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Ambush FOIL
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Ambush FOIL (Spanish Language)

Limited: Declare an additional Attack Phase. Target one of your units that can legally assign to attack and another player's unit to assign to defend (even if illegal). Units in this battle are neither at a Province nor at home. No other units may assign or move to this battle. Units cannot move into or destroy Provinces this battle. After this Attack...
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Ratling Scout * Grasping Paw Tribe * Creature Reaction: Bow Ik'krt to cancel an action performed by an opposing Follower.
Wikki'thich-hie A'tch
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Wikki'thich-hie A'tch

Ratling Ancestor * Creature * Unique Reaction: When a Spell or Kiho targets this Personality, shuffle A'tck into your deck to cancel it. You may use this action while A'tck is bowed.
Uji no Shiryo
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Uji no Shiryo

Crane Clan Ancestor * Unique Battle: If there are one or more units in the opposing player's army, bow Uji to give this Personality -1F/-1C and move this unit into the current battle.
The Arrow Knows the Way
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The Arrow Knows the Way

Reaction : Before you target a Ranged Attack from an action performed by one of your Personalities with a Chi of 3 or higher: The Ranged Attack may target a Personality with attached Followers.
Yoritomo Rui FOIL
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Yoritomo Rui FOIL

Mantis Clan Samurai. Naval Battle: Bow Rui for a Ranged 3 Attack. This attack may not be combined, and is compared against the target's printed Force.
Death of Rosoku
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Death of Rosoku

Open: Target a Personality. Give him -2F. After the next time this game he enters a discard pile, remove all destroyed Personalities from the game.
Bayushi Shun FOIL
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Bayushi Shun FOIL

Scorpion Clan Ninja · Samurai · Magistrate · Ninjutsu 2. Reaction: Once per turn, after another player targets Shun with an action: Target a Dishonored Personality at Shun's battlefield or at home. Destroy him.
Akodo Moromao FOIL
L5R Singles

Akodo Moromao FOIL

Lion Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Tactician. Tactical Battle: Target a Lion Clan Personality you control in Moromao's army at the current battlefield. The Personality produces a Ranged Attack with a strength equal to his Personal Honor
Hida Takuji FOIL
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Hida Takuji FOIL (Spanish)

Crab Clan Berserker. Battle: Once per turn, if Takuji is opposed: Give Takuji +6F. Destroy him after the battle ends.
Shiro no Soshi
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Shiro no Soshi (Spanish Language)

Non-Unique Ninja you own without Ninjutsu have Ninjutsu equal to their printed Gold cost minus 6. Each time you would reveal a Dynasty card during the Events Phase, you may look at it, then choose not to reveal it if it is a Ninjutsu Personality. Open: Target a face-down Ninja who wasn't targeted this turn. Give him +2F until he is targeted or the turn ends
Masahigi's Blade
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Masahigi's Blade

Weapon. Will only attach to a Samurai or Naval Personality. Battle: Bow this Personality: Target a non-Samurai Personality at this card's battlefield. Bow him.
Scouring the Shadows
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Scouring the Shadows

Battle: Target and bow a Ninja, Harrier, or Scout Personality you control at the current battlefield: He produces a Ranged Attack with a strength equal to the highest Force among all Personalities opposing him.
Tasu no Oni
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Tasu no Oni

Shadowlands · Oni · Nonhuman · Lose 3 Honor. Limited: Bow and destroy Tasu no Oni: Attach a 2F Nonhuman Shadowlands Oni Follower token to each Oni Personality you control, regardless of restrictions on those Oni.
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Ratling · Grasping Paw Tribe · Creature. Reaction: Once per turn, after a player draws a card due to one of his card effects: Discard the top card of that player's Fate deck.
Agasha Fumihiro
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Agasha Fumihiro (Spanish)

Phoenix Clan Fire Shugenja · Gozoku. Battle: Target and destroy one of Fumihiro's Spells: Target an opposing card with no cards attached. Destroy it. Gain 2 Honor
Yoritomo Buntaro
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Yoritomo Buntaro (Spanish)

Mantis Clan Pirate · Naval. Limited: Once per turn, if Buntaro was in an army this turn, pay Gold equal to the target's printed Gold cost: Target a Holding controlled by another player. Gain control of it. Straighten it. Give control of it to that player when the turn ends.
Moshi Hitaka
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Moshi Hitaka

