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The Armor of Sun-Tao
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L5R Singles

The Armor of Sun-Tao

Limited: Place any number of Terrains from your hand face down under the Armor of Sun Tao. If the Armor of Sun Tao is removed or destroyed, the Terrains move or are destroyed with it. Battle: Play a Terrain from under The Armor of Sun tao. The Terrain destroys any Terrain in play and cannot be destroyed.
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Weapon As a challenger in a duel, this Personality has the first option to focus or strike. This Personality has a -1C penalty while in a duel.
Climbing Gear
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Climbing Gear

This Climbing Gear can only be attached to a Ninja Personality. All effects of Fortifications at the defender's Province are negated while the Climbing Gear is in an attacking army.
Touching the Soul
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L5R Singles

Touching the Soul

Kiho Reaction: Before one of your Personalities not at this battle performs an action, bow one of your Shugenja or Monks at this battle. The Personality not at the battle takes the action as if he were at the battle.
The Sight of Death
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The Sight of Death

Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Shugenja or monks and target one of your Personalities with a Chi less than or equal to the acting Personality. Until the beginning of your next turn, if the target Personality is destroyed he is immediately afterwards returned to play in your fief, bowed. This will not protect a Personality who is destroyed by a card effect...
One with the Elements
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L5R Singles

One with the Elements

Kiho Reaction: Bow one of your monks to cancel and negate the effects of any one spell or kiho that targets you, your cards, or your army. This cannot affect a spell or kiho with a gold cost greater than the monk's Chi. Shugenja may not use this kiho.
Gift of the Wind
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Gift of the Wind

Kiho Elemental Open: Bow one of your Monks or Shugenja to give the Cavalry trait to a number of cards in a unit up to the caster's Chi.
Freezing the Lifeblood
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Freezing the Lifeblood

Kiho Open: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a bowed Personality. Give him a Sleep token. The token has the trait, “Each time this Personality would straighten, remove one Sleep token from him instead of straightening him.”
Toturi's Army (Mon Back)
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Toturi's Army (Mon Back)

You may ignore Honor Requirements when you are bringing Unaligned Human Personalities or Toturi's Army Personalities into play. You may not have more than two Shadowlands cards in your deck.
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Starting with you and going clockwise, each player destroys a Holding of the player to his or her right.
Treacherous Terrain
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Treacherous Terrain

Battle: Terrain If you are the Defender, you may play this card during a battle in which you have no units. Battle: Lower to 0 all Force bonuses each Personality and Follower in this battle has received from cards outside the unit.
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Battle: Give a defending Personality +3F.
Ninja Kidnapper
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Ninja Kidnapper

Limited: Bow a Personality with less than 5 Force. Leave this card in play in your home. The target Personality cannot straighten while this card is in play. This card remains in play until any player pays 10 Gold as an Open action. When this card leaves play, straighten the target Personality and lose 5 Honor.
Marries a Barbarian
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Marries a Barbarian

Limited: Play Marries a Barbarian on a Samurai. Target Samurai is Dishonored.
Higher Ground
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Higher Ground

Immediate Terrain Battle: Raise the strength of each ranged attack from your army by 1. Lower the strength of each ranged attack from the opposing army by 1.
Entrapping Terrain
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Entrapping Terrain

Delayed Terrain Battle: This battle ends without resolution. All units go home without bowing.
Enough Talk!
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Enough Talk!

Reaction: Before another player's target Personality performs a Political action, target one of your unbowed Samurai Personalities to issue an unrefusable challenge to the other Personality. Resolve the duel before the Political action. If your Samurai wins, negate the Political action's effects.
Ratling Pack
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Ratling Pack

Ratling. Creature
Lesser Mujina
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Lesser Mujina

Creature. Cavalry Lose 1 Honor.
Greater Mujina
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Greater Mujina

Creature. Cavalry Lose 2 Honor. Each Greater Mujina gives +1F bonus to all Lesser Mujina in play while the Greater Mujina is in play.
Oracle of Earth
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L5R Singles

Oracle of Earth

Unique Retainer Battle Elemental: Bow this card and pay 1 Gold to play a Terrain Card, which may replace any Terrain Card already in play. This Terrain card may not be destroyed or replaced by any means. (Clarification: Destroys the Terrain it replaces.)
Iuchi Karasu
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Iuchi Karasu

Unicorn Clan Shugenja Open: Bow to move a Follower from one Personality you control and attach it to another Personality you control.
Water Dragon
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Water Dragon

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Elemental Reaction: During the Events Phase: Target a Shugenja and an ability on him. Water Dragon copies the ability until the turn ends.
Void Dragon
L5R Singles

Void Dragon

Unaligned Creature · Shugenja · Cavalry · Unique. Cannot attach Followers or Items. Once per turn, after an attacking army including Void Dragon destroys a Province during battle resolution, you may discard the Defender’s hand.
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Unaligned Samurai. Cavalry
Matsu Gohei
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Matsu Gohei

Lion Clan Samurai. Experienced. Unique Gains a 2F bonus when attacking while there are any Shadowlands cards in the defending army. Gains a 2F bonus when attacking if the Defender has a family honor below zero.
Kakita Yuri
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Kakita Yuri

Crane Clan Negotiator Battle: Bow the negotiator to send home unbowed one unit that is attacking you. You must pay gold equal to the force of the unit. (Errata: Special ability has the Political trait.)
Ancestral Standard of the Unicorn
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L5R Singles

Ancestral Standard of the Unicorn

Unique May only be attached to a Unicorn Clan Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Unicorn Personality receive a +1F bonus. All Opposing Unicorn Personalities get a -1F penalty. Reaction: Bow when a Unicorn Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
Touch of Death
L5R Singles

Touch of Death

Maho Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell: Destroy a target bowed Personality with equal or lower Chi.
Energy Transference
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L5R Singles

Energy Transference

Open: Bow this Shugenja to switch the Chi and Force on any one Personality in play until the end of this Player's turn. Energy Transference is destroyed if you do not control the target Personality. (Clarification: The effect lasts until the end of the current turn.)
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L5R Singles


Elemental Earth Battle: Bow this Shugenja to bow an opposing Personality.
Animate the Dead
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L5R Singles

Animate the Dead

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and bring a Follower back into play from the dead pile and attach it to any Personality you control. Lose 2 Honor. This Follower gains the ability: Fear 3. (Errata: The Follower can come from any player's dead pile. The Animated Follower also gains the Shadowlands trait.) (Clarification: The Fear and Shadowlands effects are...
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L5R Singles


Play Feint as a `Chi Focus' card in a duel. After Focus cards are revealed, you may choose any other card in your hand to add as a Chi Focus. (Clarification: May add an additional card as a general Focus, not just a Chi Focus.)
Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves
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L5R Singles

Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves

Reaction: After a Personality from your Faction is destroyed while in an battle: Target a Personality opposing him. For the rest of the game, Personalities from your Faction gain +2F/+2C while facing the target in a battle or duel. This does not target the destroyed Personality.
Omoni Sensei FOIL
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L5R Singles

Omoni Sensei FOIL (Spanish)

Shadowlands Sensei. Non-Goblin Personalities you own cost 2 more Gold. Reaction: After a Goblin Personality enters play from one of your Provinces: Fill the Province face-up. Use this twice per turn, and no more than once per turn per Province
The Iron Legion FOIL
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L5R Singles

The Iron Legion FOIL

Will only attach to a Samurai, Bushi, or Crab Clan Personality. Ranged Attacks cannot target this card. After this card enters play from your hand, you may attach a +0F Weapon Item token, a +0F Armor Item token, or both to this Personality
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