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Doji Kazo Exp
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Doji Kazo Exp

Crane Clan Samurai · Courtier · Duelist · Experienced · Unique. Political Reaction: After a Personality is destroyed as a duel result: Permanently raise the strength of each of your Provinces by 2. (GenCon 2001 Challenge Booth · Tyler Running Deer)
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Battle: Target a Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him with lower Personal Honor. Move the other Personality home. Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move all Dishonored Personalities at the current battlefield home
Akutenshi's Tribute
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Akutenshi's Tribute

Open: Give each Shadowlands Samurai you control +1F. Give each Shadowlands Samurai you control a Yu bonus equal to his Force
Favor to the Horde
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Favor to the Horde

Tactical Battle: Draw 2 cards
Forest Cleansing
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Forest Cleansing (Spanish)

Open: Target a Dishonored Personality and a Province belonging to his controller. Bow the Personality. Reduce the Province's Strength to 0
Hida War Cry FOIL
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Hida War Cry FOIL (Spanish)

Heroic Battle: Target a Personality that has been targeted by Shell of Stone this turn and up to four other Personalities at the same battlefield. Give each target +2F and Yu +2. Before the next time this battle each of these Personalities would be destroyed by a card effect, negate the destruction
Secret from the Ratling
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Secret from the Ratling

Battle: Target a defending Samurai you control. If he is Phoenix Clan, give him +3F permanently. Until your net turn ends, gain the ability, ?Reaction: After the Battle Action Segment begins: Take a Battle action performed by a Shugenja you control.?
Test His Mettle
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Test His Mettle

Battle: Target a Samurai or Berserker Personality you control at the current battlefield: Target a Personality opposing him. Yours issues the other an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. The loser bows an unbowed card in his losing Personality's unit
Eyes of the Serpent
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Eyes of the Serpent

Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Target a Personality at this card's battlefield. Permanently give him the Shadowlands trait. Give him +3F until the battle ends. Battle: Bow this Shugenja, who must be at the current battlefield: Target two Shadowlands Personalities at the current battlefield, at least one of which is controlled by you. Destroy them. Gain 2 Honor.
Mitsu's Return
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Mitsu's Return

Kiho Reaction: After an Event resolves, target a Monk or Dragon Clan Personality you control: Draw a number of Fate cards equal to the number of Rings you control
Tainted Whispers
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Tainted Whispers

Maho Kiho Limited: Target a Shugenja you control: Target a Shadowlands Personality. Destroy all cards attached to him. Until the game ends, after each time he assigns, you may target and permanently give the Shadowlands trait to another Personality in his army
Book of the Void
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Book of the Void

Singular Elemental Limited: If there are more cards in your Fate discard pile than in your hand, bow this Personality or one of your Rings of the Void to search your Fate discard pile for a card, take it into your hand, and remove the rest of the pile from the game. Remove the retrieved card from the game when the turn ends.
Martial Instruction FOIL
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Martial Instruction FOIL

Kiho Open: Bow one of your Monks and remove this card from the game to search your Fate deck for a Kiho Battle Action card, show it to all players, put it in your hand, and shuffle your deck.  
Wrath of the Bloodspeaker FOIL
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Wrath of the Bloodspeaker FOIL

Beginning with the player to your left and proceeding once in turn order, each player must either bow one of his Bloodspeakers to target any Personality or else target one of his own Personalities. Permanently give the target Personality -2F/-1C or -1F/-2
Tenshu Sensei
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Tenshu Sensei

Crab Clan Sensei Personalities you own lose Yu trait and may not gain it. Your Bersekers gain +2F while opposed in a battle. Battle: Once per battle, straighten a Beserker Personality. 
Ratling Guide
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Ratling Guide

Ratling Pack. Scout. Creature Reaction: Before Ratling Guide is destroyed, remove it from the game to draw a card.
Archer Towers
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Archer Towers

Fortification Battle: Bow Archer Towers for a Ranged 4 Attack targeting an attacking Follower at any of your Provinces. You may do this during battles at your other Provinces. Reaction: After another player's action moves a unit to or from any of your Provinces, bow Archer Towers for a Ranged 4 Attack against a legal target in that unit.
Moto Chen Exp
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Moto Chen Exp

Unicorn Clan Vigilant. Samurai. Cavalry. Tactician. Experienced. Unique Tactical Battle: Give each Unicorn Clan Personality in Chen's army the ability "Battle: Once per battle, challenge an opposing Personality to a duel. Personalities must destroy one of
Bayushi Muhito
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Bayushi Muhito

Scorpion Clan Samurai. Ninja Reaction: Once per turn, after Muhito moves during an Attack Phase, take a Battle or Open action.  
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Ratling Hero. Chieftain. Creature. Singular. Crooked Tail Tribe After the first time Sla't'err enters play, if your Stronghold is the Tch-tch Warrens, name a Tribe. For the rest of the game, Sla't'err has a Force bonus equal to the number of Ratlings of t
Ratling Nameseeker
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Ratling Nameseeker