Mantis Clan Samurai · Scout · Storm Rider. Hitaka has +1F for each Orochi you control. Battle: Bow Hitaka: Target an Orochi Personality. Raise its Force and its Chi to twice their printed values. Destroy it when the turn ends
Yoritomo Kaigen
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Yoritomo Kaigen

Mantis Clan Shugenja · Storm Rider · Unique. Battle: Bow Kaigen: Target an Orochi you control at the current battlefield. It produces 2 consecutive Ranged 6 Attacks.
Akodo Bakin
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Akodo Bakin (Spanish)

Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician. Tactical Battle: Even if Bakin is not at the current battlefield: Until the turn ends, Bakin loses the Tactician trait, and you may take the action ?Battle: Target and bow 3 Lion Clan Personalities you control at the current battlefield: Target a unit opposing those Lions. Destroy it.?
Ikoma Chikao
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L5R Singles

Ikoma Chikao (Spanish)

Lion Clan Samurai · Unique. While Chikao is in an army, Lion Clan Personalities in your Provinces cost 1 less Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, after a Lion Clan Personality enters or leaves play: Target a Lion Clan Personality. Attach a 1F Follower token to him.
Akodo Moromao
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Akodo Moromao (Spanish)

Lion Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Tactician. Tactical Battle: Target a Lion Clan Personality you control in Moromao's army at the current battlefield. The Personality produces a Ranged Attack with a strength equal to his Personal Honor
Daidoji Teika
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Daidoji Teika

Crane Clan Samurai · Harrier. After Teika is destroyed, dishonor an Honorable Personality you control. Battle: Destroy Teika: Give ?2F to each opposing card with no cards attached. You may target and destroy one of those cards that now has 0F.
Daidoji Uji Exp3
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Daidoji Uji Exp3

Crane Clan Samurai · Harrier · Experienced 3 · Unique. Once per turn, before destroying a Personality as part of a cost, you may move him home instead if he is a Harrier. Battle: Once per battle, target and destroy a Harrier you control in Uji's army: Target an opposing card. If it has no cards attached, destroy it; otherwise, reduce its Force to 0.
Hiruma Takaaki
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Hiruma Takaaki

Crab Clan Samurai · Scout. Takaaki has +1F while in an army for each unit in that army that has a Follower. Recon Open: If it is the Action Phase, bow Takaaki: Target a Province. Raise or lower its strength by 5.
Hida Kosedo
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Hida Kosedo

Crab Clan Samurai. Reaction: Once per turn, after a Follower attaches to Kosedo from your hand: Draw a card.
Temple of Bishamon
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Temple of Bishamon

You must have at least 5 Honor to bring the Temple into play. Limited: Bow to gain 1 Honor. Battle: Bow the Temple of Bishamon to gain 1 Honor. Battle: Bow the Temple of Bishamon to bow a card with the Shadowlands trait attacking one of your Provinces. You may take this action during a battle in which you have no units.
Moto Tsume Exp
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Moto Tsume Exp

Unaligned Nonhuman Samurai. Shadowlands. Experienced. Unique Lose 6 Honor. Will not enter play if you have a family honor above zero. Cannot be assigned to the same army as units that have no Shadowlands cards and vice versa. Battle: Fear 3.
Robes of Shinsei
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Robes of Shinsei

May only be attached to a Monk. Gain 2 honor. No more than one per Personality. The Robes have a +1F/+1C for each Ring you have in play.
Kenshin's Helm
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Kenshin's Helm

Battle: Bow this Personality to bow any opposing Personality with a lower Chi.
Osano-Wo's Breath
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Osano-Wo's Breath

Battle Elemental: Bow this Shugenja. No Ranged Attacks can be made until the end of this battle.
An Oni's Fury
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An Oni's Fury

Battle: Target an opposing Oni. The Oni's controller must immediately destroy one of his Personalities in this battle or else the Oni is destroyed.
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Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Togashi Yoshi
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Togashi Yoshi

Dragon Clan Shugenja Reaction: When a Personality you control is entering a duel, you may bow this card to draw and reveal your top Fate Card. Add its Focus Value to that Personality's Chi until the end of the turn. (Clarification: The revealed card is discarded, and is not treated as a Focus.)
Emperor's Peace
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Emperor's Peace

No attacks may be made by any Player until the beginning of this Player's next turn.
Block Supply Lines
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Block Supply Lines

Battle: Move a target attacking unit home. If it moved, bow it.
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