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Moto Gonnohyoe
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Moto Gonnohyoe

Unicorn Clan Madman · Bushi · Cavalry. Limited: Destroy a Region you control: Once per turn, create a 2F/2C 1 Personal Honor Unicorn Clan Cavalry Personality
Ide Bantu
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Ide Bantu (Spanish)

Unicorn Clan Courtier · Magistrate. Reaction: When paying for an Item, bow Bantu: Produce 5 Gold. After the Item enters play, if its printed Gold cost is greater than 4, draw a card
Sentei no Oni
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Sentei no Oni (Spanish Language)

Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 10 Honor. May not be put under a Sensei. Before your Events Phase, if Sentei no Oni is dead, you may bring it into play, ignoring costs. Negate all permanent effects on it. Battle: Target an opposing non-Unique card. Destroy it. If you used this ability previously this battle, move Sentei no Oni home before the Resolution...
Matsu Aoiko Exp
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Matsu Aoiko Exp

Lion Clan Samurai · Experienced · Unique. Battle: Once per turn, target an opposing Personality with less Chi than the number of Lion Clan Samurai in Aoiko's army. Destroy him. Battle: Once per battle, target a Lion Clan Samurai you control that has not been at a battlefield during its battle's resolution this turn. Move him to Aoiko's battlefield
Mirumoto Yuichi
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Mirumoto Yuichi

Dragon Clan Samurai. Reaction: After Yuichi enters play: Target a Personality. Straighten him. Battle: If you won a duel this battle, once per battle, target a Personality with no attached cards. Straighten or bow him
Diplomatic Retreat
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Diplomatic Retreat

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card and a Courtier Personality you control: If it is another player's Action phase, target the active player. Gain 3 Honor when the turn ends if the player assigned no units to attack you this turn.
The Hidden Heart of Iuchiban Exp
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The Hidden Heart of Iuchiban Exp

Shadowlands · Experienced · Unique. Bow this card: Lose 3 Honor. Produce 4 Gold. Open: Bow this card: Once per turn, target a Shadowlands Personality without the printed Shadowlands trait. Gain control of him. You may not destroy him to pay costs. The player this action took him from gains control of him when the turn ends
Lesser Mujina
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Lesser Mujina

Creature. Cavalry Lose 1 Honor.
Goblin Mob
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Goblin Mob

Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 2 Honor. Reaction: When a ranged attack targets a card in this unit, the ranged attack targets the Goblin Mob instead.
Sake Works
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Sake Works

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and your performing Personality, and target a Personality with 1 or lower Personal Honor: Bow him.
Go Master
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Go Master

RetainerBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow this card: Put a Terrain into play from your hand. If it entered play, destroy all other Terrains in play.
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FortificationDefending Personalities at this province's battlefields have +1F. Before comparing the strength of a Ranged Attack from a defending card at this province's battlefield to its target: Double its strength.
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Unaligned Samurai. Cavalry
Isawa Uona
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Isawa Uona

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Master of Air Open Elemental: Bow the master of Air and discard a Fate card with a Focus Value of X. Look at X face down cards.
Isawa Tomo
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Isawa Tomo

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Master of Water Battle Elemental: Bow this card to move a unit from one Province to another.
Naga Warlord
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Naga Warlord

Naga Samurai. Nonhuman All Naga cards in Naga Warlord's unit have a 1F bonus while they remain in his unit. (Clarification: Has a base 3F, and only gives +1F to other Naga cards in his unit.)
Matsu Yojo
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Matsu Yojo

Lion Clan Samurai
Kitsuki Yasu
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Kitsuki Yasu

Dragon Clan Justicator. Samurai Reaction: You may bow Yasu to force any Samurai to accept a challenge. (Clarification: Must bow when the challeng is issued.) (Errata: Special ability now has the Political trait.)
Kakita Yinobu
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Kakita Yinobu

Crane Clan • Master Orator Reaction: Any number of times per turn, before a player loses Honor, bow Yinobu and discard any number of cards: Reduce the loss by an amount equal to the cards' total Focus Values, to a minimum of 0.
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Ancestral Armor of Unicorn Clan
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Ancestral Armor of Unicorn Clan

