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Tranquil Garden
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L5R Singles

Tranquil Garden

TempleBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card, and target a Ring in play or in your discard pile: If the Ring is in play, straighten it. Otherwise, put it into your hand and destroy this card.
Remote Village
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Remote Village

FarmBow this card: Produce 3 Gold.
Jurojin's Blessing
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Jurojin's Blessing

Fortune • UniqueLimited: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may discard it. Open: Discard this card and target anon-Unique Strategy in your Fate discardpile: Put the Strategy into your hand.
Returning Home
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Returning Home

Reaction: After a battle ends in wich you destroyed a province as the Attacker: Create a Holding with the trait "Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold" (it enters play bowed). Draw a card.
Fruitless Search
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Fruitless Search

Imperial • Political • UniqueReaction: After engaging, if any enemy units are at the current battlefield: Create a 4F/4C/3PH Imperial • Samurai • Duelist • Magistrate Personality on your side there. Remove him from the game after this battle ends.
Hunter of Harmony
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Hunter of Harmony

Limited: Remove this card from the game: Choose a Kiho Strategy in your discard pile. Put it into your hand.
Togashi Osawa Exp
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Togashi Osawa Exp

Dragon Clan • Air • Monk • Tattoed • Experienced • UniqueBattle/Open: Even if Osawa is bowed, target a Personality at Osawa's location: Bow or straighten him.
Shameful Rebuke
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Shameful Rebuke

PoliticalBattle: In turn order, starting with you, each player targets and moves one of his Personalities at the current battlefield home. Then, choose a player who loses Honor equal to the number of Personalities this moved.
A Warrior's Wisdom
L5R Singles

A Warrior's Wisdom

Battle: Choose your performing Monk: Give him a Force bonus equal to his Chi (until the turn ends). You may take an additional Battle action.
My Enemy's Mercy
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My Enemy's Mercy

Bushido Virtue · CourtesyBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Personal Honor: His controller chooses whether this bows him or moves him home. Gain 2 Honor.
Iron Will
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Iron Will

Reaction: After another player targets your Paragon with a Battle action performed by a Personality with lower Personal Honor: The action’s costs are ignored and its effects are negated. That player may take an additional Battle action.
Disrupting Communication
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Disrupting Communication

Battle: Bow your performing Scout and target an enemy card: Bow it. The enemy leader discards a card of his choice, or a random card if you have Reconnaissance.
Stockpiled Resources
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Stockpiled Resources

Reaction: After engaging, choose your performing Personality at the current battlefield and target an attachment in your hand: Attach it to your Personality, paying all costs and paying 4 less Gold if he is a Commander.
Ember's Final Fire
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Ember's Final Fire

FireWhile this Shugenja is Fire, he has +1F. Battle: Bow this card and target an enemy attachment: Destroy it.
The Red Hunger
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The Red Hunger

Nonhuman • BasheBattle: Target one or two attachments, or a Personality without attachments, with a total Force lower than The Red Hunger’s Force: He swallows them whole. Destroy the targeted cards.
Shosuro Tsuji
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Shosuro Tsuji

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • AssassinBattle: Target an enemy card: Bow it.
Yoritomo Sachina Exp
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Yoritomo Sachina Exp

Mantis Clan • Courtier • Seductress • Experienced • Loyal • UniqueSachina’s base ability will not be copied. Political Limited: Once per game, target a Personality, pay Gold equal to his unit’s total Gold Cost plus four, and bow Sachina: Take control of him. After the next time this game Sachina leaves play, give control of him to his owner.
Moshi Umiko
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Moshi Umiko

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • Naval • Storm RiderUmiko has +2F while she has a Spell.Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give the Ranged Attack +2 or –2 strength.
Akodo Tezuka
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Akodo Tezuka

Lion Clan • Samurai • ParagonBattle/Open: Discard a card and target a Bushido Virtue in your discard pile: Take an additional action to play it for one of its Battle, Limited, or Open actions, as appropriate to the current phase. Remove it from the game after its action ends.
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L5R Singles


