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Toku Exp2
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Toku Exp2

Unaligned Samurai. Monkey Clan Champion. Captain of the Imperial Guard. Toturi's Army. Experienced 2. Unique All Exhaustion tokens are removed from Toku when he straightens. Battle: Give Toku a -1C Exhaustion token to straighten one Follower in this unit or give one Follower in this unit +1F. Toku cannot target a Follower with this action more than once...
Bayushi Yojiro Exp
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Bayushi Yojiro Exp

Scorpion Clan Magistrate. Samurai. Experienced. Unique If your family honor ever drops below zero, Yojiro is destroyed. Yojiro may attach the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion without gold cost. Any action or card effect which would dishonor Yojiro does not dishonor him but produces all other effects normally.
The Grey Crane Exp2
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The Grey Crane Exp2

Unaligned Samurai. Experienced 2 Kakita Toshimoko. Unique. Double Chi May not refuse a duel. May not attach the Emerald Armor. Limited: Bow the Grey Crane and target a Kolat Personality in play. Draw and discard a fate card. If the Focus value is greater than the Kolat's Chi, the Grey Crane challenges the Kolat to a duel that cannot be refused.
Agasha Gennai Exp
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Agasha Gennai Exp

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Master of Air Experienced. Unique Gennai will not join the Dragon Clan. Open: Bow Gennai to draw two cards, then discard two cards.
Matsu Hiroru Exp2
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Matsu Hiroru Exp2

Unaligned Ninja Assassin. Toturi's Army. Experienced 2. Unique Only Ninja Followers. Items that can only be attached to Ninja can be attached to Hiroru without gold cost. Limited: Bow Hiroru to destory a Kolat Personality in play with a lower Chi.
Ninja Infiltrator Exp
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Ninja Infiltrator Exp

Unaligned. Ninja. Experienced Sanado. Unique The Infiltrator can remain bowed. Limited: Bow the Infiltrator and target a Personality in play with a lower Chi. While the Infiltrator remains bowed, the target cannot be assigned or moved to attack.
Mamoru Exp
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Mamoru Exp

Unaligned Ninja Guard. Experienced. Unique Followers must be Ninja. Reaction: Bow Mamoru immediately after a Personality is moved with an action to attack one of your Provinces. Mamoru challenges that Personality to a duel that cannot be refused.
Isha Exp
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Isha Exp

Naga Hunter. Experienced. Unique. Tactician Reaction: Before the Defender performs his first battle action, you may play a terrain card for this battle. Reaction: If Qamar is about to be destroyed, all cards and tokens attached to Qamar are attached to Isha. Until the end of the game, Isha is considered to be Qamar.
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Naga Mountaineer While Damesh is in the attacking army, the strength of this Province is equal to the lowest Province strength of any Province in play.
Mukami Exp
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Mukami Exp

Wasp Clan Skirmisher. Yoritomo's Army. Experienced. Unique Battle: Bow to produce a Ranged 3 Attack. This Ranged Attack may be immediately combined with the Ranged Attack from another unit in this army. Mukami's unit is removed from this battle and returned to your fief.
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Unaligned Monk Battle: Once per battle, discard a Kiho from your hand to give Dangai a Force and Chi bonus equal to the Focus value of the Kiho.
Matsu Turi Exp
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Matsu Turi Exp

Lion Clan Magistrate. Samurai. Experienced. Unique Battle: Straighten (if necessary) and move Turi into the battle being resolved if you are the Defender.
Hitomi Tashima Exp
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Hitomi Tashima Exp

Dragon Clan Magistrate. Samurai. Tattooed. Cavalry. Experienced Shinjo Tashima. Unique Reaction: If ever Persanality and Follower in Tashima's army has the Tattooed trait, you may take an action before the defender's first action. You may only take one action in this manner, per battle.
Hitomi Exp3
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Hitomi Exp3

Dragon Clan Champion. Tattooed. Experienced 3. Samurai. Shugenja. Unique Immune to Corruption tokens. Will only join Dragon Clan Player. Battle: Once per battle, issue an unrefuseable challenge to an opposing Personality. The loser does not die, but if Hitomi wins the duel, you gain control of the loser for the rest of the game. Then, the loser is sent to...
Doji Shizue Exp
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Doji Shizue Exp

Crane Clan storyteller. Experienced. Unique. Open: Bow Shizue to bow a ninja. Reaction: Bow Shizue immediately when one of your personalities wins a duel to give that personality a permanent +1 bonus to that personality's chi or force.
Daidoji Tsumerai
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Daidoji Tsumerai

Crane Clan Yari Master. Samurai Tsumerai gains an additional +2 Force while he has a naginata or yari attached.
Daidoji Osen
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Daidoji Osen

