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Broken Guard
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Broken Guard

Limited: Target one Region in play and bow any number of your Personalities and/or Followers such that their combined Force is greater than the number of Personalities that Region's controller has in play. The Region is destroyed.
Book of Earth
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Book of Earth

Singular Elemental Open: Bow this Personality or one of your Rings of Earth to target a Province. For the rest of the turn, Reactions may not be taken during battles at that Province.
Shrine of Courage FOIL
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Shrine of Courage FOIL

Singular Bow Shrine of Courage to produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow and destroy Shrine of Courage to have one of your Samurai or Bushi challenge an opposing Personality to an unrefusable duel of Force or Chi.  
Tsuruchi Nobumoto Exp FOIL
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Tsuruchi Nobumoto Exp FOIL

Mantis Clan Bushi . Tsuruchi Family Daimyo Naval . Experienced . Unique Open: Once per turn, Nobumoto gains the Cavalry trait and loses the Naval trait. Battle: Bow Nobumoto for a Ranged 4 Attack. You may then move this unit home.  
Anvil of Earth
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Anvil of Earth

Unique. Elemental Battle: Bow Anvil of Earth and destroy a Terrain controlled by any player to bow an opposing Personality.
The Iron Legion FOIL
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The Iron Legion FOIL

Will only attach to a Samurai, Bushi, or Crab Clan Personality. Ranged attacks may not target The Iron Legion. After The Iron Legion enters play from your hand, you may give this Personality a +0F Weapon Item token, a +0F Armor Item token, or both.  
Akodo Tadenori Exp2
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Akodo Tadenori Exp2

Lion Clan Master Tactician * Bloodspeaker * Experienced 2 * Unique * Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor after each Tactical action Tadenori performs. Maho Tactical Battle: Discard a card from your hand to destroy an opposing non-Unique Follower or non-Unique Item with a lower Focus than the discard.
Trade District
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Trade District

Singular Open: Once per turn, pay 3 Gold to turn a Dynasty card in a Province Face-up. 
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At the start of your Straighten Phase, add Glass tokens to Glassblower until it has four. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, remove any number of Glass tokens from Glassblower to produce an equal amount of Gold.  
Iuchi Katamari
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Iuchi Katamari

Unicorn Clan Magistrate . Doomseeker . Cavalry After Katamari enters play, you may permanently give him the Courtier or Shugenja trait. While Katamari is in play and is a Courtier, your Unicorn Clan Personalities may commit seppuku as if they were Samurai. Open: If Katamari is a Shugenja, once per turn, switch the Force and Chi of an item.  
Tsuruchi Nobumoto Exp
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Tsuruchi Nobumoto Exp

Mantis Clan Bushi . Tsuruchi Family Daimyo Naval . Experienced . Unique Open: Once per turn, Nobumoto gains the Cavalry trait and loses the Naval trait. Battle: Bow Nobumoto for a Ranged 4 Attack. You may then move this unit home.  
Togashi Tsuri
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Togashi Tsuri

Dragon Clan Monk . Unique Battle: Once per battle, copy the Force of an opposing Personality with more Chi than Tsuri. Battle: Once per battle, copy the Chi of an opposing Personality with more Force than Tsuri.  
Yumi of Fire
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Yumi of Fire

Weapon . Unique Costs 1 less Gold if you are a Unicorn Clan player. You may bring Yumi of Fire into play from your hand as a Battle action. If you do, you may immediately gain an additional Battle action to use the following ability: Elemental Battle: Bow this Personality for two consecutive Ranged 3 Attacks.  
Seeds of the Void
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Seeds of the Void

Unique . Costs 1 less Gold if you are a Crab Clan player. Seeds of the Void has the Shadowlands trait if you are a Shadowlands player. You may bring this card into play from your hand as an Open action. Elemental Open: Once per turn, discard a Fate card to take Seeds of the Void into your hand. You may also use this action if Seeds of the Void is in your...
Ancestral Kabuto
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Ancestral Kabuto

Unique . Will only attach to a Samurai. Put a +1F/+1C Soul token on Ancestral Kabuto during your Straighten Phase.  
Ignominious End
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Ignominious End

Political Battle: Target one of your unbowed Courtiers to move an unbowed Dishonored Personality into the current battle. If you are a Scorpion Clan player, you may move a bowed or unbowed Dishonored Personality. 
Shosuro Taushui
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Shosuro Taushui

