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Soshi Shinoko
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L5R Singles

Soshi Shinoko

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • CavalryOpen: Target a Personality: Give him Brash (the Defender may draw a card after a Brash card is assigned to attack).
Bayushi Hamada
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Hamada

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Paragon • Yojimbo • LoyalCrab Clan players may control Hamada.Hamada has +1F for each of your Personalities who is Crab Clan or a Courtier.
Asako Suzukaze
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Asako Suzukaze

Phoenix Clan • Air • Monk • HenshinLimited: Target a Holding: Its produces 1 additional Gold when it bows to produce Gold (this turn).
Moshi Ira
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Moshi Ira

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • NavalReaction: After an action targets a card in this unit: Give the action's performer (if any) -3F after the action resolves.
Doji Iza
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Doji Iza

Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist • MagistrateOpen: Target another player's Mirumoto Kyoshiro: Iza duels him. Destroy the duel's loser.
Asahina Nanae Exp
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Asahina Nanae Exp

Crane Clan • Air • Jade • Shugenja • Experienced • Unique • Jade ChampionBattle/Open: Even if Nanae is bowed, target a Personality: You may straighten him. You may give him -4F. Bow him if he is Shadowlands.
Unseasonable Weather
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Unseasonable Weather

UniqueUntil your next turn begins, after each time a Personality is assigned to attack, negate his straightening during his controller's next Straighten Phase (after he assigns).
Rejected Mediation
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Rejected Mediation

UniqueAny player who controls the Imperial Favor discards it. Until your second turn from now begins, negate the effects of the first Political action taken each turn.
Hida Yamadera Exp
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Hida Yamadera Exp

Crab Clan • Shadowlands • Berserker • Damned • Experienced • UniqueReaction: After another player's Battle action resolves, if its effects destroyed Yamadera: Melee 8 Attack.
Communion with Earth
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L5R Singles

Communion with Earth

Earth This Shugenja has Stalwart. (Stalwart cards negate their first bowing each turn by other players' cards.)Battle: Target another of your Shugenja, who must be Earth: Transfer this card to him.
Hired Legion
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Hired Legion

Unique Battle: Bow this card: Draw a card.
Treachery and Deceit
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Treachery and Deceit

Battle: Target a Personality whose unit's total Force is 7 or higher: Move him home.
Shiba Mitsushen
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Shiba Mitsushen

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Commander • UniqueBattle: Target your Personality: Move him to Mitsushen's battlefield. If he moved, straighten his unit.
Border Keep Inexp (Phoenix Flavor)
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Border Keep Inexp (Phoenix Flavor)

Winter • Inexperienced • UniqueBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: If it is your first turn: Put one or more cards in your provinces at the bottom of your deck, refilling the provinces face-up.
The Towers of the Yogo
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The Towers of the Yogo

Each of your Scorpion Clan Personalities has the ability, "Battle: Bow this card and target an enemy Follower or Personality without Followers: Bow it."
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Ronin • Samurai • Sensei • TacticianAfter Tamahime enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities.Your other Ronin Personalities have Tactician.
The Castle of Order
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L5R Singles

The Castle of Order

You do not lose Honor from Ninja cards you own. When another player’s Battle action would target your Ninja: He is a master of the art of Ninjutsu. Once per battle, choose your Ninja at the same location. The action targets it instead, if legal.
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L5R Singles


PoliticalLimited: Choose your performing unbowed honorable Personality and target a Personality with lower base Personal Honor: Dishonor or rehonor the target.
Sticks and Stones
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Sticks and Stones

Battle: Ranged 1 Attack. If the Ranged Attack destroyed a card, draw a card; if it destroyed a Follower, you may take an additional Battle action.
Sharing Gossip
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Sharing Gossip

PoliticalLimited: Choose your performing unbowed Courtier: After this action ends (and this card is in your discard pile), gain 1 Honor for each card titled Sharing Gossip in all players' discard piles.
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L5R Singles


PoliticalLimited: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate and target one or two Personalities: Dishonor them. Draw an additional card during your next End Phase.
Deafening Thunder
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L5R Singles

Deafening Thunder

ThunderBattle: Bow this card and target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it a Force penalty equal to this Shugenja's Chi. If its Force is now 0 or this Shugenja is Thunder, you may destroy this card; if you did, take an additional Battle action.
Otomo Suikihime
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L5R Singles

Otomo Suikihime

Imperial • Courtier • Unique • Second City GovernorYou may not assign, and will not move, Suikihime to battlefields. Sukihime will not become dishonorable. Other players' Political actions will not target Sukihime. Reaction: Once per game, after Suikihime enters play , if no other player controls The Forgotten Temple: Sukihime grants you new lands in the...
Chuda Seki
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L5R Singles

Chuda Seki

Shadowlands • Shugenja • PlagueAfter Seki enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After Seki enters play, target a Personality: Give him a –1C Plague token.
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