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Obi of Silence
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Obi of Silence (Spanish)

This Personality cannot issue challenges. Reaction: After this Personality is challenged, bow this card: Draw a card. Limited: If your Fate deck is empty, even if this card is in your discard pile: Shuffle your Fate discard pile into your deck
Ratling Archers
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L5R Singles

Ratling Archers

Ratling Pack · Creature. This card has +2F while attached to a Ratling. Battle: Ranged 2 Attack
Scouting Party
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Scouting Party

Scout. This card may perform Battle and Open abilities printed on any Follower in your discard pile as if they were on this card. The action has an additional cost of ?Bow this card? if it does not have that cost already
Corrupt Adjunct
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Corrupt Adjunct

After this card enters play, Dishonor this Personality and permanently give him the Shadowlands trait
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Battle: Target a unit you control at the current battlefield. You cannot target cards in the unit with actions until after the battle ends. Destroy the unit when the battle ends. If the unit is still at the battlefield at the beginning of the Resolution Segment, double the Force of the Personality and each Follower in the unit.
Tsuruchi Technique
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Technique

This card costs 1 less Gold for Mantis Clan players. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack targeting a legal Ranged Attack target in the current enemy army. Reaction: After a unit you control produces a Ranged Attack: Raise its strength by 3
Test of Honor
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L5R Singles

Test of Honor

Political Limited: Target a Human Personality. Discard the top card of his controller's Fate deck. If that card's Focus value is greater than the target's Personal Honor, Dishonor and destroy the target
Outmaneuvered by Tactics
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Outmaneuvered by Tactics

Tactical Battle: Target a Tactician you control at the current battlefield: Create two 2F/1C 2 Personal Honor Personalities aligned with your Faction at the current battlefield.
Show Me Your Stance
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L5R Singles

Show Me Your Stance

Iaijutsu Battle: Target a Human Personality you control: Target a Human Personality opposing him. Yours issues the other an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Personal Honor. The winner gains 2 Honor. Dishonor the loser and move him home bowed.
Return For Training
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Return For Training

Political Battle: Target a Human Personality at the current battlefield with the lowest Personal Honor, or who is tied for lowest, among all Human Personalities there. Move him home
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L5R Singles


When this card is revealed as a focus, target up to 2 cards in your Fate discard pile. Shuffle them into your deck. Remove this card from the game after the duel. Battle: Target and destroy an unbowed Samurai or Duelist you control at the current battlefield: Move home each Personality at the battlefield with a lower Gold cost than the target's
Timely Arrival
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Timely Arrival

Limited: Target one of your Provinces and a discarded Personality in your discard pile. Discard a card from the Province if necessary and fill it with the Personality. Open: Remove all Personalities in discard piles from the game
First and Final Strike
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L5R Singles

First and Final Strike

Battle: Target a Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him. Yours issues the other an unrefusable challenge. The winner's controller gains 3 Honor if the winner had less Chi than the loser before the first opportunity to focus or strike.
Peasant Riots
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L5R Singles

Peasant Riots

Heroic Open: Until the turn ends, Action cards announced by other players that target Yu Personalities you control have an additional cost of ?discard a card? to play.
Dark Lord's Favor
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L5R Singles

Dark Lord's Favor (Spanish)

Shadowlands · You can play only one Dark Lord's Favor per turn. You cannot play this card if another player has less Family Honor than you. Open: Target a Personality. Dishonor him. Lose 7 Honor. Limited: Target a player. He discards a card. Lose 7 Honor. Battle: Target a card. Reduce its Force to 0. Lose 7 Honor. Reaction: Before a player gains Honor:...
Contested Holding
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L5R Singles

Contested Holding

Limited: Target and bow a Personality you control: Target a Holding controlled by another player who controls a Personality. Your Personality issues a challenge that may be accepted by any Personality that player controls. If the player does not accept, or if he accepts and loses, bow the Holding and gain control of it. Do not destroy the other player's...
Battlefield of Shallow Graves
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L5R Singles

Battlefield of Shallow Graves

Immediate Terrain. Political Battle: If you are the Attacker or Defender: Until the battle ends double the enemy leader's Honor gains; destroying this card does not end this effect. When Delayed Terrains normally resolve, reduce the Force of each Personality in the enemy army to half his Force at that time, rounded up
Utaku Yanmei
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L5R Singles

Utaku Yanmei

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Battle Maiden · Cavalry · Junghar · Soul of Otaku Kamoko. Cannot attach Infantry Followers. Yanmei has +1F while attacking.
Utaku Suyin
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L5R Singles

Utaku Suyin

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Battle Maiden · Cavalry · Junghar. Reaction: After Suyin moves to the current battlefield: Target an opposing unit. Move it home
Shinjo Shuilong
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Shuilong

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Cavalry · Magistrate · Junghar · Soul of Shinjo Tashima. Shuilong has +2F/+2C while opposing, or in a duel against, a Human Personality with a Personal Honor of 0. Limited: Bow Shuilong: Target a Bandit, Pirate, or Unaligned Samurai. Shuilong issues him an unrefusable challenge
Thunder Dragon
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L5R Singles

Thunder Dragon

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Battle: Once per battle: Target an opposing Personality. Bow him.
Earth Dragon
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L5R Singles

Earth Dragon (Spanish)

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Battle: Until the turn ends, Earth Dragon has +5F while defending
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L5R Singles


Shugenja · Bloodspeaker · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor. After Shukumei enters play, target a Personality. (Shukumei must target himself if there are no other Personalities in play.) Permanently give the target ?1F/?1C. This is a Maho effect
Daigotsu Koshiro
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Koshiro

Samurai · Shadowlands · Soul of Moto Tsume · Lose 4 Honor. Will not join a player with more than 0 Family Honor. After the beginning of a Battle Action Segment of a battle Koshiro is in, bow all other Personalities in Koshiro's army with a Personal Honor greater than 0
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