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Firm Censure
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L5R Singles

Firm Censure

Open: Choose your performing Samurai and target another player’s Personality or Follower: Negate the effects of the next action performed by the targeted card (this turn). Bow it if it has no attachments and is not a Samurai.
Spirit of the Truth
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Spirit of the Truth

Limited: Choose your performing unbowed Personality: If he is a Magistrate, permanently give him +1C and the ability, “Political Open: If it is not your turn, bow this Personality and target a dishonorable Personality: Bow him.” Otherwise, permanently give him Magistrate.
Show of Restraint
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Show of Restraint

KihoBattle: Choose your performing Monk: Negate all current Force penalties on him from actions. If he has a Weapon, negate the next card effect that moves him home or bows him.
Anger Management
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Anger Management

HeroicBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Hero and target an enemy card: If it has no attachments, and is bowed or Nonhuman, destroy it. Bow it.
A Gentle Word
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A Gentle Word

Limited: Choose your performing Magistrate and target a dishonorable Personality: Rehonor him. Gain 2 Honor.
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WaterWhile this Shugenja is Water, other players’ provinces have –1 strength.Reaction: After the resolution of an action that moved a Personality to the current battlefield: Give him –4F.
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Ninja • WeaponWill only attach to a Ninja. Battle: Choose your performing Ninja, and destroy this card or discard it from your hand: Ranged 3 Attack.
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Weapon • UniqueYou must declare an attack each turn and assign this Personality to attack if possible. Reaction: After an action targets this Personality: Negate this Personality’s movement from the action’s effects.
Genji's Students
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Genji's Students

SiegeBattle/Open: Bow this card and target a province: Give it +3 or –3 strength.Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack with +1 strength for each other Follower in this unit.
Stone-Hewed Shrine
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Stone-Hewed Shrine

Mountain • TempleDefending Earth Personalities have +1F while at this province’s battlefield. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield, bow your performing Earth Personality at any location: Give the current battlefield’s province +3 strength.
Moto Hailung
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Moto Hailung

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • CommanderBattle: Target a Follower in your hand: Attach it to Hailung, paying all costs and paying 4 less Gold if he is defending or if you are a Crab Clan player.
Iuchi Kota Exp
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Iuchi Kota Exp

Unicorn Clan • Water • Shugenja • Cavalry • Experienced • UniqueKota has +2F while he has a Spell.Reaction: After an action targets one of your Personalities at Kota’s battlefield: Negate the Personality’s movement from the action’s effects.
Daigotsu Yajinden Exp3
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Daigotsu Yajinden Exp3

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja • Artisan • Bloodspeaker • Khadi • Experienced 3 • Loyal • UniqueAfter Yajinden enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Limited: Target a dead Personality: Yajinden raises him from the dead. Bring him into play (under your control) ignoring costs and Honor Requirements. Remove him from the game when the turn ends.
Daigotsu Miki
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Daigotsu Miki

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Conqueror • Paragon • Dark Fist of IronAfter Miki enters play: Lose 1 Honor. After your Events Phase: You may remove a Dark Virtue in your hand or discard pile from the game. If you did not remove one, destroy Miki.
Wrathful Dead
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Wrathful Dead

Scorpion Clan • Nonhuman • Goryo • Cavalry • SpiritBattle: Target a card without attachments in a unit led by a dishonorable Personality: Destroy the targeted card.
Pride of the Hand
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Pride of the Hand

Lion Clan • Nonhuman • Lion • Scout • LegendaryPride of the Hand has +1F while you control a Terrain at its battlefield.
Akodo Ashiko
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Akodo Ashiko

Lion Clan • Samurai • Deathseeker • HeroBattle: If Ashiko is face-up in one of your provinces: Bring her into play, paying all costs and reducing her Gold cost by 2 if there are more units on the enemy side than on your side.
Asahina Nanae
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Asahina Nanae

