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The Moon's Imperative
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The Moon's Imperative

Obsidian • UniqueOpen: Target a non-Unique Holding: It produces 1 less Gold when it bows to produce Gold. Open: Remove this card from the game and target one to three face-up Personalities in provinces: Discard them, refilling the provinces face-up.
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UniqueOpen: If it is not the active player's first or second turn, discard a card and choose your performing discarded Personality: Bring him into play, paying all costs.
Request Authorization
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Request Authorization

PoliticalBattle: Bow your performing Courtier at any location and target a Personality: Move him home. Reaction: Before another player’s Battle action resolves, target a Personality: Negate his movement to the current battlefield from the action’s effects.
Phantom Visage
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Phantom Visage

Fear • NinjaBattle/Open: Bow your performing Ninja and target a Personality: Bow him.
Honest Assessment
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Honest Assessment

Bushido Virtue • HonestyBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Personal Honor: Bow him. Gain 1 Honor, or 3 Honor if your Family Honor is 9 or less.
Broken Cipher
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Broken Cipher

As a Focus Effect: You may transfer a Spell from tour Personality in this duel to another of your Shugenja at the same location. Battle: If you have not put cards into your hand this phase and you have attached a Spell tthis turn: Draw two cards.
Sudden Guardian
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Sudden Guardian

WaterBattle: Even if this unit is not at the current battlefield, bow this Shugenja, choose your performing Spirit, and target an enemy Personality: Move him home. If this Shugenja is Water, gain 1 Honor.
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WeaponAs a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, you may attach this card to one of your Personalities, ignoring Gold cost. Battle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it -5F.
Flanking Unit
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Flanking Unit

CavalryAs a Focus Effect: You may transfer a Follower from your Personality in this duel to another of your Personalities. Battle: Target a unit at the current battlefield: Move it home or to an adjacent battlefield.
Moto Isul
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Moto Isul

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • TacticianBattle: Even if Isul is at home, target a Personality: Bow or straighten him.
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Void * Monk * Shugenja * Brothers of Rebirth * Experienced Isawa Tokiko * UniqueTokiko has +1F while a Phoenix Clan player controls her. Battle/Open: Destroy Tokiko and target your dead Personality: Bring him into play in your home or at the current battlefield, paying all costs but paying 7 less Gold.
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Monk * Paragon * Order of Strength * Tactician * Experienced Akodo Itoku * UniqueItoku has +1F while a Lion Clan player controls him. Reaction: After an action resolves which bowed your non-Void Ring: Straighten it. You may use each of its abilities an additional time this turn.
Daigotsu Tenbatsu
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Daigotsu Tenbatsu

Spider Clan • Samurai • Paragon • Dark ProphetReaction: After engaging at Tenbatsu's battlefield: Look at the top three cards of your Fate deck. Put them back in any order. You may discard a Dark Virtue; if you did, draw a card.
Yoritomo Kanaye
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Yoritomo Kanaye

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Brute • Extortionist • Magistrate • NavalBattle: Target a card without attachments, and you may pay gold equal to its Gold Cost: Bow it. If you paid the Gold, destroy it.
Tsuruchi Shigekazu
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Tsuruchi Shigekazu

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Scout • Naval
Moshi Tomiko
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Moshi Tomiko

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • NavalBattle: Bow Tomiko or one of her spells: Ranged 6 Attack.
Kitsu Miro
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Kitsu Miro

Lion Clan • Water • Shugenja • Sodan SenzoBattle: Bow Miro: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality at the current battlefield. Remove him from the game after the battle ends.
Kitsuki Daisuke Exp
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Kitsuki Daisuke Exp

Dragon Clan • Courtier • Duelist • Magistrate • Experienced • UniqueIaijutsu Reaction: After an action resolves during which Daisuke won a duel: Draw a card.
Staging Grounds
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Staging Grounds

