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Archer Squad
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L5R Singles

Archer Squad

Reserve Formation Formed by three Samurai or Bushi Personalities. Your Personalities in this battle gain "Battle: Bow this Personality for a Ranged 3 Attack." Personalities in different units may combine these attacks.  
Kabuki Theater Troupe
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Kabuki Theater Troupe

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow this card: Gain 1 Honor.
Black Market
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Black Market

Lose 3 Honor. All Trade Routes in play produce 2 less gold. All Ports in play produce 1 less gold. Bow and lose 1 Honor to produce 2 gold. If Black Market is controlled by a Crane player, Black Market produces 3 gold when bowed.
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Unaligned Undead Samurai. Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Fear 3
Feydn Rafiq
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Feydn Rafiq

Unaligned. Ivory Kingdoms Assassin Feydn will not attach Followers. Feydn can attach two Weapons. Feydn cannot be targeted with a card effect that will or might move him out of a battle.
One Life, One Action
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One Life, One Action

Reaction: Play this card immediately after another player resolves an action card from his or her hand. The player cannot play any copy of that action for the rest of the game, but the player can still use it for its focus value.
Face of the Nameless
L5R Singles

Face of the Nameless

Ninja Limited: Bow any number of your ninja personalities. Target any one human personality in play. If the human's chi is lower than the number of ninja performing this action and the human's personal honor is lower than the chi of each of the ninjas, you permanently gain control of the human, all followers attached to the human are destroyed, and the...
Energy Terrain
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Energy Terrain

Battle Terrain: Straighten all bowed personalities and followers at this battle.
Bandit Attack
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Bandit Attack

Limited: Target and destroy any one Merchant Caravan in play. You may also target and destroy any one other non-Fortification Holding or Region controlled by the Merchant Caravan's player.
Noh Theater Troupe
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Noh Theater Troupe

Bow Noh Theater Troupe to produce 2 Gold.Political Reaction: Bow Noh Theater Troupe after another player gains Honor or resolves a Political action to gain 2 Honor. 
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Mantis Clan Orochi · Creature · Cavalry · Naval · Will not attach cards. 
The Topaz Armor
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The Topaz Armor

Reaction: When this Personality discards a card for a Tactician Force bonus to raise the discard's Focus value to 3 if it is below 3. 
Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng
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Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng

Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor.Obsidian Mempo's printed Force and Chi bonuses equal the number of other Obsidian cards you control. 
The Edge of Shinomen Forest
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The Edge of Shinomen Forest

Fortification Battle: The Attacker must bow one attacking Personality, or an ally (offensive or defensive) must bow one of his or her Personalities; you choose. Shuffle the Edge of Shinomen Forest back into your deck.
Silk Works
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Silk Works

Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold.
Bayushi Churai
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Bayushi Churai

Scorpion Clan Samurai. Soul of Bayushi Dozan Battle: Destroy a Follower in this unit to send this unit home from the battle, bowed. Churai may perform this action while bowed.
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Ratling Guide. Crooked Tail Tribe. Creature. Soul of Mack'uk Nir'um'tuk will not attach more than one Follower. Open: Once per turn, target one of your Ratling Personalities with fewer than two Followers. Nir'um'tuk, that Personality, and both units' Followers gain Cavalry.
To Do What We Must
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To Do What We Must

Battle: Target and destroy a unit you control led by an unbowed Personality: Target a unit opposing it with total Force less than or equal to your unit's total Force, plus your Personality’s Personal Honor, plus 2 if your Personality is Crane Clan. Destroy the opposing unit.
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Political Limited: Target a dishonored Personality. That Personality's controller loses 7 Honor. No more copies of Shame may target that Personality until he is restored to honor and dishonored again.
Entrapping Terrain
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Entrapping Terrain

Delayed Terrain Battle: This battle ends without resolution. All units go home without bowing.
Tsuno Sochi
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Tsuno Sochi

Cavalry * Nonhuman * ShadowlandsLose 4 Honor. Sochi gains +2F while attacking. Negate all Honor gains while Sochi is in the current battle. 
The Shadow's Claw
L5R Singles

The Shadow's Claw

Reaction: Play before your Personality focuses in a duel. Look at your top five Fate cards. Focus with one, take one into your hand, and shuffle the rest into the deck. 
Hurricane Tattoo
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Hurricane Tattoo

Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait and without a Hurricane Tattoo. For the rest of the game, the Personality has a Hurricane Tattoo, -1F, and gains the ability "Battle: Bow this Personality to give all opposing Personalities and Followers -1F." 
Beiden Pass
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Beiden Pass

Mountain • UniqueNegate units' movement to or from this province's battlefield
Ikoma Tsanuri
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Ikoma Tsanuri

Lion Clan • Samurai • TacticianOther players may not play Terrains while Tsanuri is at the current battlefield
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The Fires That Cleanse
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The Fires That Cleanse

FireBattle: Bow and destroy this Shugenja and target an enemy Personality: Destroy him
Strike at the Roots
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Strike at the Roots

Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja and target zero or more cards in a target player's provinces up to this Shugenja's Chi: Put these cards at the bottom of that player's Dynasty deck
Fu Leng's Steeds
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Fu Leng's Steeds

Limited: Target a card: Permanently remove Cavalry from it
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Limited: Bow your performing Monk Personality and target a Ring in your discard pile: Put it in your hand.
Chasing the Wind
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Chasing the Wind

WindReaction: Before an action moves an Infantry unit to a battlefield where you have one or more units, all of which are Cavalry: Negate the action's effects
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Unique Reaction: Before this Personality is destroyed, bow and destroy Decoy to negate the destruction.
Kaiu Endo
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Kaiu Endo

Crab Clan Engineer Reaction: Immediately after a Fortification enters play, bow Endo to turn the face-down card in the Fortification's Province face up. If the card is an Event, discard it and replace it with a face-down card.
Pearl Magic
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Pearl Magic

Kiho Battle: Bow one of your Naga Shugenja in this battle to make Ranged 2 Attacks targeting all opposing Followers and Personalities without Followers, in this battle. The Ranged Attack Strength cannot be raised.
Ryoshun's First Gift
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Ryoshun's First Gift

Reaction: Before this Shugenja bows to cast a Kiho, bow this Spell instead of the Shugenja. Casting this Spell does not bow the Shugenja.
Soul's Sacrifice
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Soul's Sacrifice

Battle: Target an unbowed Samurai you control with more than 2 Personal Honor: Target a unit opposing him. Permanently give your Samurai the Undead and Shadowlands traits. Move the unit home.
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