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Consuming Weakness
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L5R Singles

Consuming Weakness

FearBattle: Choose your performing Shadowlands Personality and remove a target dead Personality in any discard pile from the game: Give your Personality +3F, or +4F if he is Undead.
The Crimson Mark
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L5R Singles

The Crimson Mark

NinjaAs a Focus Effect: You may destroy an attachment on a Personality involved in this duel.Battle: Destroy this card and target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it.
Chuda Kiuchi
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L5R Singles

Chuda Kiuchi

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja • Artisan • Vicious • Worker of FleshAfter Kiuchi enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Open: Choose your performing Personality and your performing Nonhuman or Undead Personality: Set each Personality’s Force equal to the higher base Force of the two.
Shosuro Toson Exp2
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Toson Exp2

Scorpion Clan • Daimyo • Ninja • Experienced 2 • Loyal • UniqueReaction: After engaging at Toson’s battlefield: Discard a card from the current battlefield’s province. If this discarded a Personality, you have the first opportunity to take a Battle action in this battle, which must be performed by Toson.
Yoritomo Singh Exp2
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Singh Exp2

Mantis Clan • Courtier • Samurai • Ambassador • Magistrate • Naval • Experienced 2 • Loyal • UniqueReaction: When paying an action’s Gold cost: Produce 3 Gold. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments and pay Gold equal to its Gold Cost: Destroy it.
Tamori Shosei
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L5R Singles

Tamori Shosei

Dragon Clan • Imperial • Earth • Shugenja • Alchemist • Archivist • Jade HandLimited: If you control a Temple, bow Shosei or one of your Temple Holdings: Shosei prays to the Fortunes. Gain 1 Honor.
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L5R Singles


Crane Clan • Nonhuman • Kenku • Cavalry • Duelist
Kakita Munemori Exp
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L5R Singles

Kakita Munemori Exp

Crane Clan • Courtier • Samurai • Experienced • UniquePolitical Open: Target a Personality: He may not perform actions until the current phase ends.
Yasuki Dokansuto
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L5R Singles

Yasuki Dokansuto

Crab Clan • Courtier • Kolat • MerchantReaction: When paying for a Holding, bow Dokansuto: Produce 2 Gold.
Kaiu Nakano
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Nakano

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero • Siege • TacticianTactical Battle/Open: Nakano has +3F while he is in an army and while all Personalities in that army are Siege.
Hida Fujita
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L5R Singles

Hida Fujita

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander • Blessed of the Fortune of PersistenceReaction: Before the resolution of another player’s action, if Fujita is at the current battlefield: Negate the destruction of your Followers from its effects.
Miya Masatsuko
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L5R Singles

Miya Masatsuko

Imperial • Courtier • Herald • Singular Political Limited: Discard the Imperial Favor: Draw an additional card during your next End Phase.
Winter Pilgrimage
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L5R Singles

Winter Pilgrimage

Winter Open: Target a Samurai Personality. He goes on a winter pilgrimage. His unit may not be assigned to battlefields this turn.
Subversive Influence
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L5R Singles

Subversive Influence

Kolat Reaction: Before an Event resolves: It does not resolve. Shuffle it into its owner’s deck. Open: Shuffle each Kami Celestial in play into its owner’s deck.
Rally Through Sacrifice
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L5R Singles

Rally Through Sacrifice

Reaction: After an action resolves that destroyed one of your Personalities during a battle, choose your performing Personality at the current battlefield: Attach a target Follower from your hand or discard pile to the performer, paying 4 less Gold.
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L5R Singles


Dark Virtue • Unique Limited: Target one of your provinces. Search your Dynasty deck for a non-Unique Samurai, show him and put him on top of your Dynasty deck. Discard a card from the province, refilling it face-up.
No Pure Breaths
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L5R Singles

No Pure Breaths

Maho • Kiho Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Monk: Ranged Attack with strength equal to his Force. Lose 5 Honor.
Inspired Devotion
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L5R Singles

Inspired Devotion

Battle/Open: Choose your performing Yojimbo: Give him +2F or a Force bonus equal to the highest Chi of any Shugenja or Courtier you control.
Hunting the Daughter
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L5R Singles

Hunting the Daughter

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Scout, and bow him unless the current battlefield’s province was targeted by a Recon action this turn: Move another player’s target Personality to this battlefield. Straighten him. If you are a Crab Clan player, you may take an additional Battle action.
Balance in Water
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L5R Singles

Balance in Water

Water • Kiho Battle: Choose your performing Monk or Shugenja: Move a target Personality to the current battlefield if there are any units there on the side opposing his controller’s. If he moved, and another player controls him or the performer is Water, straighten the targeted Personality’s unit.
Shinjo Hwarang Exp
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Hwarang Exp

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Experienced • Unique After Hwarang enters play: Create a 0F Cavalry Follower and attach it to your target Personality. Battle: Bow your performing Follower: Destroy or straighten a target card without attachments in a unit.
Iuchi Katamari Exp
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L5R Singles

Iuchi Katamari Exp

Unicorn Clan • Water • Shugenja • Cavalry • Magistrate • Experienced • Unique • doomSeeker Katamari has -1F unless you are a Unicorn Clan or Crab Clan player. Battle: Target an enemy card that is either an attachment, or a Personality with lower Personal Honor than Katamari’s Chi. Bow the targeted card. Destroy it if it is Nonhuman.
Fosuta no Oni
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L5R Singles

Fosuta no Oni

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • Slave After Fosuta enters play: Lose 3 Honor.
Shosuro Jimen Exp2
L5R Singles

Shosuro Jimen Exp2

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Duelist • Imperial • Magistrate • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique • Emerald Champion • Poison Master After the resolution of a Battle action which Jimen performed: You may move him home. Political Limited: Target another player’s Personality. You may either dishonor him or have his controller lose 2 Honor. Dishonor all copies of...
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