CastleBow this card: Produce 3 Gold or 4 Gold if paying for a card with a base Gold Costo of 9 or more
Hotei's Contentment
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Hotei's Contentment

Fortune • UniqueBefore you gain Honor from the Proclaim action, if the Personality's base PH is 3 or lower: Increase the Honor gain by 1. Open: Discard this card and target a Personality: He may not assign to, and will not move into, an attacking army.
Ritual Dagger
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Ritual Dagger

Gaijin • WeaponAfter this card enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: Destroy this card: Melee Attack with strength equal to this Personality's Force before you destroyed this card.
Gozu's Guide
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Gozu's Guide

ScoutAttaches to Gozu ignoring Gold cost. Battle: Give this battlefield's province -2 strength, or -3 strength if you have Reconnaissance.
Govern the Land
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Govern the Land

Open: Target a Holding in your discard pile: Bring it into play (bowed), paying all costs. Battle/Open: Choose your performing Personality and target a Follower or Item in your discard pile: Attach it to him, paying all costs.
The Khan's Estate
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The Khan's Estate

Tactical Limited: Choose your performing Tactician: He may not be assigned to attack this turn. Draw a card.
Steel Soul Dojo
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Steel Soul Dojo

DojoYou do not lose Honor from Spider Clan and Fate cards you own. After the resolution of the first Dark Virtue action you took each phase: Draw a card.
Midday Shadow Court
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Midday Shadow Court

When a Lobby action checks Family Honor, your Honor is treated as 20 points higher. Political Open: Even if this card is bowed, target another player’s Personality: After the next time this turn he is assigned, or an action that he performed ends, dishonor him and his controller loses 1 Honor.
Law of Darkness Dojo
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Law of Darkness Dojo

DojoAfter another player loses Honor from your Battle action: He loses 1 Honor. Battle: Even if this card is bowed, target an enemy Personality: Give him –4F. Bow him if he is dishonorable.
Shiro Shiba
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Shiro Shiba

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai: Melee 4 Attack, with +2 strength if you control a Shugenja.
Togashi's Guidance Exp
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Togashi's Guidance Exp

Kami • Experienced • UniqueDragon Clan players’ maximum hand size is increased by two. Battle/Open: If you are a Dragon Clan player, discard this card: You may either put a Ring in your hand into play, or search your discard pile, then Fate deck, for a Ring and put it into your hand.
Naoharu's Gift
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Naoharu's Gift

Winter • UniqueShow a card in your hand to another player. You offer it as a gift. He may put it in his hand; if he does, you gain Honor equal to its base Focus Value. If you showed a card and he did not put it in his hand, discard the card and draw 2 cards.
Gold Mine
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Gold Mine

MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
Kaiu Hideaki
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Kaiu Hideaki

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siegue • Soul of Kaiu SeisonReaction: After engaging at Hideaki’s battlefield: Increase its province’s strength by 3 until the battle’s resolution begins.
Toritaka Shishido
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Toritaka Shishido

Crab Clan • Samurai • Scout • Soul of Toritaka OkabeRanged Attacks from actions performed by cards in Shishido’s army have +1 strength. “The other families protect the Empire from the Shadowlands, but we Toritaka protect it from the Spirit Realms. It is a different task, but the similarities and dangers are many.”
Yasuki Jekku
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Yasuki Jekku

Crab Clan • Courtier • Merchant • LoyalPolitical Limited: Pay Gold equal to a target Personality’s base Personal Honor minus 1: Dishonor him. His controller loses 1 Honor, or 2 Honor if his base Personal Honor is 3 or greater.
Asahina Kitiaru
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Asahina Kitiaru

Crane Clan • Courtier • Samurai • Unique • Soul of KonetsuPolitical Open: Target a Personality: Kitiaru copies one of his Political abilities that does not itself copy abilities.
Asahina Yasutora
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Asahina Yasutora

Crane Clan • Air • Shugenja
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