Unique The Unicorn Clan Armor can only be attached to a Unicorn Clan Samurai. This Personality gains a +1F/+1C bonus for each Cavalry Unit in this army.
Oath of Fealty
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Oath of Fealty

Limited: Your Personalities "swear fealty" to you. Each of your Personalities without your Faction's trait permanently gains +1F/+1C and your Faction's traits (except Monk, Naga, Ninja, Ratling or Spirit) and the Unaligned trait.
Intersecting Highways
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Intersecting Highways

Battle: Terrain. All allied Personalities assisting in Attack or Defense gain a 1F bonus. (Errata: Bonus is +2F, not +1F.) (Clarification: Bonus lasts only until the end of the turn. Only Allies in the current Battle gain the bonus.)
Encircled Terrain
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Encircled Terrain

Terrain Battle: Before this battle’s resolution, the Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each choose one of his units at the current battlefield. Then, move all other units there home.
Scribing the Tao
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Scribing the Tao

After this Spell enters play, target a Ring in play or in any discard pile. Copy one ability from it to this Spell until this Spell leaves play. (Any cost of bowing the Ring becomes ?Bow this card?.)
Way of the Horse and the Bow
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Way of the Horse and the Bow

Limited: Target a Samurai Personality you control. Permanently give him the Cavalry trait and ?Battle: Bow this Personality: Ranged 2 Attack.? Draw a card. Limited: Target a Cavalry Samurai Personality you control. Permanently give him +1F and ?Battle: Bow this Personality: Produce a ranged attack with a strength equal to this Personality's Chi.? Draw a card
Ancient Battlefield
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Ancient Battlefield

Delayed Terrain. Battle: You may target one of your Honorably Dead Personalities that was destroyed since the end of your last turn by a card another player owned or from having 0 Chi. Negate all non-permanent Chi penalties on him. Bring the Personality into play in your army, ignoring costs and restrictions.
Fallen Thunder
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Fallen Thunder

Kami Open: If this is the Action Phase, target a Unique Personality. Bow him. During his controller's next Straighten Phase, the Personality may not straighten unless his controller discards a card
Kaiu Fortress
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Kaiu Fortress

Unique. Does not count against the number of Regions a Province can attach. Open: Pay 1 Gold. Even during battles where you have no units, target one of your Provinces. If the current strength is less than twice its base strength, give it +1 strength.
Mirumoto Hojatsu
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Mirumoto Hojatsu (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Samurai · Disciple of the Kami · Duelist · Unique. Limited: Once per turn, search your Fate deck for a Weapon. Show it. Put it in your hand. Battle: Bow a Weapon you control: Once per turn, target a Personality opposing it. The Personality's controller targets a Personality in the Weapon's army. The first Personality issues an unrefusable...
The First Dojo
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The First Dojo (Spanish)

Unique. Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold. Open: Bow a Kami Personality or Clan Champion you control: Once per turn, even if this card is bowed, target up to three other Personalities you control. Straighten them.
Wedge FOIL
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Wedge FOIL

Battle: Target one of your units in this battle. You cannot target that unit or cards in it with actions until after the battle ends. Destroy the unit when the battle ends. If the unit is still in this army at the beginning of the Resolution Segment, double the Force of the Personality and each Follower in the unit.
Ogre Elite
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Ogre Elite

Nonhuman * Unique * Shadowlands * Lose 6 Honor. Will only attach to a Shadowlands Personality. May attach to a Personality regardless of restrictions on that Personality. Reaction: When another player's card moves this unit from a battle and this Personality is an Ogre or an Oni, bow Ogre Elite to negate that movement. 
Kakita House Guard
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Kakita House Guard

Unique . Will only attach to a Crane Clan Personality. Battle: Bow Kakita House Guard to have this Personality issue an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality. 
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Limited: If this Personality is unbowed, bow Courier to move Courier and any number of unbowed Items and/or Spells from this Personality to another of your unbowed Personalities. (All new attachments must be legal.) 
House of the Red Lotus
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House of the Red Lotus

Geisha House Bow House of the Red Lotus to produce 2 Gold. Political Reaction: Before another player gains Honor from bringing a Personality into play, bow House of the Red Lotus to lower the gain by one. Lose 1 Honor. 
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