Crane Clan • Air • ShugenjaOpen: Target an Air Personality: Straighten him.
Too Close to Home
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Too Close to Home

You may choose and destroy a Region. Until your next turn begins, negate all movement to and from battlefields.
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Ronin · Samurai · Duelist · Kensai Iaijutsu Battle: Target an enemy attachment: Destroy it.
Near Miss
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Near Miss

Reaction: After another player's Battle action targets one of your attachments: Negate the attachment's destruction from the action's effects. Reaction: When paying for an attachment: Produce 2 Gold.
Signs and Portents
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Signs and Portents

Unique Look at the top four cards of any Fate deck. You may discard one of them. Put the rest back in any order.
Green Nightshade Blend
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Green Nightshade Blend

Limited: Target two Personalities: You may transfer one or more tokens from one to the other. Destroy each of the two that now has a Fire, Poison and Sake token.
Aramasu's Vigilance
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Aramasu's Vigilance (Spanish)

Port Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, when paying a Gold cost of an action: Produce 4 Gold.
Words Have Strength
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L5R Singles

Words Have Strength

Political You may only play one copy of Words Have Strength in reaction to any one resolution. Reaction: After a battle resolution, or the resolution of another player’s Battle action, if the resolution or action destroyed any of your Courtiers or Magistrates: Choose a player who loses 3 Honor.
The Shadow Court
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The Shadow Court

Battle: Choose your performing defending Courtier: Bow a target enemy Personality. After the next time this turn another player’s action or a battle resolution destroys your Courtier, draw a card and choose a player, who gains or loses 2 Honor.
Shuriken and Smoke
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Shuriken and Smoke

Ninja Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Ninja Personality: Ranged 5 Attack. You may move your Ninja home.
Shatter the Wave
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Shatter the Wave

Heroic Battle: If your side has fewer units than the enemy side, choose your performing unbowed Hero: Bow a target enemy card.
Legendary Feud
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L5R Singles

Legendary Feud

Political Open: Dishonor your performing unbowed Personality: Dishonor a target Personality. After the next time he assigns this turn, his controller loses 2 Honor.
Guided by Honor
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Guided by Honor

Battle: If there are any enemy units at the current battlefield, choose your performing unbowed Paragon: Move him to the current battlefield. If he moved, you may target and bow an enemy Personality with Personal Honor equal to or lower than your Paragon’s Personal Honor.
Favor of Artisans
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Favor of Artisans

Political • Winter Limited: Choose your performing unbowed Artisan Personality: He offers an exquisite gift. Another target player may choose to have you gain 2 Honor. If he did not choose this, he loses 2 Honor. Draw a card.
Controlling the Seas
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Controlling the Seas

Thunder • Kiho Open: Choose your performing unbowed Thunder Personality: Target one to three Personalities. Either give Naval to, or remove Naval from, each one separately. Reaction: After the resolution of another player’s Battle action, choose your performing Thunder Shugenja at the current battlefield: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -3F.
Awed Witness
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Awed Witness

Iaijutsu Battle: Choose your unbowed performing Personality: He challenges a target enemy Personality. Bow the duel’s loser. The player who controls the duel’s winner may create a 2F/2C/2PH Samurai Personality with that player’s Clan alignment at the current battlefield.
Touch of Thunder
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Touch of Thunder

Thunder Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: If this Shugenja is Thunder, destroy this card: Ranged 3 Attack. You may make another Ranged 3 Attack.
Serene Brother
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L5R Singles

Serene Brother

Focus Effect: You may add a Ring from your discard pile or hand to your focused cards. If you do, discard this card. Battle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the number of Rings you control plus two.
Yukataka no Onna
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Yukataka no Onna (Spanish)

Nonhuman • Snow Maiden Yukataka has +1F for each Winter and Forest card in play and in your discard piles. Open: Target a Personality. His unit may not assign and he will not move to battlefields (this turn) unless his controller has a Forest or Winter card in play or in his discard piles.
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