Ratling Shaman. Shugenja. Creature Open: Once per turn, copy a Tribe trait from one of your Ratling Personalities. Limited: Once per turn, remove from the game a Ratling Personality in your discard pile that shares a Tribe trait with Ratling Nameseeker to draw a card.
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Ratling Predator. Stained Paw Tribe. Creature D'gr'n-ki costs 1 less Gold for each Ratling with a printed Gold cost above 6 you have in play or dead in your discard pile. Battle: Bow D'gr'n-ki for a Ranged 2 Attack, or for a Ranged 4 Attack if the target
Moshi Mogai Exp
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Moshi Mogai Exp

Mantis Clan Courtier. Master of Pain. Experienced. Unique. Shadowlands Lose 1 Honor. While you control Mogai, increase your maximum hand size by one and reduce all other players' maximum hand sizes by one. Open: Once per turn, give +2F/+2C to a Personalit
Ikoma Hasaku
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Ikoma Hasaku

Lion Clan Samurai. Tactician. Second Legion Commander Tactical Battle: Bow an opposing Personality with less Force than Hasaku.  
Hoshi Akiyama
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Hoshi Akiyama

Dragon Clan Monk Battle: Once per battle, discard a Kiho from your hand to give Akiyama +2F, or +3F if he is defending. Battle: Once per battle, bow one of your Rings to take two consecutive Battle or Open actions after this one.
Mirumoto Narumi
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Mirumoto Narumi

Dragon Clan Nightingale Samurai Mirumoto Narumi may attach two Weapons. Reaction: After Narumi enters play, either draw a card or increase your maximum hand size by 1 until Narumi leaves play.  
Iuchiban's Citadel
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Iuchiban's Citadel (Spanish Language)

You cannot gain or lose Honor. You cannot take Political actions or actions that cause unconditional Honor losses to other players. Maho Reaction: Once per turn, after another player's Personality dies from having 0 Chi, give a Personality a +2F/+1C Blood
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Limited: Straighten one of your Personalites. That Personality may not straighten until after your next Straighten Phase. Bow that Personality at the end of the turn. 
Bloodspeaker Ambush
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Bloodspeaker Ambush

Immediate Terrain You may play this card if there is a Terrain in play. Maho Battle: Destroy all other Terrains, Personalities and Followers with the Bloodspeaker or Shadowlands traits gain + 1F/+2C while at the battle. Lose 2 Honor. 
Ambush Duel
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Ambush Duel

Limited: Bow one of your Personalities with a ranged attack ability on himself or on one of his Items to have him challenge another Personality. If the challenge is refused, gain 3 honor, and the other Personality may not assign to battles this turn. Duri
Tengoku Acolyte
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Tengoku Acolyte

Cavalry. Will only attach to a Dragon Creature. May attach to a Personality regardless of restrictions on that Personality. Reaction: After a Dragon Creature enters play: Once per turn, gain 2 Honor. You may search your Fate deck for a Tengoku Acolyte, show it, and put it in your hand.
Kinuye's Blood
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Kinuye's Blood

Battle: Remove a Blood token from a card in the current battle, regardless of who controls it: Once per battle, target a Personality in the current battle. Give him ?1C. Battle: Move one or more Blood tokens from other cards you control to this card: Once per battle, this card gains a Force bonus equal to twice the number of tokens moved.
Kaeru Fields
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Kaeru Fields

Singular. Open: Bow this card and either your Stronghold or a Holding you control, or bow this card if you are a Unicorn Clan player: If it is the Action Phase, target a Personality you control. Straighten him.
Shinjo Loruko
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Shinjo Loruko

Unicorn Clan Bushi · Scout · Cavalry. Loruko has +1F for each Region in play. Reaction: After Loruko moves into a battlefield: If that battlefield's Province has no Regions, create a blank Region card attached to it and controlled by the Defender. Battle: If Loruko will be opposed, once per turn, move her to the current battlefield.
Shahai Exp
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Shahai Exp

Shadowlands Lady of Blood · Bloodspeaker ? Shugenja · Experienced · Unique · Lose 6 Honor. After Shahai enters play, give all Personalities you control a Blood token. Maho Limited: Destroy a Blood token on Shahai: Target a dead Personality. Shahai gains a copy of one of his printed abilities until she uses this ability again. She may use it once per turn....
Shosuro Saemon
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Shosuro Saemon

Scorpion Clan Samurai · Ninja. Reaction: After another player's action targets Saemon: Target a Personality you control. Give him a 1F Ninja Follower token. Battle: Once per battle, target a Personality you control. Give him 1F Ninja Follower token.
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