Dragon Clan • Nonhuman • Zokujin • MountaineerXijkt may assign during Cavalry Maneuvers if you are the Defender. Battle: Bow Xijkt or one of your Mines, and target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it.
Doji Shigeyuki
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Doji Shigeyuki

Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist • MagistrateBattle: Target a Personality with lower Personal Honor than Shigeyuki’s Chi: Shigeyuki challenges him. He may refuse; if he does, move him home. Both Personalities use their Personal Honor as their duel stat. Bow the duel’s loser’s unit.
Hida Yamadera
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Hida Yamadera

Crab Clan • Shadowlands • Berserker • DamnedReaction: After Yamadera enters play from a province: Refill it face-up. Battle: Target an enemy card with lower Force: Bow it.
Magistrate's Stipend
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L5R Singles

Magistrate's Stipend

Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if paying for a Magistrate. Reaction: After you announce a non-Iaijutsu action, choose your performing Magistrate: Give him +1C until the action ends.
Winter Siege
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L5R Singles

Winter Siege

Siege • Winter Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Commander: Give a target enemy Follower or Personality -4F. Starvation begins to set in. If it has no attachments and its Force is now 0, destroy it.
Infamous Strike
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Infamous Strike

Political Battle: Bow a target enemy dishonorable Personality. His controller loses 2 Honor. Your delegates go to war in court. Choose a player. Give all his Personalities +1F or -1F.
All Water Flows
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L5R Singles

All Water Flows

Water Battle: Bow this card: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. If this Shugenja is Water, give him a Force bonus equal to the enemy card’s base Force.
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L5R Singles

Daisho (Spanish)

Weapon Reaction: After this card enters play, if this Personality may attach two Weapons: Create a +1F/+1C Wakizashi • Weapon Item and attach it to him (if legal).
Midnight Shadows
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Midnight Shadows (Spanish Language)

Ninja Battle: Ranged 4 Attack. If this targeted a Personality with any Poison tokens, destroy him.
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L5R Singles

Hachigoro (Spanish)

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Undead After Hachigoro enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle: If Hachigoro is dead: He claws out of his grave. Bring him into play at the current battlefield paying 2 less Gold, or ignoring his costs if the enemy leader is a Lion Clan player.
Chuda Inisi
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L5R Singles

Chuda Inisi (Spanish)

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja • IncubatorAfter Inisi enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Maho Open: Destroy Inisi: Undead rise from his corpse. Create three 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personalities.
Stand Alone
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Stand Alone

Choose your Personality in play. Permanently give him Hero and the trait “While thisPersonality is the only one on his side, he contributes his Force even if bowed.”
Temple of Redemption
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L5R Singles

Temple of Redemption

Temple Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Before you lose Honor from an actionthat targeted or was performed by oneof your Monk or Shugenja Personalities:You may have him commit seppuku. If you did and the seppuku destroyed him, reduce the Honor loss to 1.
Hida Tokido
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Hida Tokido

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero Battle: Bow Tokido: The resolution of the current battle will not bow your Personalities.
Kuni Kiyoshi Exp2
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L5R Singles

Kuni Kiyoshi Exp2

Crab Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Daimyo • Witch hunter • Experienced 2 • Unique Enters play ignoring Honor Requirements if you are a Crab Clan or Scorpion Clan player. Battle: Even if Kiyoshi is bowed: Bow or straighten a target Personality with Force lower than the current battlefield’s province’s strength. If that Personality is Shadowlands, his...
Low Quality Mine
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Low Quality Mine

Mine After this card enters play: Destroy one of your non-Unique Gold-producing Holdings. Bow this card: Produce 5 Gold.
Dockside Market
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Dockside Market

Market Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold if you control one or more Ports, plus 1 Gold if you control one or more other Markets.
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