Scorpion Clan Actress Limited: Once per turn, target a Personality controlled by another player. Taushui copies the Force, Chi or one ability of that Personality until the beginning of your next turn.
Bayushi Hisa Exp2
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Bayushi Hisa Exp2

Scorpion Clan Samurai. Experienced 2. Unique Battle: Once per battle, discard the dynasty card in this Province.
Abresax Exp
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Abresax Exp

Fist of the Scorpian Clan · Experienced · Unique. Political actions cannot target Abresax. Abresax cannot take Political actions. Followers gain +1F while attached to Abresax.
Shiba Ningen
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Shiba Ningen

Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Acolyte of the Void. Reaction: When Ningen enters play, refill his province with a face-up dynasty card.
Kuni Yasashii
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Kuni Yasashii

Crab Clan Shugenja Battle: Once per turn, if there are one or more opposing units in the current battle, move Yasashii from another battle to this one. You may move any one other Crab unit in Yasashii's battle with him into this battle.
Hiruma Zunguri
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Hiruma Zunguri

Crab Clan Master of the Gate. Samurai Zunguri cannot be assigned to or move into an attacking army.
Mantis Fleet
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Mantis Fleet

You can assign this unit in the cavalry maneuvers segment, but it is not a cavalry unit.
Black Pearl
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Black Pearl

Unique Only a Naga Shugenja can attach the Black Pearl. Limited: Bow and discard this Shugenja from play. Take any one Honorable Dead Personality from any player's discard pile and return him or her to play under your control.
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Each player targets one Region controlled by the player on his or her left. All targeted regions are destroyed.
Strange Travelers
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Strange Travelers

Nonhuman · SpiritBattle: Bow Strange Travelers to target an opposing Follower. If possible, move the Follower to another legal Personality in its army controlled by the same player, otherwise bow the Follower 
Shrine to Fukurokujin
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Shrine to Fukurokujin

You may not have more than one Shrine to Fukurokujin in play.Bow Shrine to Fukurokujin to produce 2 Gold.Limited: Bow Shrine to Fukurokujin and one of your Personalities to draw a card. Show the card to your opponents; if its Focus value is greater than or equal to the Personality's printed Chi, discard it. 
Sand Garden
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Sand Garden

Bow Sand Garden to produce 2 Gold.Open: Bow and destroy Sand Garden to bow a Shadowlands card. 
Kakita Dojo
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Kakita Dojo

Bow Kakita Dojo to produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Bow Kakita Dojo after a strike is called in a duel to give your Personality in that duel +1C. You may use this Reaction even if your Personality is bowed. 
Shinjo Guan
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Shinjo Guan

Unicorn Clan Samurai · MagistrateReaction: Once per battle, Guan gains +2F after you assign a Unicorn Clan Cavalry Personality to an army during Infantry Maneuvers. 
Moto Chaozhu Exp
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Moto Chaozhu Exp

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Cavalry · Kolat · Tactician · Experienced · Unique Battle: Once per turn, if Chaozhu has not been in an army during battle resolution this turn, move him into a Province with a Region attached. 
Iuchi Yue
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Iuchi Yue

Unicorn Clan Shugenja · Iuchi Family Daimyo · Cavalry · UniqueElemental Wind Open: Once per turn, move an Item from one of your unbowed Personalities to another. 
Shosuro Kamatari
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Shosuro Kamatari

Scorpion Clan Yojimbo · NinjaWhile you have at least one unbowed Shosuro Kamatari in play, other players may not target your Courtiers with actions unless the Courtier is in an army or they bow their Stronghold as an additional cost of the action. 
Bayushi Eitarou
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Bayushi Eitarou

Scorpion Clan SamuraiPolitical Open: Discard the Imperial Favor to give Eitarou a Force and Chi bonus equal to his Personal Honor. 
Kakita Soichi
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Kakita Soichi

Crane Clan Samurai · Unique Political Reaction: Discard the Imperial Favor after Soichi wins a duel to draw 2 cards. 
Doji Okakura Exp FOIL
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Doji Okakura Exp FOIL

Crane Clan Samurai . Experienced . Unique Battle: Once per battle, if there are fewer opposing Shadowlands cards than Okakura's Chi, bow one of them.  
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