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Yuki no Onna
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Yuki no Onna

Unaligned Snow Maiden. Nonhuman Yuki no Onna gains +1F/+1C for each Forest in play. Limited: Yuki no Onna bows to challenge a Shadowlands Personality. The challenge is unrefusable if the the Personality's controller controls any Forests.
Mirumoto Temoru
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Mirumoto Temoru

Dragon Clan Samurai. Soul of Mirumoto Hitomi Temoru's Followers are immune to Fear.
Mirumoto Daisuke
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Mirumoto Daisuke

Dragon Clan Samurai. Cavalry. Soul of Mirumoto Sukune Battle: Bow Daisuke for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Yasuki Hachi
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Yasuki Hachi

Crane Clan Gunso. Samurai Counts as Daidoji Hachi for deck construction. Reaction: Once per turn, when Hachi wins a duel, straighten your Stronghold.
Kakita Nanami
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Kakita Nanami

Crane Clan Negotiator. Soul of Kakita Yuri Political Battle: If you are the Defender, bow Nanami and pay an amount of Gold equal to an attacking unit's Force to send the unit home without bowing.
The Imperial Standard
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The Imperial Standard

Unique Putting this card into play from your hand is a Political action. You must use and discard the Imperial Favor to bring the Imperial Standard into play. Gain 4 Honor. Each Follower in this unit gains +2F and is immune to Fear while Imperial Standard is attached.
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Weapon A Crab Personality attaches the Ono for 2 Gold.
Mantle of Fire
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Mantle of Fire

Reaction: If this Personality wins a duel, you may put the Ring of Fire into play from your Hand. Reaction Elemental: Destroy the Mantle instead of focusing for this Personality in a duel. This Personality is returned to your fief bowed and all effects of the duel are negated.
Hammer of Earth
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Hammer of Earth

Reaction: If this Personality is being assigned to defend a Province when the attacking army has a Force higher than the Province Strength, you may put the Ring of Earth into play from your hand. Battle Elemental: Destroy the Hammer. If this Personality is defending, he gains +3F/+2C until the end of this turn.
Celestial Sword of the Unicorn
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Celestial Sword of the Unicorn

Weapon. Unique If you are a Unicorn Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Unicorn counts as the Ancestral Sword of Unicorn Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Unicorn Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Unicorn gains +1F/+1C for each Unicorn Clan Personality you control.
Celestial Sword of the Phoenix
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Celestial Sword of the Phoenix

Weapon. Unique If you are a Phoenix Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Phoenix counts as the Ancestral Sword of Phoenix Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Phoenix Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Phoenix gains +1F/+1C for each Phoenix Clan Personality you control.
The Wind's Truth
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The Wind's Truth

Kiho Elemental Reaction: Bow any one of your monks or shugenja when honor is being gained or lost. Redirect the honor gain or loss to another player.
The Shadowlands Horde
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The Shadowlands Horde

You cannot gain or lose Honor. Your cards are immune to fear. Your personalities may not swear fealty. You may not take Political Actions, or actions which cause another player an honor loss. You may have no allies. Reaction: Bow when bringing a Shadowlands card into play to reduce the gold cost of the card by four.
Kosaten Shiro
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Kosaten Shiro

Gold- and Honor-producing Holdings cost 1 less Gold for you, to a minimum of 0, but cannot have their costs changed in any other way.
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The human Personality or Personalities with the highest Chi retire to a monastic life. These Personalities have their Force reduced by four and their Chi raised by two. These Personalities lose the Shugenja or Samurai trait, and gain the Monk Trait. All of these changes are permanent. Bow all of these Personalities.
Imperial Ambassadorship
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Imperial Ambassadorship

Each of the other players may draw a card. You may draw three cards. If you do, then shuffle two of those cards into your deck.
Test of Might
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Test of Might

Battle: One of your Personalities issues an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality. This duel compares Force versus Force. The winner gains 3 Honor. Bow the loser.
Superior Tactics
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Superior Tactics

