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Moto Kushi
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Moto Kushi

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments.
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Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Shugenja • Alchemist After Morru enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Reaction: After a Goblin enters play from a Province, bow Morru: Refill the Province face-up.
Arjuna Singh
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Arjuna Singh

Mantis Clan • Cavalry • Naval • Gaijin • Kshatriya Singh does not bow from battle resolution.
Emerald Champion
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Emerald Champion

Samurai • Duelist May not be included in decks
Legion of Toshigoku
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Legion of Toshigoku

Spirit Battle: Even if this card is bowed: Destroy this card. Reaction: After this card enters a discard pile from play: Draw a card.
Thorough Preparations
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Thorough Preparations

After this card enters a discard pile from your hand during a battle: Draw a card.
Utaku Hana
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Utaku Hana

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to Hana’s Personal Honor.
Hida's Guidance
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Hida's Guidance

Kami • Unique Crab Clan players’ provinces have +2 strength. Battle: If you are an attacking Crab Clan player, the Defender has 2 or more provinces, and your current army’s total Force is greater than the current battlefield’s province’s strength, destroy all your Personalities there and discard this card: Destroy the province and end this battle without...
Yoritomo's Guidance
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Yoritomo's Guidance

Kami • Unique When a Mantis Clan player’s Port Holding produces Gold: It produces one additional Gold. Reaction: After a battle resolution that destroyed a province, if you are a Mantis Clan player and the Attacker, discard this card: Gain a province to the left of your leftmost province.
Kakita Kensho-in Exp
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Kakita Kensho-in Exp (Spanish Language)

Crane Clan • Obsidian • Samurai • Duelist • Artisan • Experienced • Unique After Kensho-in wins a duel: Before the next time this turn another player’s action bows, moves, or destroys her, negate that effect.
Akodo Masao
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Akodo Masao

Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero • Kensai Masao has +3F while attacking unless he has any non-Weapon attachments.
Ikoma Tobikuma
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Ikoma Tobikuma (Spanish)

Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician Tactical Open: Give Tobikuma either Cavalry, Naval, or Philosopher.
Tsuruchi Nabeta
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Tsuruchi Nabeta

Mantis Clan • Samurai Battle: Bow Nabeta: Ranged 4 Attack. Straighten Nabeta before this battle’s resolution.
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Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhu man • Goblin • Scout After Gakku enters play: Lose 3 Honor.
Utaku Yanai
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Utaku Yanai

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -2F. If its Force is now 0, bow it and gain 2 Honor.
Daigotsu Shinjitsu
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Daigotsu Shinjitsu

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark Truth After Shinjitsu enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Discard a Dark Virtue card: Give Shinjitsu a Force bonus equal to the discarded card’s Focus Value plus 1.
Bayushi Sihaken
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Bayushi Sihaken

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Reaction: After Sihaken’s army destroys one or more provinces or enemy units by winning a battle: The Defender loses 2 Honor.
My Father's Shrine
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My Father's Shrine

Temple Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow your target Personality: Gain 1 Honor.
Touch of Ice
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Touch of Ice

Water Open: If it is not your turn, bow this Shugenja: Another target player may choose to bow two of his Personalities. If he does not bow two Personalities, gain 3 Honor.
Unfortunate Incident
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Unfortunate Incident

Political Limited: Target another player with higher Family Honor than yours. He has shamed his clan, and loses 5 Honor. Until the game ends, he may ignore Honor Requirements when bringing Personalities into play.
I Will Not Die Alone!
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I Will Not Die Alone!

Battle: Destroy your target unbowed Berserker or Deathseeker Personality: Destroy a target enemy unit with total Force less than the Force plus Chi of your targeted Personality. If your Personality is a Deathseeker, gain 2 Honor.
Arrival of the Emerald Champion
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Arrival of the Emerald Champion

Political Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield, if you are the Defender or are attacking a player with a Family Honor below zero, discard the Imperial Favor: Create a 5F/6C/3PH Samurai • Duelist Personality on your side there. Remove him from the game after the battle ends.
Utaku Tayoi
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Utaku Tayoi

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: If Tayoi is at a battlefield: Move her to another battlefield. Gain 1 Honor if Tayoi is attacking, or gain 2 Honor if she is now opposed.
Ikoma Toraji
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Ikoma Toraji

Lion Clan • Samurai
Silver Mine
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Silver Mine

Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Phoenix Clan player.
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Market Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crane Clan player
Iron Mine
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Iron Mine

Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
Permanent Encampment
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Permanent Encampment

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if paying for an attachment. Battle: Straighten your target attachment. You may transfer it to your target Personality.
Gold Mine FOIL
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Gold Mine FOIL

Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
Yasuki Tijaki
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Yasuki Tijaki

Crab Clan • Courtier Political Limited: A target Personality may not perform Political actions, or any actions if he is Crane Clan.
Doji Kishio
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Doji Kishio

Crane Clan • Courtier Political Open: Discard the Imperial Favor: Straighten a target Holding.
Matsu Youko
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Matsu Youko

Lion Clan • Samurai Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers.
Essence of Evil
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Essence of Evil

Maho • Kiho Battle/Open: Bow your target Shadowlands Shugenja at any location: Straighten one or two target Shadowlands Personalities
Imperial Command
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Imperial Command

Political · Imperial Reaction: After a target card is destroyed: Remove it from the game. Reaction: When an action would target your Unique Personality, pay 2 Gold: The action targets another of your Personalities instead, if legal.
Limbs of Fudo
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Limbs of Fudo

Fudo · Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card: Give each Personality and Follower in a target unit +1F.
Asako Serizawa
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Asako Serizawa (Spanish)

Phoenix Clan • Void • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate. Open: Bow Serizawa: Give -4F to a target Personality with lower Personal Honor than Serizawa’s Chi
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