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Silver Mine
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L5R Singles

Silver Mine

Mine. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Phoenix Clan player.
Sanctified Temple
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Sanctified Temple

Bow Sanctified Temple to produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow Sanctified Temple and pay 2 Gold to gain 2 Honor.
Pitch and Fire
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Pitch and Fire

Fortification Battle: If your opponent does not have Higher Ground in play, destroy Pitch and Fire for two consecutive Ranged 3 Attacks that target one unit. You can combine the ranged attacks, but other cards cannot raise the ranged attacks' stregth. If you have a Fort on a Hill at this Province, the ranged attacks each have 6 stregth.
Jade Works
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Jade Works

Bow the Jade Works to produce 3 Gold. Bow the Jade Works to produce 5 Gold when paying for a Jade card.
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L5R Singles


Bow the Forest to produce 1 Gold. Bow to produce 2 Gold if you are paying the gold cost for any nonhuman or creature Personalities or Followers. (Clarification: Both Personalities and Followers must have the Nonhuman or Creature trait for the extra gold.)
Copper Mine
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L5R Singles

Copper Mine

Mine. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Lion Clan player.
Ancestral Shrines of Otosan Uchi
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Ancestral Shrines of Otosan Uchi

Limited: Bow one of your Personalities to have him or her "meditate at at a shrine" and give him or her +1F/+2C until your next turn ends.
Moto Tsume
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Moto Tsume

Unaligned Undead Samurai. Nonhuman. Experienced 2. Unique. Shadowlands Lose 6 honor. Tsume will not enter play if your family honor is above 0. You cannot assign Tsume to the same battle as a unit with no Shadowlands cards, and vice versa. Open: Bow Tsume. Straighten a Shadowlands card. Battle: Once per turn, bow an opposing Unicorn personality.
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Hunter of Nagas Will not join Naga players or attach Naga Followers. The Hunter is +2F while there is a Naga in the opposing army, and has a 3C bonus in a duel against a Naga. (Errata: Is not a Naga card himself.)
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Samurai Open: Bow to straighten Bayushi Kachiko.
Daidoji Sembi
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Daidoji Sembi

Crane Clan Samurai.
Kaiu Utsu
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Kaiu Utsu

Crab Clan Siege Master May only attach Followers that can destroy a Fortification. Battle: Bow for a Ranged 2 Attack. Battle: Bow to reduce this Province strength by three until the end of this turn.
Scorpion Courtiers
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Scorpion Courtiers

A Scorpion Personality can attach the Scorpion Courtiers for 1 less Gold. Reaction: When a Political action targest the Scorpion Courtiers' Personality, bow the Scorpion Courtiers. Cancel the action.
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L5R Singles


Bow the Shipyard to produce 1 Gold. Bow the Shipyard to produce 4 Gold when bringing a Kobune, Naval, Port, or Sailor card into play.
Family Shrine
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L5R Singles

Family Shrine

When the Family Shrine enters play, target a player. Whenever the player resolves an Event, place a Shrine token on the Family Shrine. Whenever you resolve an Event, remove a Shrine token from the Family Shrine. Limited: Bow the Family Shrine. Gain Honor equal to the number of Shrine tokens on the Family Shrine.
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L5R Singles


Limited: Bow the Armorer. Place a 1F/1C Armor token on one of your Personalities. The token is considered an Armor Item card.
Tohaku Exp
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Tohaku Exp

Unaligned Samurai. Toturi's Army. Experienced. Unique Tohaku will not join a Lion player. Battle: Once per battle, Tohaku challenges an opposing Personality. The Personality cannot refuse the challenge if the Personality has over 2 Personal Honor.
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L5R Singles


Elemental Terror. Air Oni. Nonhuman Shugenja. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Open: Twice per turn, Yosuchi gains either +1F or +1C.
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Unaligned Goblin Hero. Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 2 Honor. Orschat will only attach Goblin Followers.
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L5R Singles


Elemental Terror. Void Oni. Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Open: Discard a card from your hand to give Kukanchi +1F. Elemental Open: Discard a card from your hand to give Kukanchi +1C.
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L5R Singles


Naga Defender. Bushi Battle: Bow one of your Forests. Move Issut into an army defending one of your Provinces.
Ikoma Ryozo Exp2
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Ikoma Ryozo Exp2

Lion Clan Samurai. Unique. Experienced 2. Shadowlands If the Imperial Favor targets a card in a battle Ryozo is in, Ryozo returns to your fief bowed. Battle: Once per turn, Ryozo gains +1F for each Oni in his army.
Matsu Mori
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Matsu Mori

Lion Clan Samurai. Cavalry Will not join a Unicorn player.
Ichiro Kihongo
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Ichiro Kihongo

Unaligned Badger Clan Elite Guardsman. Samurai Reaction: When a player commits or moves a unit to attack one of your Provinces, move Kihongo to the Province.
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