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Shinjo Shinlao
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Shinlao

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout. Recon Open: Target two of another player’s provinces. Give them -1 strength
Furu no Oni
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L5R Singles

Furu no Oni

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni. Furu no Oni costs 1 less Gold to bring into play for each province destroyed this game. After Furu no Oni enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Bow a target card in the enemy army.
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Ronin • Samurai • Duelist • Unique. Reaction: After Oishi enters play from a province: Create a 2F/2C/2PH Ronin • Samurai Personality. Iaijutsu Battle: Discard a card: Target an enemy card without attachments. Destroy it if its Force is less than or equal to the discarded card's Focus Value plus 1.
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Ronin • Samurai While there are two or more different Clan alignments among Personalities you control, Terasaka costs 1 less Gold to bring into play for each such Clan alignment.
Honor and Steel
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Honor and Steel

Bushido Virtue Battle: Give your target Paragon +1F for each Bushido Virtue in your discard pile. You may target an enemy Personality and give him -1F for each Dark Virtue in his controller’s discard pile. Gain 1 Honor.
Imperial Decree
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Imperial Decree

Political • Imperial. Battle: You may discard the Imperial Favor: Move a target enemy Personality home. If you paid this action’s optional cost, gain 2 Honor.
Wrath of the Elements
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Wrath of the Elements

Battle: Bow one of your Spells in your current army: Ranged 4 Attack that may target a Personality with attached Followers.
Moonless Riders
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Moonless Riders

Cavalry • Unique. Battle: Bow a target enemy Infantry Personality
Fubatsu No-Dachi
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Fubatsu No-Dachi

Weapon • Unique. Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target card in the enemy army without attachments and with a Gold Cost of 6 or less
Military Assessment
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Military Assessment

Recon Limited: Target your Scout: Target a province. After each time that one or more of your units moves home or returns home from the province’s battlefield (including battle resolution), straighten those units.
Katana of Twilight FOIL
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Katana of Twilight FOIL

Weapon • Unique Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if your Personality won it, draw a card. Reaction: After this Personality wins a duel: Draw a card.
Mirumoto Akio FOIL
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Mirumoto Akio FOIL

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Kensai Can attach two Weapons. Battle: Bow two Weapons attached to Akio: Destroy a target enemy Personality who has lower Force than Akio and no Weapons or Armor.
Kakita Hideo Exp FOIL (Spanish)
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Kakita Hideo Exp FOIL (Spanish)

Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Experienced • Unique After Hideo wins a duel: Gain 1 Honor. Reaction: Before Focus Effects resolve in a duel involving Hideo: Discard a card from each player’s focused cards.
Footman's Pike
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Footman's Pike

Weapon • Unique Attacking enemy Personalities can not assign to this Personality’s battlefield during Cavalry Maneuvers. Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target Cavalry card.
Keen Blade
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L5R Singles

Keen Blade

Weapon Battle: Destroy a target Armor.
Wandering Ronin
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Wandering Ronin

Ronin Open: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten it and transfer it to another one of your target Personalities.
Chagatai's Legion
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Chagatai's Legion

Cavalry Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target Terrain.
Stolen Blade
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Stolen Blade

Battle/Open: Dishonor your target unbowed Personality: Target an Item in your hand: Attach it to the Personality, reducing the Gold cost to attach it by the Personality’s Chi.
Hand of Osano-Wo
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Hand of Osano-Wo

Kiho Battle: Target your unbowed Monk, and bow him if he is not Tattooed: Destroy a target enemy attachment. If its Personality now has no Followers, you may make a Ranged 3 Attack targeting him.
Asako Juro Exp
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Asako Juro Exp

Phoenix Clan • Void • Monk • Shugenja • Experienced • Unique • Head Inquisitor Reaction: After you successfully resolve an action on a Spell or Kiho during a Combat Segment: Gain 2 Honor. Battle: Destroy a target card opposing Juro controlled by a player who has taken a Maho action this game.
Matsu Hatsuyo
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L5R Singles

Matsu Hatsuyo

Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander Battle: Bow one or more attachments in Hatsuyo’s army: For each different card type (such as Follower, Item, Spell) among the attachments you bowed, you may target one enemy card without attachments. Bow all targets
Akodo Tadatoshi
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L5R Singles

Akodo Tadatoshi

Lion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • Paragon Battle: Discard a card: Battle resolution does not bow Tadatoshi this turn. If you discarded a Bushido Virtue card and Tadatoshi is attacking, gain 2 Honor.
Kuni Tanin
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Kuni Tanin

Crab Clan • Jade • Shugenja • Witch-Hunter Battle: Give a target enemy Personality -3F. Destroy him if he is Shadowlands.
Claiming the Throne
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L5R Singles

Claiming the Throne

Before each player’s turn ends this game,if the player, during that turn, destroyed a province in battle resolution, put two or more Rings into play by their own text, and gained 7 or more Honor, he may discard the Imperial Favor and pay 10 Gold. If he does so, he wins the game.
Private Shrine
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L5R Singles

Private Shrine

Temple · Singular Battle: Bow this card: Give all your honorable Personalities at the current battlefield +1F, or +2F if the current battlefield is at this card's province.
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L5R Singles


Cavalry • Battle Maiden. Can only attach to a Cavalry Personality. This card has -3F while this Personality is dishonorable.
Gunso Raiden
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Gunso Raiden

Gunso • Yojimbo. Can only attach to a Phoenix Clan Personality. Battle: Bow this card: Give a target enemy Personality -4F. Gain 1 Honor.
The Tale of Tsukuro
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The Tale of Tsukuro

Unique. Limited: Lose 8 Honor. Your target Personality permanently gains Shadowlands and the ability: “Battle: Move one or more of your target Shadowlands Personalities to the current battlefield.”
Glorious Path to Victory
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Glorious Path to Victory

Battle: Rehonor all personalities at this battlefield. You may give your target opposed Samura Personality a Force bonus equal to his Personal Honor.
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Unique. Open: Destroy a target Personality you own and control: Increase or decrease the strength of all players’ provinces by the Personality’s base Chi.
Pokku Exp
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Pokku Exp

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin Scout • Experienced • Unique Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Transfer a target enemy attachment to Pokku, ignoring restrictions on attaching. Fear Battle: Even if Pokku is bowed: Move him home.
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L5R Singles


Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Scout • Lose 3 Honor. Recon Open: Target a province. While Mukku is at that province’s battlefield this turn, he has Tactician, and your actions from Action cards can not target him.
Shinjo Genya
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Genya

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry. Battle: Bow a target enemy non-Unique Personality with no attachments and higher Force.
Daigotsu Gyoken Exp
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Daigotsu Gyoken Exp

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Lost • Experienced • Unique • Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Even if bowed: Gyoken is relentless. Move Gyoken to the current battlefield if he assigned there or there are any enemy units there. Straighten his unit if he moved.
Bayushi Yousui
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Yousui

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Bitter Lies • Kensai. Battle: If Yousui has a Weapon attached: Bow a target Personality with no attachments.
Bayushi Chikayo
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Bayushi Chikayo

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo. Battle: Move your target opposed Courtier home. Move Chiyako to the current battlefield. If the Courtier moved, the enemy leader loses 2 Honor.
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