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Yoritomo Yashinko FOIL
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Yashinko FOIL

Mantis Clan Courtier · Unique. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, bow Yashinko: Produce 6 Gold
The Hall of Ancestors
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L5R Singles

The Hall of Ancestors

Other player's actions do not affect Dead Personalities you own. After Strongholds are revealed, search your deck for a non-Unique Lion Clan Personality and put him in your discard pile, Honorably Dead. Limited: Target a Personality you control. He copies an ability or boldface trait from a dead Lion Clan Personality.
Unstoppable Force
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Unstoppable Force

Battle: Target an opposed unit. Give each card in it +1F. The fist time this turn an effect from another player's card or Stronghold would destroy a card in it, negate the destruction.
Grasp Destiny
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L5R Singles

Grasp Destiny

Limited: Target a card in any Province and a discarded card in its player's Dynasty discard pile. Switch them
Void Dragon Exp2
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Void Dragon Exp2

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry ? Experienced 2 · Unique. Battle: If the Void Dragon is opposed, discard any number of cards from your hand. The Void Dragon gains a Force bonus equal to the number of cards discarded. Draw that number of cards
Utaku Yasuha
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Utaku Yasuha

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Cavalry · Battle Maiden. Battle: Bow Yasuha and move her home from the current battlefield: Target an opposing unit and another battlefield: Move the unit there
Shiba Danjuro Exp
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Shiba Danjuro Exp

Phoenix Clan Samurai · Champion of Ji · Experienced · Unique. Reaction: Any number of times per turn, even if Danjuro is bowed, before an action targets a Shugenja at Danjuro's battlefield: Redirect it to a Samurai it could legally target
Tsuruchi Jougo
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Tsuruchi Jougo

Mantis Clan Samurai · Magistrate. Battle: Bow Jougo: Ranged 3 Attack. You may then target a Mantis Clan Personality in one of your Provinces. Reduce his Gold cost by 2 (minimum 3).
Yoritomo Kitao Exp3
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Yoritomo Kitao Exp3

Mantis Clan Samurai · Shadowlands ? Naval · Pirate · Experienced 3 · Unique · Dark Wave. Limited: Pay 4 Gold, Dishonor one of your Personalities, then destroy this unit; Destroy a target unit with lower total Gold cost than your destroyed unit.
Matsu Yokuya
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Matsu Yokuya

Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician
Kitsuki Orika
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Kitsuki Orika

Dragon Clan Samurai · Courtier · Magistrate. Political Reaction: After an action another player took destroys a Personality or causes him an Honor loss: The player loses 2 Honor. Gain 2 Honor.
Hitomi Mineyo
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L5R Singles

Hitomi Mineyo

Dragon Clan Monk · Tattooed. Open: Once per game, reveal a Kiho from your hand and remove it from the game: One Battle action from the Kiho is ?tattooed? onto Mineyo. She permanently gains it as an ability only she may cast
Togashi Mitsu Exp3
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Togashi Mitsu Exp3

Dragon Clan Samurai · Tattooed · Monk · Oracle of Thunder · Experienced 3 · Unique. Put 4 -1F Fire tokens on Mitsu after he enters play. Battle: Any number of times per turn, remove one of Mitsu's Fire tokens: Ranged Attack with a strength equal to Mitsu's Force (after the token is removed).
Kyofu Exp2 (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Kyofu Exp2 (Spanish)

Crab Clan Onisu of Fear · Cavalry · Shadowlands · Nonhuman · Experienced 2 Hida Kuroda · Unique · Lose 4 Honor. Crab Clan Personalities you control have the Cavalry trait. Personalities in Kyofu's army (including Kyofu) have the ability, ?Battle: Fear 5. This affects Personalities as if they were Followers.?
Storm Rider Explorer
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Storm Rider Explorer

Storm Rider · Naval. Battle: If this Personality is an Orochi, bow this card: Target an Orochi Personality and a battlefield. Move the Orochi to the battlefield.
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L5R Singles


Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold if you control a Samurai and you are paying for an Item or Follower. Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold if you control an Item or Follower and you are paying for a Samurai
Castle Gate
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L5R Singles

Castle Gate (Spanish)

Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 3 Gold if paying for a Unique Samurai. Battle: If you are the Defender, and you either have exactly one Province or are a Crab Clan player, bow this card: Target a Personality you control. Straighten him. Move him to the current battlefield.
Air Dragon Exp2 FOIL
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L5R Singles

Air Dragon Exp2 FOIL

Unaligned Creature · Dragon · Shugenja · Cavalry · Experienced 2 · Unique. Other players may not target Air Dragon with Ranged Attacks, Spells, or Kihos. Once per turn, a Dragon Personality you control may cast a Spell attached to any Personality in play as if it were attached to the Dragon. Straighten the Dragon after the Spell resolves
Agasha Shaku
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L5R Singles

Agasha Shaku

Phoenix Clan Void Shugenja · Unique. Elemental Limited: Bow Shaku: Target a card in one of your Provinces. Put it on the bottom of your deck. After the Province fills (if possible), turn all cards in your Provinces face-up
Hiruma Hitaken FOIL
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Hitaken FOIL

Crab Clan Samurai · Heir of Vengeance · Hero · Yu 3 · Unique · Loyal. Battle: Target an opposing Personality. Hitaken issues him an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. Dishonor the loser and move his unit home bowed
Hiruma Hitaken
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Hitaken

Crab Clan Samurai · Heir of Vengeance · Hero · Yu 3 · Unique · Loyal. Battle: Target an opposing Personality. Hitaken issues him an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. Dishonor the loser and move his unit home bowed
Baraunghar Technique
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Baraunghar Technique

Limited: Target a Human Personality you control. Give him the Shugenja trait or the Samurai trait. Give him the ability, ?Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, target and bow a Spell you control: Produce 2 Gold
Fields of Foolish Pride
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L5R Singles

Fields of Foolish Pride

Delayed Terrain. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Give each Personality at the current battlefield -2F. Give each Follower there -1F
Selfless Courage
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Selfless Courage

Battle: If there is a unit in the current enemy army, target up to two Personalities you control in one location: Move each to the current battlefield
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