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Blade of Penance FOIL
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L5R Singles

Blade of Penance FOIL (Spanish)

Weapon · ShameswordDishonor this Personality when Blade of Penance enters play. Gain 4 Honor each time this Personality wins a duel while he has no Followers attached.
Speed of the Plains
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Speed of the Plains (Spanish)

Elemental Air Battle: Once per turn, without bowing this Shugenja, immediately take two additional consecutive Battle and/or Open actions. If this Shugenja has the Air trait, you may use this action if this Shugenja is not in the current battle.
City of Remembrance
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City of Remembrance

Unaligned Nonhuman and Phoenix Clan Nonhuman Shugenja you own cost 2 less Gold. Your Shugenja may not cast Kihos.Once per turn, one of your Shugenja need not bow to use one of his innate abilities. That Shugenja may not use innate abilities for the rest of the turn. 
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L5R Singles


Immediate TerrainBattle: Personalities in this battle may not be targeted by ranged attacks. Personalities with ranged attack actions that have not been used this battle gain +2F while at this battle. 
Inexorable March
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Inexorable March

Open: Straighten a Follower with the Yu trait.Battle: Straighten a card with the Yu trait. 
Frost Dragon Festival
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Frost Dragon Festival

Festival • UniqueLimited: Give all other players' non-Unique Holdings -1 Gold Production until your next turn begins.
Armed Rice Farmer
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Armed Rice Farmer

Ashigaru • Expendable (Draw a card after your Expendable card is destroyed.)
Mirumoto Tsuda
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Mirumoto Tsuda

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Duelist 
Bayushi Aibako
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Bayushi Aibako

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Bitter Lies • Conqueror 
Oracle of the Void Exp
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Oracle of the Void Exp

Void • Oracle • Retainer • Experienced • UniqueThis card cannot be destroyed.Limited, w: The next two cards in provinces you refill (this turn) may be refilled face-up.Limited, w: Draw a card.
Lantern of Revelation
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Lantern of Revelation

NemuranaiLimited: Look at the top card of one of your decks. You may put it at the bottom.
Sacred Temples
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Sacred Temples

TempleOther players' actions will not discard cards from your hand.Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold.
Family Sword
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Family Sword

WeaponOpen: Even if this card is bowed, target your Personality with the same Family Name as this Personality: Transfer this card to the target.
Seppun Barru
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Seppun Barru

Imperial • Samurai • CommanderBattle: Give your Followers in Barru's army +1F.
Strength of the Dragon
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Strength of the Dragon

Battle: Target a Dragon Clan Personality you control and a Personality opposing him, and bow a Ring you control: Your Personality challenges the other Personality. His controller may only refuse by discarding a Ring he controls.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Target a Shugenja you control with a Spell attached: He produces a Ranged 3 Attack. If there is a Naga in the Shugenja's army, this Ranged Attack may target a Personality even if he has Followers, or you may make it a Ranged 5 Attack instead.
Strength of Darkness
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Strength of Darkness

Battle: Target a Shadowlands Personality. He contributes Force to his army even while bowed.
A'ichtr'foo FOIL
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A'ichtr'foo FOIL

Ratling Matron. Crippled Bone Tribe. Creature Limited: Bow A'ichtr'foo to give one of your Personalities a 0F Ratling Creature Follower token. This token has 1f instead of 0F if you are a Ratling player.
Prophecies of Uikku
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Prophecies of Uikku

While the Prophecies are in play, you ad your cards are not affected by any Doom events. This has no effect on events that have already resolved. Reaction: This Personality gains a 2F/3C bonus until the end of your next turn when a Doom event resolves.
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L5R Singles


Political Reaction: Play when another player targets his personality with an action that causes an honor loss or dishonors the personality. That player must draw and discard a fate card. If the focus value is less than or equal to the Personality's printed honor, this Personality is discarded from play. That player loses honor equal to the Personality's...
Duty of the Magistrate
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Duty of the Magistrate

Limited: Target one of your human Personalities. Until the end of the game, this Personality may not be targeted with the Imperial Favor by another player.
Ratling Conscripts
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Ratling Conscripts

Ratling Pack. Creature Lose 1 Honor. Reaction: If Conscripts are on the winning side of a battle, place a 1F experience token on the Conscripts at the end of the resolution segment.
Small Farm
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Small Farm

Bow the Small Farm to produce 1 Gold.
Corrupt Geisha House
L5R Singles

Corrupt Geisha House

Holding. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor when brought into play. Bow and lose 1 Honor to produce 2 gold. If Corrupt Geisha House is controlled by a Scorpion Clan player, it produces 3 gold.
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