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Bushido's Scourge
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Bushido's Scourge

After this Spell enters play, gain 1 Honor if this Shugenja is Air.Air Battle, Bow: You may target your Samurai. Fear equal to this Shugenja's or the Samurai's Chi (Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality without Followers with Force equal to or lower than the Fear's strength).
Token of Affection
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Token of Affection

Imperial • Love Letter(This is not an Affection token for Iweko Miaka.)Open, Bow: Search your discard pile, then Dynasty deck for Iweko Miaka. If she is not dead, discard a card in one of your Provinces and refill it with her, face-up. Discard this Item.
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L5R Singles


One-Handed • Sword • Weapon Equips to Kakita Daitsu for 1 less Gold.Battle, Bow: If your card bowed this Personality this battle, straighten him.
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Sword • Two-Handed • WeaponMelee and Ranged Attacks targeting cards in this unit have -1 strength.
Unliving Legion
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Unliving Legion

Nonhuman • Shadowlands • UndeadAfter you Equip this Follower, lose 3 Honor. After the first time each battle a Personality or Follower is destroyed at this card's battlefield, create a 1F Nonhuman • Shadowlands • Undead Follower and attach it to this Personality.Battle: Fear equal to the number of Undead cards in this unit.
Anonymous Monk
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Anonymous Monk

Monk • CavalryWhile you control one or more Rings, this Follower has Expendable. While you control two or more Rings, this Personality has Cavalry. While you control three or more Rings, this Follower has +1F.
Yasuki Makoto, Imperial Advisor
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Yasuki Makoto, Imperial Advisor

Courtier • Imperial • Kolat • Merchant • Experienced • UniqueEconomic Kolat Open, Bow, 5: Draw a card.
Shinjo Saeki
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Shinjo Saeki

Magistrate • Samurai • CavalrySaeki has +1F while in an army with any Ronin.Battle: Give a target enemy Personality -2F. If he has lower Personal Honor, give Saeki +1F.
Moto Tadasu
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Moto Tadasu

Commander • Samurai • Zealot • CavalryTadasu has +1F while you control a Death Priest.Unstoppable Battle: Fear 3 that may target Spells. Destroy any Spells this bowed. (Spells have 0 Force.)
Moto Nergui
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Moto Nergui

Death Priest • Scion of the Void • Void • Water • Cavalry • ShugenjaInterrupt, Bow: After the action resolves, if its Fear effects bowed any cards without attachments, destroy them.
Matsu Hachiro
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Matsu Hachiro

Commander • Paragon • Samurai • Scout • Cavalry • ExperiencedHachiro has +2F while attacking.Unstoppable Battle: Melee 2 Attack, or Melee 3 Attack if the target is Scorpion Clan. (Other players cannot Interrupt Unstoppable actions.)
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Nonhuman • Ogre • Shadowlands • Sinner • YojimboAfter Masajiro enters play, lose 2 Honor. Home Battle: If he would be opposed, move Masajiro to the current battlefield. After he moves, straighten his attachments if there is another Nonhuman or Unique Personality in his army.
Kakita Daitsu
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L5R Singles

Kakita Daitsu

Samurai • Duelist • KensaiDaitsu has +1C while you control Kakita Shinichi. Daitsu will only attach one Weapon.Unstoppable Battle, Bow: Melee 2 Attack. (Other players cannot Interrupt Unstoppable actions.)
Isawa Nomura
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Isawa Nomura

Fire • Scion of Flame • ShugenjaFire Interrupt: After the action resolves, if it was Fire and bowed or destroyed any enemy cards, give your target Shugenja +2F.
Ide Igo
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L5R Singles

Ide Igo

Courtier • MerchantCourtesy: Igo has Destined. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first. Draw a card after you Recruit a Destined card.)
Hida O-Win
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Hida O-Win

SamuraiWhile O-Win is opposing a Shadowlands or Spider Clan Personality, his printed ability is Unstoppable and its Fear has +1 strength.Battle: Fear 3.
Akodo Yuyama
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L5R Singles

Akodo Yuyama

Ancestor • Samurai • Scout • Spirit • The Masked Lion • Destined (Draw a card after you Recruit a Destined card.)Yuyama has +1F if you are Phoenix Clan.
Akodo Raikitsu
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Akodo Raikitsu

