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Duty FOIL (Spanish)  - Reaction: Before a Personality you control is destroyed by another player's card effect, target and destr
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L5R Singles

Duty FOIL (Spanish)

Reaction: Before a Personality you control is destroyed by another player's card effect, target and destroy an Honorable Samurai you control at the same location: Negate the first destruction
Courtesy FOIL (Spanish)  - Battle: Target an unbowed Honorable Samurai you control and a Personality opposing him. Move both hom
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L5R Singles

Courtesy FOIL (Spanish)

Battle: Target an unbowed Honorable Samurai you control and a Personality opposing him. Move both home. Each of their controllers gains Honor equal to the opposing target's Personal Honor
Compassion FOIL (Spanish)  - Open: Target and bow an Honorable Samurai you control: Target another Personality. Straighten him.
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L5R Singles

Compassion FOIL (Spanish)

Open: Target and bow an Honorable Samurai you control: Target another Personality. Straighten him. If he is opposed, give him +3F.
Kitsuki Nagiken FOIL (Spanish)  - Dragon Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Duelist. Battle: Once per turn: Target an opposing Personal
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L5R Singles

Kitsuki Nagiken FOIL (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Duelist. Battle: Once per turn: Target an opposing Personality. Nagiken issues him an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Personal Honor. The winner gains 2 Honor. If the loser is Dishonored, destroy him; otherwise, dishonor him.
Hitomi Morimasa FOIL  - Dragon Clan Monk. Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, after a Ring is bowed to pay the cost of an action:
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L5R Singles

Hitomi Morimasa FOIL

Dragon Clan Monk. Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, after a Ring is bowed to pay the cost of an action: Target the Ring. Straighten it. It may not be bowed to pay for that copy of that action for the rest of the turn.
Hitomi Kobai Exp FOIL (Spanish)  - Dragon Clan Monk · Experienced · Unique. Kobai permanently gains +2F after each time you brin
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L5R Singles

Hitomi Kobai Exp FOIL (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Monk · Experienced · Unique. Kobai permanently gains +2F after each time you bring into play a Personality attached to one of your Provinces. Limited: Once per turn: Target an Event in your discard pile that stays in play when it resolves. Remove the Event from the game. Until Kobai uses this ability again, he may perform an ability on the...
The Master Redeemed FOIL (Spanish)  - For the rest of the game, you may take the action ?Reaction: After you bring a Personality
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L5R Singles

The Master Redeemed FOIL (Spanish)

For the rest of the game, you may take the action ?Reaction: After you bring a Personality into play from a Province, pay 2 or 3 Gold: Target the Personality. Attach a 2F Follower token to him. If you paid 3 Gold, it has the Cavalry trait.?
Skull  - COLOCA, APUESTA, MIENTE ¿A cuántos discos les puedes dar la vuelta antes de revelar una calavera?Skull es un juego de f Skull  - COLOCA, APUESTA, MIENTE ¿A cuántos discos les puedes dar la vuelta antes de revelar una calavera?Skull es un juego de f 2
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Filler - Quick to play


COLOCA, APUESTA, MIENTE ¿A cuántos discos les puedes dar la vuelta antes de revelar una calavera?Skull es un juego de faroles y riesgos. En tu turno, debes colocar un disco bocabajo sobre tu tablero o apostar a cuántos discos piensas que puedes darles la vuelta sin revelar una Calavera.
¡Aventureros al Tren! The Ghost Train (Spanish)  - ¡Aventureros al Tren! El tren fantasma es una escalofriante introducción a la ¡Aventureros al Tren! The Ghost Train (Spanish)  - ¡Aventureros al Tren! El tren fantasma es una escalofriante introducción a la 2
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¡Aventureros al Tren! El tren fantasma es una escalofriante introducción a la serie ¡Aventureros al Tren!® fácil de aprender y rápida de jugar. En esta horripilante edición del clásico ¡Aventureros al Tren! Primeros viajes, padres e hijos tendrán que conseguir cartas de Carroza de desfile, cubrir Recorridos en el tablero e intentar visitar las distintas...
Stella. Dixit Universe  - ¡Buscadores estelares! Explorad el cielo y traed algo de luz a vuestro mundo. Stella es un juego compe Stella. Dixit Universe  - ¡Buscadores estelares! Explorad el cielo y traed algo de luz a vuestro mundo. Stella es un juego compe 2
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¡Buscadores estelares! Explorad el cielo y traed algo de luz a vuestro mundo. Stella es un juego competitivo del universo Dixit en el que los jugadores interpretan ilustraciones tras descubrir una palabra común. ¡Elige las mismas ilustraciones que otros jugadores para alcanzar la victoria! Asume riesgos, pero… ¡cuidado con las caídas!
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