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Might of the Shadowlands (Spanish)
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Might of the Shadowlands (Spanish)

Maho • Singular. Battle: Even if this card is not at the current battlefield: Target one or more Shadowlands cards at the current battlefield. Give each target +1F, or +2F if it is Undead. Lose 3 Honor.
Tsuruchi Saya
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Tsuruchi Saya

Mantis Clan * Samurai Battle: Ranged 5 Attack.
Matsu Notsuo
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Matsu Notsuo

Lion Clan * Samurai Notsuo does not bow from battle resolution.
No Escape
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No Escape

Battle: Target your unbowed Magistrate, and bow him if he is not Scorpion Clan: Reduce a target enemy Personality’s Force to his own Personal Honor. If he is dishonorable, destroy his attachments.
Gentle Blade of Winter
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Gentle Blade of Winter

Kata Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards you control. While this card is in play, you have the ability, “Reaction: After a Battle action resolves, if it was performed by one of your Personalities who now has a Weapon: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -3F.”
Togashi Binya
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Togashi Binya

Dragon Clan • Monk • Tattooed. Battle: Set a target Personality’s Force to Binya’s Force.
Shosuro Seibei
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Shosuro Seibei

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo • Unique When another player would target a Courtier at Seibei's location with an action: It targets Seibei instead, if legal.
Rampart Sentries
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Rampart Sentries

This card has +1F for each Castle Holding you control. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged Attack with strength equal to this card's Force.
Front Gate
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Front Gate

Castle • Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 gold. If you are a Crab Clan player, your provinces have +1 strength. If you have fewer provinces than at least one other player, your provinces have +1 strength.
Yasuki Miliko Exp (Spanish Language)
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Yasuki Miliko Exp (Spanish Language)

Crab Clan • Courtier · Samurai · Master Sensei · Ruby Champion · Experienced · Unique. Miliko uses her force as a duel stat in duels to wich she is challenged. Battle: If there are any units at the current battlefield: Straighten one of your target personalities and move him there.
Bayushi Eisaku Exp
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Bayushi Eisaku Exp

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Hero • Bitter Lies Swordsman • Experienced • Unique. Reaction: After Eisaku enters play: Discard a target Dynasty card from a province
A Warrior's Courtesy
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A Warrior's Courtesy

Political Battle: Straighten a target bowed enemy Personality. If this straightened him, take the Imperial Favor and draw a card
Famous Bazaar FOIL
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Famous Bazaar FOIL

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. After this card enters play from a province: Refill the province face-up.
Wheels within Wheels
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Wheels within Wheels (Spanish)

Open: Target one of your honorable human Personalities: He commits seppuku. You may rehonor one of your Personalities. Gain 2 Honor.
Isawa's Water
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Isawa's Water

Isawa Scroll · Water Your Personalities with Isawa Scrolls attached have Cavalry. Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Target two Personalities controlled by the same player at any two locations. Switch their locations.
Isawa's Void
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Isawa's Void

Isawa Scroll · Void The Focus Value of this card is 4 while you control any Isawa Scrolls. Reaction: After you discard a Fate card due to a cost or effect from a card (including the discarded card), destroy this Spell: Before your next turn ends, put the
Budoka's Tonfa
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Budoka's Tonfa

Weapon. Can not attach to a Samurai. Reaction: After you attach this card from your hand: Straighten a target Samurai
Single Strike Style
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Single Strike Style

Focus Effect: If your Personality in this duel is Crane Clan: After the duel ends, you may put a discarded Political Action card you focused on top of your Fate deck. Battle: Bow one of your target Crane Clan Personalities: Target an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. If he is bowed, destroy him. If he es not bowed, bow him.
Yoritomo Daishiro
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Yoritomo Daishiro (Spanish)

Mantis Clan · Samurai · Magistrate · Naval · Unique. Battle: Target a Personality opposing Daishiro. Give +2F to each Mantis Clan Personality in this army with Chi greater than the target's Personal Honor.
Tsi Blade (Formato Celestial)
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Tsi Blade (Formato Celestial)

Weapon. Reaction: After this Personality assigns, bow this card: Draw a card.
Three Man Alliance Plain (Formato Celestial)
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Plains · Singular Reaction: After one of your personalities enter play, bow this card: Target him. Attach a card to him from your hand (paying all costs). If he attached the card, draw a card.
Sorrow's Path (Formato Celestial)
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Sorrow's Path (Formato Celestial)

Singular Before a battle at this province resolves: The Attacker targets one unit, or three cards, in the attacking army. Destroy the targets
The Bitter Shadow of Shame FOIL
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The Bitter Shadow of Shame FOIL

Political Limited : Bow one of your target Courtier Personalities: Destroy a target non-Unique dishonorable Personality.
Misdirection FOIL
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Misdirection FOIL

Focus Effect : You may shuffle up to 3 Personalities from your discard pile into your Dynasty deck. Political Gozoku Reaction : Before another player would choose targets for one of his action's effects during a battle, target one of your Courtier or Gozoku Personalities: You choose the targets instead.
Banish all Shadows FOIL
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Banish all Shadows FOIL

Kiho limited: Bow one of your target Shugenja or Monks: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck. Put one in your hand. Shuffle the deck.
Venerable Master FOIL
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Retainer Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold Open: Bow and destroy this card, and pay 2 Gold: Create a 3F/3C/3PH Samurai Personality with your Clan alignment
The Crane's Strength
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The Crane's Strength (Spanish)

Battle: Target one of your Crane Clan Personalities: Destroy a target Personality or Follower opposing him with no attached Followers and Force less than your Personality's Personal Honor plus two.
Lies, Lies, Lies...
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Lies, Lies, Lies...

Political Limited : If you have no cards in play or in your discard piles that cause their player an Honor loss or have the Shadowlands, Ninja, or Kolat keywords: Gain 8 Honor; this gain can not raise your Family Honor above its starting value.
Crippling Cut
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Crippling Cut

A Personality who wins this duel can not perform actions that create a challenge for the rest of the game. Battle: Target one of your Personalities: Move home a target Personality opposing him with lower Chi or lower Force.
Hida Takuji
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Hida Takuji

Crab Clan · Berserker. Battle: If Takuji is opposed: Give him +6F. Destroy him after this battle ends
Secluded Village
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Secluded Village (Spanish)

Village Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold. If you did not go first this gameand are paying for a Personality, bow this card: Produce 4 Gold.
Private Trader
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Private Trader

Legacy. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold when paying a Gold Cost on an Action card.
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Until the game ends, during each player's End Phase, he may draw an additional card if he has played any Followers from his hand that turn.
Hired Killer FOIL
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Hired Killer FOIL

Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's unit's Gold Cost plus 2: Lose 3 Honor. Destroy a target Personality.
Barracks of the Damned FOIL
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Barracks of the Damned FOIL

Your Crab Clan Shadowlands Personalities have +1F. Battle: Target one of your Crab Clan Personalities: Target a card opposing him. Bow it if it has less Force. If both targets are Shadowlands, destroy them.
Ceremony of Planting
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Ceremony of Planting (Spanish)

Each player who controls any Farms or Ashigaru permanently gains +2 Province Strength to each of his provinces.
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