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Iuchi Karasu
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L5R Singles

Iuchi Karasu

Unicorn Clan Shugenja Open: Bow to move a Follower from one Personality you control and attach it to another Personality you control.
Ide Tadaji
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L5R Singles

Ide Tadaji

Unicorn Clan Diplomat. Unique May not challenge or be assgined to attack or defend. Political Reaction: Bow when the Imperial Favor is used. The Favor's effect is negated, but the Favor is still discarded. (Clarification: Only negates the effects of one use of the Favor, not all uses for the rest of the turn.)
Oni no Tsuburu
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L5R Singles

Oni no Tsuburu

Unaligned. Shadowlands. Cavalry. Nonhuman. No Followers or armor. You must destroy one of your Personalities to put this card into play. Lose 5 Honor. Reaction: This Oni gains a 6F bonus at the end of the Battle Action Segment when attacking if there are no defending units.
Goblin Warmonger
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L5R Singles

Goblin Warmonger

Nonhuman. Shadowlands The Goblin Warmonger may not be killed so long as he has any Goblin Followers in his unit. If the Goblin Warmonger is destroyed with Goblin Followers in his unit, destroy all of the cards in the unit except Goblin Warmonger, who becomes bowed.
Bayushi Hisa
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Hisa

Scorpion Clan Samurai Bayushi Hisa is considered the same card as Hisa for the purposes of deck construction and play. Hisa has -1F while there are non-Scorpian Personalities in his army.
Void Dragon
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L5R Singles

Void Dragon

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Once per turn, after an attacking army including Void Dragon destroys a Province during battle resolution, you may discard the Defender’s hand.
Matsu Tsuko
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L5R Singles

Matsu Tsuko

Lion Clan Hero. Samurai. Inexperienced. Unique. Double Chi Will only join a Lion Clan player. Open: Add Tsuko's Personal Honor to her Force or Chi. This may be done once per turn.
Agasha Tamori
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L5R Singles

Agasha Tamori

Dragon Clan Shugenja Has a 3C bonus when bringing spells into play and when bowing to use spells.
Hida Sukune  - Crab Clan • Samurai
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L5R Singles

Hida Sukune

Crab Clan • Samurai
The Armor of Sun-Tao
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L5R Singles

The Armor of Sun-Tao

Limited: Place any number of Terrains from your hand face down under the Armor of Sun Tao. If the Armor of Sun Tao is removed or destroyed, the Terrains move or are destroyed with it. Battle: Play a Terrain from under The Armor of Sun tao. The Terrain destroys any Terrain in play and cannot be destroyed.
Terrible Standard of Fu'Leng
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L5R Singles

Terrible Standard of Fu'Leng

Shadowlands. Unique Lose 5 Honor. The Standard gains a 1F token for each opposing unit destroyed in the resolution phase of this battle. Battle: Fear 2. Limited: Once per game, destroy any Hida Sukune to give +4F to the Standard until the end of the turn.
Climbing Gear
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L5R Singles

Climbing Gear

This Climbing Gear can only be attached to a Ninja Personality. All effects of Fortifications at the defender's Province are negated while the Climbing Gear is in an attacking army.
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