Battle: Target one of your Personalities with over 2 Chi in a battle. Either move the Personality's unit to another of the Defender's Provinces or destroy a Terrain in play for the Personality's battle.
Strike at the Tail
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Strike at the Tail

Battle: Bow one of your units to destroy a number of opposing Followers with total Force less than or equal to the Force your unit had before bowing. If a Unicorn Clan Personality leads your unit, the unit gains +2F for this effect.
Rallying Cry
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Rallying Cry

Reaction: Play after the resolution phase of a battle to prevent your units in that battle from becoming bowed by the combat.
Kolat Master
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Kolat Master

Limited: Target another player's Personality with a Chi less than 4. This Personality is a Kolat who is in your pay. He now rejoins your family. All Followers attached to this Personality with honor greater than zero are destroyed, and this Personality is under your control until the end of the game. Lose 4 Honor. (Clarification: Target Personality gains...
Imperial Edicts
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Imperial Edicts

Political Open: If it is the Action Phase, discard the Imperial Favor: Give each of your Provinces +4 strength. Political Reaction: Before a Kiho or an action on a Spell or Shugenja resolves, discard the Imperial Favor: Negate the action’s effects.
Hummingbird Tattoo
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Hummingbird Tattoo

Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait and without a Hummingbird Tattoo. For the rest of the game, the Personality has a Hummingbird Tattoo and gains this trait: "This Personality may straighten immediately after he or she bows at the end of the Resolution Segment. If the Personality does so, he or she cannot move into battle...
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Battle: Target one of your Personalities: Dishonor him. Lose 2 Honor. Give him +2F, or +3F if he is Crab Clan. Before the turn ends, destroy all his attached Followers.
Fires of Retribution
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Fires of Retribution

Elemental Reaction: Play after a spell effect is produced to destroy the spell card. Elemental Reaction: Play after an innate ability is performed to give that shugenja a -2C until the endo of the turn.
Defend Your Honor
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Defend Your Honor

Reaction: Play when another player's action is causing you a loss of family honor. The honor loss is cancelled. You may step forward one of your unbowed samurai who challenges the other player's honor. This player may accept the challenge with any of his unbowed Personalities. If the challenge is refused or lost, the other player loses family honor equal...
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Battle: Give an attacking Lion Clan Personality +3F, or give an attacking non-Lion Clan Personality +2F.
Call to Arms
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Call to Arms

Reaction: If you are the Defender, after the Declaration Segment begins: Straighten all bowed Personalities you control. After this attack ends, bow all Personalities this card straightened.
Burning Your Essence
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Burning Your Essence

This card has a Focus value of 6 when focused in a duel, discarded for a Tactician Force bonus, or used for its Focus value with an ability on a Personality. The Personality has -2C after the duel or ability resolves.
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Shadowlands . Nonhuman . Lose 2 Honor. Battle: Fear 5. 
Kakita Instructor FOIL
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Kakita Instructor FOIL

Will only attach to a Samurai. This Personality may not become dishonored except from losing a duel. If this Personality loses a duel, destroy Kakita Instructor and lose 3 Honor. This loss may not be modified. 
Kaeru Contractor
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Kaeru Contractor

Bow Kaeru Contractor to produce 2 Gold. Bow Kaeru Contractor to produce 3 Gold when paying for an Action card. 
Fields of Grain
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Fields of Grain

Farm * Fields of Grain's printed Gold cost equals the number of Provinces you control.Bow Fields of Grain to produce Gold equal to the number of Provinces you control, minus one. 
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Unaligned Onisu of Fear * Cavalry * Nonhuman Experienced Hida Kuroda * Unique * ShadowlandsLose 5 Honor. Cards in Kyofu's army (including Kyofu) may use Fear-producing actions one additional time per battle.Battle: Fear 8.Battle: Once per battle, take as many additional consecutive Fear-producing Battle actions as you like, before the next player takes an...
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