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Strong Defenses
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L5R Singles

Strong Defenses

SiegeReaction: After a Ranged or Melee Attack is targeted: Give it -3 strenght. Battle: Choose your performing defendong Personality: Give him +5F. Straighten hime before this battle resolves.
Cowed and Defeated
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L5R Singles

Cowed and Defeated

PoliticalBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Courtier or Magistrate and target a Personality: Dishonor him. His controller loses 1 Honor. After the next time (this turn) another player’s action resolves that targeted your performer or a battle resolves which destroyed him, the target’s controller loses 2 Honor.
Wasteland Scout
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L5R Singles

Wasteland Scout

Recon Reaction: After engaging at this card's battlefield: You have Reconnaissance there. Give your other Followers there +1F.
Shinjo Jong-Ho
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Shinjo Jong-Ho

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • TacticianReaction: After a Tactical action Jong-Ho performed resolves, target a card opposing him with lower Force: Bow it.
Moto Morio
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Moto Morio

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • CommanderBattle: Choose your performing Follower: Melee Attack with strength equal to it’s Force.
Daigotsu Rafu
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Daigotsu Rafu

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark DementiaAfter Rafu enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: Melee 4 Attack.
Agasha Kurou 
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Agasha Kurou 

Phoenix Clan • Daimyo • Earth • Void • Shugenja • Alchemist • Loyal • UniqueBattle/Open: Target a non-unique Spell in your discard pile, or under your Stronghold: Attach it to Kurou, paying all costs. You may take an additional action to use an ability on the spell. Remove it from the game before the turn ends. 
Kakita Saki
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Kakita Saki

Crane Clan • ArtisanLimited: Target your Personality: Create a +2F Armor Item with the trait, "Melee and Ranged Attacks targeting this Personality have -3 strength" and attach it to him.
Daidoji Sosuke
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Daidoji Sosuke

Crane Clan • Courtier • MerchantPolitical Open: Discard the Imperial Favor and target a Personality: Sosuke raises tariffs. Bow a card withour attachments in the target's unit, or bow his unit if he is Mantis Clan.
Platinum Mine
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L5R Singles

Platinum Mine

MineBow this card: Produce 5 Gold, or 6 Gold if paying for an attachment.
Fortress of Lidless Eyes
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L5R Singles

Fortress of Lidless Eyes

Kolat • UniqueThis card’s base ability will not be copied. All players have the ability, “Open: Pay 6 Gold: Destroy a card titled Fortress of Lidless Eyes.” Open: Once per game, target a Personality: Bow him. Negate his straightening while this card remains in play.
Star-Crossed Lovers
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L5R Singles

Star-Crossed Lovers

Political • UniqueChoose two Personalities controlled by the same player. Until the game ends, they may not be assigned, and will not move, to each other's battlefields.
Heart of Fudo Exp
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Heart of Fudo Exp

Fudo • Experienced • UniqueLimited: Give this Personality one Charging token, or two if any other player has 20 or higher Family Honor or more provinces than you.
The Heir's Wrath
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L5R Singles

The Heir's Wrath

Imperial * Political * UniqueLimited: Target another player’s Personality, pay Gold equal to his unit’s total Gold Cost, and discard the Imperial Favor or bow a Personality with five or more Force: Lose 2 Honor and destroy the target; these effects will not be negated.
Pillar Tattoo
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L5R Singles

Pillar Tattoo

Earth • TattooBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Tattooed Monk: Give him +3F. If he is Earth, you may target and bow an enemy card without attachments
Exploited Advantage
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L5R Singles

Exploited Advantage

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Paragon and target an enemy Personality: Move him home. If he moved, bow him and negate his (future) movement. Lose 2 Honor.
Astonishing Accusation
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L5R Singles

Astonishing Accusation

PoliticalReaction: After another player’s Political action targets your Personality: Negate its effects. Limited: Target a Kolat, Ninja, Shadowlands, or dishonorable Personality: His controller loses Honor equal to his base Personal Honor.
Daigotsu Kazuko
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Kazuko

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Commander • ConquerorAfter Kazuko enters play: Lose 1 Honour. Fear Battle: You may destroy one of Kazuko's Followers: Melee 3 Attack, or Melee 6 if you destroyed a Follower.
Soshi Yoshihara Exp
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L5R Singles

Soshi Yoshihara Exp

Scorpion Clan • Air • Courtier • Shugenja • Magistrate • Experienced • Unique • Advisor to the Jade ChampionPolitical Open: Target a Holding or Personality: Its base abilities may not be used. Political Open: Bow Yoshihara and target a Personality: Dishonor him. If you are a Scorpion Clan or Crab Clan player, his controller loses 1 Honor.
Ikoma Yamahatsu
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L5R Singles

Ikoma Yamahatsu

Lion Clan • Imperial • Samurai • Elite • ScoutWhile you control a Terrain, your Ranged Attacks have +1 strength. Battle: Ranged 4 Attack.
Togashi Rikyou
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L5R Singles

Togashi Rikyou

Dragon Clan • Water • Monk • TattooedBattle: Even if Rikyou is bowed, if any enemy units are at the current battlefield: Move him there. Straighten his unit if he moved.
Daidoji Narizane
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L5R Singles

Daidoji Narizane

Crane Clan • Imperial • Samurai • Iron Crane • Scout • YojimboBattle: Target and enemy Personality: Bow zero or more different cards in his unit up to the number of Recon actions you have taken this turn.
Asahina Konomi
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Asahina Konomi

Crane Clan • Air • Shugenja • Artisan
Kaiu Onizuka
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Kaiu Onizuka

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siege • Tactician • Unique • Topaz ChampionBattle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the current battlefield's province strength.
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