Samurai • Duelist • Tactician(Duelists win tied duels versus non-Duelists.)Battle: Straighten a target enemy unit in the Defender's home. Its controller may choose to move it to this battlefield. If he does not choose this, give this Province -2 strength.
Contemplative Shrine
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L5R Singles

Contemplative Shrine

TempleBow: Produce 3 Gold.Tireless Open: Discard a Kiho or a Spell to straighten this Holding. (Tireless actions may be taken even while bowed.)
Silver Mine
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Silver Mine

Minew: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Phoenix Clan player.
Tested Blade
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Tested Blade

One-Handed • Sword • Weapon Battle, w: Fear equal to this Personality's Chi that may target a Personality with Followers (Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality with Force equal to or lower than the Fear's strength).
Bayushi Toshimo
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Toshimo

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Bitter Lies • Kensai • Paragon • Yojimbo • Loyal(Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed.) Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. If Toshimo has a Weapon or you control a Courtier, the card cannot straighten.
Yoritomo Yusuke
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Yoritomo Yusuke

Kolat • Magistrate • Samurai Tireless Open: Dishonor Yusuke to straighten him.w: Produce 2 Gold.
Tsuruchi Taito
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Tsuruchi Taito

Naval • Samurai • ScoutBattle, w: Ranged 3 Attack. If the Defender has not had an opportunity to take a Battle action or pass, discard a card.
Tsuruchi Kaito
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Tsuruchi Kaito

Mantis Clan • SamuraiBattle, w: Ranged 3 Attack.Tireless Battle: Move Kaito home.
House of Exotic Goods
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L5R Singles

House of Exotic Goods

w: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Put one or more face-up cards in your Provinces at the bottom of your deck (and refill the Provinces). Turn all cards in your Provinces face-up. Destroy this Holding.
Untouched Lands
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L5R Singles

Untouched Lands

(Repeatable Interrupt: Discard a Courage card to give a Fear effect +2 or -2 strength.)Favor actions may not be taken. This Province has a maximum strength equal to its printed value.Battle/Engage: Destroy a Terrain (if able). Lose 1 Honor. Put this Terrain into play.
Show No Mercy
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L5R Singles

Show No Mercy

Battle: Target your unbowed Personality, and bow him unless he was targeted by Strike First and Press the Advantage this turn. Ranged 3 Attack. You may take an additional action to play or Equip a card from your hand that you do not own.
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L5R Singles


Allegiance • Kharmic • PoliticalYou may not play other Allegiance cards. Political Open: Put this Strategy into play. Absent Political Battle, bow: Discard any number of cards to move home a target enemy unit with total Force less than or equal to the total Focus Values of the discarded cards.
Long Term Fruition
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L5R Singles

Long Term Fruition

(Repeatable Limited, 2: Discard a Kharmic card to draw a card.) Open: Put a non-Fudo Ring into play from your hand. While it remains in play, it does not count towards an Enlightenment Victory.
Combat at Court
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L5R Singles

Combat at Court

Political • TerrainSamurai at this battlefield have -1F. You have the ability, "Repeatable Battle: Move your target defending Courtier home."Political Battle: Destroy a Terrain (if able). Put this Terrain into play. You may take an additional action.
Casting Aside Honor
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L5R Singles

Casting Aside Honor

Interrupt, 2: Instead of gaining Honor when you Proclaim, draw cards equal to half the Honor you would have gained, rounded up.
Past and Future
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Past and Future

Kharmic • VoidAfter you Equip this Spell to a Void Shugenja, draw a card.Void Open, w: Bow or straighten a target Sensei.
Opportune Weapon
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L5R Singles

Opportune Weapon

Courage • One-Handed • Weapon(Repeatable Interrupt: Discard a Courage card to give a Fear effect +2 or -2 strength.)Battle, w: Melee 2 Attack. Lose 1 Honor.
Hidden Dagger
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L5R Singles

Hidden Dagger

Ninja • One-Handed • WeaponAfter this Item enters play, lose 1 Honor.Ninja Interrupt, w: After each time your action targets an enemy Follower or Personality, give it -2F until after the action resolves.
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