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Shinjo Nakaga FOIL
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Shinjo Nakaga FOIL

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Cavalry · Tactician · Junghar · Unique · Soul of Shinjo Yasamura Experienced. After Nakaga enters play, draw a card.
Voitagi Exp FOIL
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Voitagi Exp FOIL

Undead Samurai · Experienced · Unique · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor. Voitagi has +2F/+2C while opposing a Samurai or in a duel against a Samurai. Battle: Fear 4.
The Maw FOIL
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The Maw FOIL (Spanish Language)

Oni · Nonhuman · Tactician · Unique · Shadowlands · Lose 8 Honor. The Maw cannot attach Items. Tactical Battle: Target an opposing unit. Move it home bowed.
Ratling Raider FOIL
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Ratling Raider FOIL (Spanish)

Ratling · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature. After Ratling Raider enters play, create two 2F/2C Ratling Creature Personalities with 2 Personal Honor
Matsu Taniko FOIL
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Matsu Taniko FOIL (Spanish)

Lion Clan Samurai · Unique. Reaction: Once per battle, after a Tactical action you took resolves: Draw a card. (Taniko need not be at the current battlefield.)
Kakita Osei FOIL
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Kakita Osei FOIL (Spanish)

Crane Clan Courtier · Harrier Liaison. Reaction: After Osei enters play from a Province: Search your Dynasty deck for a Holding. Put it into play bowed, paying all costs. Limited: Target a Holding that produced Gold to pay for a Follower, Item, or Spell this turn. Straighten the Holding.
Tsi Blade FOIL
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Tsi Blade FOIL

Weapon. Reaction: After this Personality assigns, bow this card: Draw a card
Obsidian Mirror FOIL
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Obsidian Mirror FOIL

Bow this Personality: Target a player. Lose 1 Honor. Name a card. If that player has any copies of the named card in his hand, he discards one
Menhari-gata FOIL
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Menhari-gata FOIL (Spanish)

This Personality has the Tactician trait. Tactical Battle: Discard a card: Target an opposing Personality. Reduce his Force by the discard's Focus value
Gleaming Wakizashi FOIL
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Gleaming Wakizashi FOIL (Spanish)

Weapon · Unique. Can only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: After this Personality enters a duel, bow this card: Draw a card.
Banish All Shadows FOIL
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Banish All Shadows FOIL

Kiho Limited: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck. Put one in your hand. Shuffle the deck
Essence of Gaki-do FOIL
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Essence of Gaki-do FOIL

Ritual Battle: Target and bow any number of Shugenja you control, including this one: Create a number of 2F/2C Unaligned Spirit Personalities at the current battlefield equal to the number of participating Shugenja. After the battle ends, remove these Personalities from the game
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Weapon · Unique. This Personality has a minimum Chi of 5. If he is ever not Dragon Clan, destroy him. Before each turn ends, put all discarded Rings in your discard pile into your hand. Open: Target and discard a Ring you control: Target a Ring or Personality you control. Straighten it.
Hired Killer
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Hired Killer

Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's total Gold cost plus 2: Target a unit. Lose 3 Honor. Destroy the unit
The High House of Light
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The High House of Light (Spanish Language)

After Strongholds, Sensei, and Winds are revealed, search your Fate deck for up to five cards. Put them under this Stronghold, face-down. You may look at them during the game. Limited: Any number of times per turn, target and bow a Ring you control, or bow this Stronghold: Put a card in your hand from under this Stronghold
Tsusung Sensei
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Tsusung Sensei

Unicorn Clan Sensei. Personalities you own who are neither Shugenja nor Baraunghar cost 1 more Gold. Battle: Target and bow a Spell you control: Target a Shugenja. Straighten him. Battle: Once per battle, target and bow a Spell you control: It produces Fear equal to its Gold cost. This Fear affects Personalities as if they were Followers
Tomorrow Sensei
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Tomorrow Sensei (Spanish)

Ratling Sensei. Limited: Target and discard a Ratling Personality from one of your Provinces: Fill that Province face-up. Draw a card. Battle: Any number of times per turn, discard a card: Target a Ratling Personality you control that this has not targeted this battle. Move him home.
Gohei Sensei
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Gohei Sensei

