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Kuro's Fire (Spanish)  - Elemental Fire Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Announce a number of Ranged Attacks up to the caster's Chi, w
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L5R Singles

Kuro's Fire (Spanish)

Elemental Fire Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Announce a number of Ranged Attacks up to the caster's Chi, with a total base strength up to the caster's Force plus Chi. Target and resolve these attacks consecutively in the order announced
Weigh the Cost  - When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel, add 1 to its Focus value and to that of one other card you fo
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L5R Singles

Weigh the Cost

When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel, add 1 to its Focus value and to that of one other card you focused this duel. Battle: Target and move a Samurai Personality you control home from the current battlefield: You may target a Personality in the current enemy army. If you do, give him ?3F. Regardless, either raise or lower the current Province's...
Ninube Ogoku
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L5R Singles

Ninube Ogoku

Unaligned Ninja Followers must be Ninja. Ogoku can join any army, including an army attacking your Provinces, regardless of whether you have been invited in that battle. You never gain Honor when Ogoku joins an army.
D'nir'ch  - Ratling · Creature. Battle: Pay 2 Gold: Target a Ratling Personality at D'nir'ch's battlefield. Give him a +1F/+1C W
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L5R Singles


Ratling · Creature. Battle: Pay 2 Gold: Target a Ratling Personality at D'nir'ch's battlefield. Give him a +1F/+1C Weapon Item token
A Test of Courage (Spanish)  - Reaction: Play when an action is moving one or more of your Personalities out of a battle. Target
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L5R Singles

A Test of Courage (Spanish)

Reaction: Play when an action is moving one or more of your Personalities out of a battle. Target one of them. Cancel the action. You cannot bow the targeted Personality to pay action costs or target the Personality with actions until the end of the turn.
Nimm'k (spanish)  - Ratling · Grasping Paw Tribe · Scout · Creature. Recon Open: Bow Nimm'k: Target a Province. After each time
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L5R Singles

Nimm'k (spanish)

Ratling · Grasping Paw Tribe · Scout · Creature. Recon Open: Bow Nimm'k: Target a Province. After each time this turn a Ratling Personality you control assigns there, you may target an Item or Follower in any discard pile, reduce its Gold cost by 3 (or by 5 if the Ratling is a Scout), and attach it to the Ratling, ignoring restrictions and paying all...
Black Stories: Edición Vacaciones  - ¡Las vacaciones son un riesgo! En Black Stories Vacaciones todo gira en torno a esos "marav
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¡Las vacaciones son un riesgo! En Black Stories Vacaciones todo gira en torno a esos "maravillosos" días libres que, a veces, disfrutamos.
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