlands. After the first time each turn this Item is destroyed: Draw a card. Reaction: After another player resolves an action with an Honor loss as one of its base effects (even if the loss does not
Unseen Assailant
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L5R Singles

Unseen Assailant (Spanish Language)

Ninja Battle: Bow one of your target Ninjas: Ranged 3 Attack. If the Ranged Attack targete a Personality, you may compare it against his Chi instead of Force.
Unexpected Reinforcements
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Unexpected Reinforcements

Tactical Battle: Target one of your Tacticians: Create three 1F/1C/1PH Samurai Personalities with your Clan alignment at the current battlefield. Remove them from the game after the battle ends
Silent Movements
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L5R Singles

Silent Movements

Ninja Battle: Target one of your unbowed Ninja Personalities: If he has no non-Ninja Followers, you may move him to another location. Yu may then give a target Personality at your Ninja's location -3F/-1C, even if not at the current battlefield.
Mysterious Deaths
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L5R Singles

Mysterious Deaths

Unique. Kolat Limited: Lose 4 Honor. Destroy each player's lowest Gold Cost unit. If any player has more than one unit tied for lowest Gold Cost, he chooses which one of his units is destroyed. Remove this card from the game.
Falling Leaf Strike
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L5R Singles

Falling Leaf Strike

Kiho Battle: Target one of your unbowed Monks: Give a target enemy personality or Follower at the current battlefield -3F. Bow the enemy target if its Force is now 0. Move your monk to the current battlefield.
Goju Ryuu
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L5R Singles

Goju Ryuu

Spider Clan · Ninja · Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Target a Personality or Follower opposing Ryuu. Set Ryuu's Force to the target's Force. Reduce the target's Force by 4.
Bayushi Arunsa
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Arunsa

Scorpion Clan · Samurai · Magistrate · Duelist. Battle: Move home a target dishonorable enemy Personality. If he moved, bow him.
Hiruma Aya
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Hiruma Aya

Crab Clan · Samurai · Scout. Recon Limited: Target a province. Your Personalities can assign to its battlefield during Cavalry Maneuvers this turn
Wrath of Osano-Wo FOIL
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Wrath of Osano-Wo FOIL

Kiho Air Battle: Bow one of your target Shugenja or Monks: Ranged Attack with strength equal to his Chi.
Block Supply Lines FOIL
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Block Supply Lines FOIL

Battle : Move a target attacking unit home. If it moved, bow it.
Arrows from the Woods FOIL
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Arrows from the Woods FOIL

Battle : Ranged 2 Attack.Reaction : After you target another player's card with a Ranged Attack: Increase that Ranged Attack's strength by 2.
A Test of Courage FOIL
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A Test of Courage FOIL

Reaction : Before an action moves one of your target Personalities home from a battlefield: Negate the movement. You can not target the Personality with actions or bow him to pay costs (until the turn ends).
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