Lion Clan Sensei. You cannot destroy the current Province as the Attacker unless there was a defending unit there at some point during the battle or the Defender controlled no units when the Resolution Segment began. Reaction: After Infantry Maneuvers, target an attacking Tactician you control: The Defender targets a unit he controls at another location....
Mirumoto Sensei
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Mirumoto Sensei

Dragon Clan Sensei. After each time a Weapon attaches to a Dragon Clan Samurai you control with no Weapons, attach a +0F/+0C Wakizashi Weapon Item token to him, ignoring restrictions. Battle: Once per battle, target and bow two Weapons attached to a Samurai you control: Target a Personality opposing the Samurai. Your Samurai issues him an unrefusable...
Masagaro Sensei
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Masagaro Sensei

Crab Clan Sensei. Personalities you control have a maximum Force of 4 while they have no Followers. Battle: Twice per battle, even if this card is bowed, discard a Follower: Target an opposed Follower you control at the current battlefield. It performs a Battle ability on the discarded Follower, ignoring costs, as if the ability were on the opposed Follower
Summon Undead Champion
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Summon Undead Champion

Maho Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Lose 4 Honor. Create a 5F/2C Shadowlands Undead Champion Personality
Ring of the Void
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Ring of the Void

You may play this card as a Reaction after resolving the fourth or later Action card from your hand in one phase. Elemental Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: If any player has more cards in his hand than you do, draw a card. If you bowed this card, draw a card
Ring of Earth
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Ring of Earth

You may play this card as a Reaction after your army destroys a Province or opposing army as the Attacker or Defender. Elemental Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: Target a Province. Raise its strength by 4. If you bowed this card, you may lower its strength by 3 instead
Wisdom the Wind Brings
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Wisdom the Wind Brings

Kiho Open: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a number of face-down cards equal to the caster's Chi. (Cards in decks and hands are face-down.) Look at them. You may discard any number of these targets that are in your decks
Utaku Saddle Cutter
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Utaku Saddle Cutter

Weapon. After this card enters play from your hand, Dishonor this Personality
The Trickster's Mask
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The Trickster's Mask

You may bow this card instead of this Personality to pay a cost of an action this Personality is performing. If you do, he may not perform that action or bow to pay for that action until the turn ends
Tsi Blade
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Tsi Blade (Spanish)

Weapon. Reaction: After this Personality assigns, bow this card: Draw a card
Ceremonial Armor
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Ceremonial Armor

Armor. This card costs 4 less Gold when attaching to a Personality with a Gold cost greater than 8. Ranged Attacks targeting cards in this unit have -2 strength
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This Personality has the Tactician trait. Tactical Battle: Discard a card: Target an opposing Personality. Reduce his Force by the discard's Focus value
Hero's Banner
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Hero's Banner

Can only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. You may play this card as a Battle action. Personalities with Followers in this army have +1F. Opposing Personalities with no attached cards have ?1F. Reaction: Before this card is destroyed while in an army: Put it in your hand. The next time this battle you play a Hero's Banner, reduce its Gold cost to 0
Ogre Warriors
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Ogre Warriors

Nonhuman · Shadowlands. May attach to Ogre Personalities regardless of restrictions on the Ogre. Ranged Attacks cannot target this card.
Cavalry Scouts
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Cavalry Scouts

Cavalry · Scout. Reaction: Before a Ranged Attack destroys a card in this card's army, bow this card: Negate the destruction. Battle: If this Personality is a Shugenja, bow this card: Give this Personality an element trait. You may take an additional Battle action
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Harrier. Reaction: Before you announce playing an Action card, destroy this card: After the Action card resolves, gain 2 Honor if its effects destroyed a card that opposed this card.
Lion's Pride
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Lion's Pride

Can only attach to a Tactician.
Sound Strategy
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Sound Strategy

Reaction: After a battle ends: Take the last non-Terrain Action card that you played during the battle from the discard pile and put it in your hand. (This cannot retrieve a card played after the end or resolution of a battle.)
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Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Declare an attack against the Attacker in that phase. Neither of you may invite allies. You cannot assign more than one unit normally during this attack. The Personality and each Follower in the unit you assign this way gains +1F after it assigns
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