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Battle Hardened
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L5R Singles

Battle Hardened

Reaction: After your army wins a battle, target one of your Personalities in that army. At the end of the turn, permanently give him the ability, "Reaction: Once per turn, after this Personality is in an army that wins a battle, give him -2C to straighten him."
Book of Air
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L5R Singles

Book of Air

Singular Elemental Battle: Bow this Personality or one of your Rings of Air to create a permanent 1F/1C Personality card under your control in the current battle.
Scouting Report
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Scouting Report

Open: Give the cavalry trait to all Scout Personalities and to all Followers attached to Scout Personalities.
Ikm'atch-tek FOIL
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Ikm'atch-tek FOIL

Ratling Champion . Shugenja . Creature Shaman . Unique Battle: Give a Ratling Personality a Force bonus equal to the number of destroyed Ratling Followers in your Fate discard pile, then remove one of those Followers from the game.  
Usagi Rangers
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L5R Singles

Usagi Rangers

Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Usagi Rangers gain +1F while you have a Terrain in play. Usagi Rangers gain +2F while another player has a Terrain in play.  
Hardy Infantry
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L5R Singles

Hardy Infantry

Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: Before this Personality is moved or destroyed while in a battle, move Hardy Infantry to one of your other Personalities in that battle.  
Shrine of Duty
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L5R Singles

Shrine of Duty

Singular Bow Shrine of Duty to produce 2 Gold. Political Reaction: During your End Phase, if you assigned at least two Samurai or Bushi to attack this turn, destroy Shrine of Duty to target a player. Until the beginning of your next turn, negate all Honor gains for that player other than those from winning a battle or duel.  
Legacy of My Ancestors
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L5R Singles

Legacy of My Ancestors (Spanish)

Bow Legacy of My Ancestors to produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Before one of your Personalities is destroyed, bow and destroy Legacy of My Ancestors to move any of that Personality's Spells, Followers, or Items to one of your other Personalities. If the Personality to be destroyed is in an army, the other Personality must be in that army.
A Favor Returned
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L5R Singles

A Favor Returned

Bow A Favor Returned to produce 2 Gold, or to produce 3 Gold if paying for a Holding. Open: If you have not yet begun a turn, bow your Stronghold to search your deck, then Provinces, for this card. Put the first A Favor Returned you find into play, bowed. It may not straighten before your third Straighten Phase. If you find none, you lose the game.  
Moto Gurban
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L5R Singles

Moto Gurban

Unicorn Clan Bushi . Cavalry Gurban gains +1F if she has an item. Reaction: Once per turn, when a Limited action targets one of you Personalities, cancel it. Permanently reduce Gurban's Personal Honor by the number of other Personalities you control. If her new Personal Honor is 0, Gurban commits seppuku. 
Shosuro Osamito
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Osamito

Scorpion Clan Samurai . Ninja Battle: Once per battle, bow Osamito or discard a card from your hand for a Ranged 3 Attack. 
Shosuro Mikado
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Shosuro Mikado

Scorpion Clan Courtier . Ninja . Mikado costs 2 less Gold if you control a Scorpion Clan Courtier. Political Reaction: Bow Mikado after you play a Political Action card to draw a card. Political Limited: Bow Mikado to look at the top three cards of your Fate deck. You may show one to all players and add it to your hand if it is a Political card. 
Naka Tokei Exp2
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L5R Singles

Naka Tokei Exp2

Unaligned Grand Master of the Elements . Air, Earth, Fire, Void, Water Shugenja . Experienced 2 . Unique Before bringing Naka Tokei into play you may waive his Honor Requirement, permanently give him the Shadowlands trait, and lose 5 Honor. Elemental Limited: Once per turn, straighten a card if Tokei does not have the Shadowlands trait, or bow a card if...
Shiba Aikune Exp2
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L5R Singles

Shiba Aikune Exp2

Phoenix Clan Samurai . Experienced 2 . Unique Open: Once per turn, target any number of your Shugenja to raise Aikune's Force and lower his Chi, or to raise his Chi and lower his Force, by that number. Open: Once per turn, bow one of your Shugenja to give Aikune Tactician, Double Chi, or Cavalry.  
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L5R Singles

Set'tchr'foo (Spanish)

Ratling Matron . Tattered Ear Tribe . Creature Battle: Shuffle Set'tchr'foo into your Dynasty deck to create a number of 0F Ratling Creature Follower tokens up to the highest Gold cost of any other Ratling card in your army. Attach these tokens any way you wish to Ratling Personalities in your army.
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L5R Singles


Ratling Champion . Shugenja . Creature Shaman . Unique Battle: Give a Ratling Personality a Force bonus equal to the number of destroyed Ratling Followers in your Fate discard pile, then remove one of those Followers from the game.  
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L5R Singles


Ratling Bushi . Crooked Tail Tribe . Creature Battle: Bow Er'chi-chek to destroy an opposing Follower with less Force than the number of Ratlings in this army. Battle: Bow Er'chi-chek to destroy an opposing Personality with no Followers and less Force than half the number of Ratlings in this army.  
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L5R Singles


Ratling Bushi . Crippled Bone Tribe . Creature Battle: Once per battle, give +1F to all your Ratling Personalities or to all your Ratling Followers.  
Tsuruchi Mochisa
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Mochisa

Mantis Clan Samurai . Magistrate Battle: Bow Mochisa for a Ranged 3 Attack, or for a Ranged 4 Attack if the target is a Personality with 0 Personal Honor. This ranged attack may target a Dishonored Personality even if he has Followers. 
Tamori Minoru
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L5R Singles

Tamori Minoru

Dragon Clan Earth Shugenja Reaction: After a Region is revealed but before it enters play, bow Minoru to switch that Region with a Dynasty card in one of the revealing players other Provinces. 
Senpet Scimitar
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L5R Singles

Senpet Scimitar

Weapon After attaching Senpet Scimitar from your hand, dishonor this Personality unless he is Unicorn clan or Scorpion Clan. Force bonuses this Personality recieves are increased by 1 while he is opposed. 
Mirumoto Daisho
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Daisho

Weapon Mirumoto Daisho gains +2F while attached to a Samurai or Bushi. After attaching Mirumoto Daisho from your hand, you may give this Personality a +1C Weapon Item token.  
Gleaming Wakizashi
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L5R Singles

Gleaming Wakizashi

Weapon . Unique Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: Bow Gleaming Wakizashi to draw a card after this Personality enters a duel.  
Summon Earth Kami
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L5R Singles

Summon Earth Kami

Elemental Earth Battle: Once per turn, bow this Shugenja to create a 1F/1C Personality card in the current battle, controlled by either the Attacker or the Defender and in that player's army. Remove that Personality from the game when the turns ends. You need not bow this Shugenja if he is an Earth Shugenja.  
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