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Kuni Umibe
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L5R Singles

Kuni Umibe

Crab Clan · Shugenja · Earth. Your Crab Clan Personalities at Umibe's location have Berserker if they are Shadowlands, and Hero if their Personal Honor is 1 or higher
Temple of the Righteous Emperor
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Temple of the Righteous Emperor

Temple · Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Before a player gains Honor from an Action card during the Attack Phase: Negate the Honor Gain. The player draws a card
A Gruesome Display
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A Gruesome Display

After the next time this game a Shadowlands card is destroyed, you gain 2 Honor, or 5 Honor if your Family Honor is below its starting value at that time
Moto Chagatai Exp5 Full Bleed
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Moto Chagatai Exp5 Full Bleed

Unicorn Clan · Clan Champion · Samurai · Tactician · Cavalry · The Khan · Experienced 5 · Unique · Loyal. Before the first time each phase another player's effect bows a Unicorn Clan Personality at Chagatai's location: Negate the bowing. Battle: Target one or two Personalities opposing Chagatai. The enemy leader may move one or both home. If one or both...
Togashi Satsu Exp4 Full Bleed
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Togashi Satsu Exp4 Full Bleed

Dragon Clan · Clan Champion · Samurai · Monk · Shugenja · Cavalry · Duelist · Dragon · Experienced 4 · Unique · Loyal your Dragon Clan Personalities at Satsu's location have a Force bonus equal to the number of Rings you control.Limited: Once per Game, even if Satsu is dead: Search your Fate deck, hand or discard pile for a Ring. Sow it. Put it into play...
Bayushi Muhito FOIL
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Bayushi Muhito FOIL

Scorpion Clan · Samurai · Ninja. Reaction: After an action resolves that moved Muhito to or from a battlefield: Take an additional Battle  action.
Turn the Tide FOIL
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Turn the Tide FOIL

Battle : If your army has one or more unbowed Samurai and the enemy army has more unbowed Personalities than yours: The enemy leader must repeatedly target and bow a different unbowed Personality in his army until his army no longer has more unbowed Personalities than yours, or until he can no longer do so.
City of the Rich Frog FOIL
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City of the Rich Frog FOIL

Unique · City · Imperial Battle: Once per battle, if your Family Honor is 5 or more points greater than its starting value: Give one of your target Personalities ( at the current Battlefield) +4F
Kyoso no Oni Exp3 FOIL
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Kyoso no Oni Exp3 FOIL

Oni · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Enlightened · Experienced 3 · Unique · Lose 8 Honor. After the first time each game Kyoso no Oni enters play: Destroy a Personality you control; if this destroyed him, you may target and destroy another Personality with an equal or lower Gold Cost than his. Limited: Target a Ring and a Shadowlands Personality. Destroy both...
Kitsune Den FOIL
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Kitsune Den FOIL

Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Political Limited: Destroy this card: Rehonor one or more target Personalities. Gain Honor equal to the highest base Personal Honor among them.
The Temple of Death
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The Temple of Death

Battle: Remove a Personality in any discard pile from the game: Bow a target Personality. Open: Remove a Personality in any discard pile from the game: Straighten a target Personality.
Razor of the Dawn Castle
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Razor of the Dawn Castle

Before another player's card's effect destroys one of your Samurai: Once per turn, you may delay the destruction until the current turn ends.
Earth Becomes Sky
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Earth Becomes Sky

Earth Battle : Bow this Spell: Give a target Personality opposing this unit a -5F/-2C Rock token. Cards in his unit can not perform actions for the rest of the turn.
Writ of Restriction
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Writ of Restriction

Will only attach to a Courtier. Open: Bow this Personality: Target a Personality. Dishonor him after the next time this turn he assigns to attack.
Koutetsu Iyoku
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Koutetsu Iyoku (Spanish)

Armor · Unique. This Personality has a minimum Chi of 5. Can only attach to a Spider Clan Personality. Battle: Straighten this personality: Reduce a target enemy Personality's Force to 0.
Morale Officer
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Morale Officer

Can only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Limited : Destroy this card: Destroy a target Region.
Mantis Detachment
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Mantis Detachment

Naval · Samurai Reaction : After a battle resolution at a province that was not destroyed, if this card was in your army during resolution: Permanently give the province -2 strength. Straighten this unit after the Attack Phase ends.
Daidoji Gunso
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Daidoji Gunso

Scout Battle : Give a target card opposing this one -2F. If the target now has 0F, destroy it.
The Fortunes Smile
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The Fortunes Smile

Focus Effect: Gain 2 Honor and draw a card. Battle: Target one of your Personalities and a Personality opposing him: Give your Personalty a force Bonus equal to his or the other target's Personal Honor, wichever is greater. Give the other target a Force penaltyof the same amount.
Stay your Blade
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Stay your Blade

Battle : Bow and move home one of your target opposed Samurai Personalities: Draw three cards.
Shuten Doji's Fury
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Shuten Doji's Fury

Battle : Dishonor one of your target Personalities: Lose 3 Honor. Bow one or more target cards opposing him without attachments, up to his base Personal Honor.
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Battle : If you are the Defender, you may take this action even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move home a target Personality without Followers. Bow him if he moved. His controller may pay 1 Gold as a cost to create a 1F Ashigaru Follower card and attach it to him.
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Dark Virtue Battle : Target one of your Samurai: Move him and a target Personality opposing him home. Draw a number of cards equal to the opposing Personality's Personal Honor or two, whichever is less.
False Trail
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False Trail

Focus Effect : If the last Battle Action card you played this game is in your discard pile, put it into your hand. Battle : Target a Personality you do not control in an army, and a battlefield he is not at. Move the Personality to the battlefield.
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