Crane Clan Spy. Samurai Reaction: When Osen is assigned to or moves into a battle, any player may show you one or more terrains from their Fate Hand. During that battle, players may not play terrain cards from their hand that they did not show you.
Takao's Jingasa
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Takao's Jingasa

Once per turn, this Personality need not bow to cast a Kiho.
Corrupted Jade Sliver
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Corrupted Jade Sliver

Shadowlands Open: Three times per turn, give this Personality +1F/-2C and Shadowlands. Open: Three times per turn, if this Personality has more than 1 Force, give this Personality -2F/+2C and Shadowlands.
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Unique. Bloodsword This is considered the Broken Sword of the Scorpion for Uniqueness. Battle: Once per battle, raise this Personality's Force to equal that of one opposing Personality. Reaction: When this Personality is entering a duel, raise his or her Chi to equal that of his or her opponent in the duel.
Dharma Technique
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Dharma Technique

Kiho Reaction: After an Event is revealed but before it resolves, bow one of your Monks to discard the Event without resolution.
The Palace of Otosan-Uchi (Mon Back)
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The Palace of Otosan-Uchi (Mon Back)

You begin the game with the Imperial Favor if you are the only Toturi's Army player. Your Imperial cards cost 2 less Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, when you are attaching a Follower to one of your Personalities, reduce the Follower's cost by the Personality's Force.
House of Tao
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House of Tao

After all players reveal Strongholds, you may search your Fate deck for an Elemental Ring and put it into play. If you put a Shadowlands card into play, remove all your Elemental Rings from the game.
When Dark Winds Howl
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When Dark Winds Howl

Each player reveals his Fate Hand to all of the other players. If you have the highest combined focus value in your Fate Hand, you may discard your Fate Hand to add an additional Province to the left of your leftmost Province. All other players may discard their hand to draw 5 cards. You may not use the ability of the Ring of the Void for the rest of this...
Finding the Balance
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Finding the Balance

Choose one personality in play. The target personality has his or her lowest stat (force, chi, or personal honor-you choose if its a tie) raised by two. That personality's controller chooses one of the other traits to be reduced by one. These changes are permanent.
Creating the Monkey Clan
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Creating the Monkey Clan

The next two Unaligned personalities that appear in your provinces swear fealty to your Clan as soon as they turn face-up.
Ancestral Duty
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Ancestral Duty

At the beginning of your events phase two turns after this one, any Personality with an attached ancestor that has not been involved in an honor gain (e.g. allying in battle, winning a duel or battle, etc.) between now and then is destroyed by the attached ancestor.
Shiryo no Tsuko
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Shiryo no Tsuko

Lion Clan Ancestor. Unique. This card is considered Matsu Tsuko for Uniqueness Reaction: Immediately after this unit wins a battle as a defensive unit, you may declare an attack against the Attacker. No allies may be sent to these battles, and you may not assign or move any units other than this one to attack. Units currently assigned to attack your...
Shiryo no Nodotai
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Shiryo no Nodotai

Dragon Clan Ancestor Spell effects and innate abilities not produced by a Dragon Clan Personality may not target this Personality.
Shiryo no Kisada
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Shiryo no Kisada

Crab Clan Ancestor. Unique This card is considered Hida Kisada for Uniqueness. This Personality cannot gain the Shadowlands trait, and this unit cannot be targeted with spell effects.
Twisting Ravine
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Twisting Ravine

Battle Terrain: This Terrain takes effect immediately when it is played. While this Terrain is in play, cards cannot bow to perform any action other than an action that destroys this Terrain. Cards cannot be bowed by actions while this Terrain is in play, although all other effects of those actions resolve normally.
Trusted Counsel
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Trusted Counsel

Battle: You may draw up to 3 Fate Cards from your deck. For each card drawn, your opponent in this battle may either draw one Fate Cards or give a 3F bonus to one Personality in this battle.
The Naga Akasha
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The Naga Akasha

Battle: Destroy one of your personalities in this battle to destroy an opposing Shadowlands card. If you are a naga player, you may place your personality on top of your dynasty deck instead of in your discard pile.
The Dragon's Heart
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The Dragon's Heart

Reaction: Play after your Dragon Clan or Double Chi Personality has won a duel. Your Personality's Chi is reduced by 3 and loses Double Chi until the end of the turn. Your Personality loses all bonuses gained this turn from cards outside his unit and may immediatey issue a challenge duplicating the previous chalenge's conditions, restrictions and...
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Battle: If you are the Defender, destroy one of your Gold-producing Holdings to target a Personality whose personal Honor is less than the Holding's cost. Followers in the target's unit with Force less than the Gold production of the Holding are bowed.
Magic Mud
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Magic Mud

Battle: Target a Goblin Personality or Follower in this battle. The Goblin gains +2F and the ability Battle: Fear 2. Immediately after the end of this battle, the Goblin is destroyed.
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