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Isawa's Scrolls
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L5R Singles

Isawa's Scrolls (Spanish)

Unique. After this Spell enters play, put five Scroll tokens on it. Limited: Bow this Spell and remove a Scroll token from it: Search your Fate deck for a Spell with a Focus value less than the number of remaining Scroll tokens.
Depths of Jigoku
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Depths of Jigoku

Kiho Limited: Bow a Shugenja you control: Lose 3 Honor. Permanently give the caster the Shadowlands and Nonhuman traits. Search your Fate deck for up to two Oni cards and/or Shadowlands Followers. Show them. Put them in your hand face-up. At the end of the turn, discard all of those cards still in your hand.
Amaterasu's Blessing
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Amaterasu's Blessing

Kiho Open: Target an unbowed Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a Personality. Until the beginning of your next turn, Personalities you own have a minimum Force and minimum Chi equal to their Personal Honor. This effect is permanent on the target Personalities.
Onnotangu's Hand Inexp
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Inexperienced Obsidian Hand · Unique. Reaction: After a Personality enters a duel with a Personality you control, bow this card: Target the Personality you don not control. Bow him.
Golden Mirror
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Golden Mirror

Unique. Limited: Bow this Personality and discard a card: Target a face-down card. Name a card type. Show the card. Discard it if it is of the named type. (Cards in hands and decks are face-down. Kihos are Action cards.)
Broken Sword of the Lion
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Weapon · Unique. Lose 3 Honor. Dishonor all Lion Clan Personalities you own. Lion Clan Personalities you control have a Force and Chi bonus equal to their Personal Honor. After each time a Lion Clan Personality you control is restored to Honor, gain Honor equal to his Personal Honor.
Ancient Sword
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Ancient Sword

Weapon. This card has +2F for every full 10 points of Family Honor you have. Reaction: After this Personality enters a duel, bow this card: Gain 2 Honor
The Lying Darkness
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The Lying Darkness (Spanish)

Nonhuman · Nothing · Unique. You may attach this card from your hand to a Personality even if you do not control him. (His controller then controls this card.) During each of your Straighten Phases, put two ?1C tokens on a Personality you control
Legion of the Kami
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Legion of the Kami

Legion of the Kami has +1F for each other player who controls a Kami card.
Until I Understand
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Until I Understand

Kami Open: Play a Ring from your hand. Until it leaves play, the Ring does not count towards an Enlightenment Victory. If the Ring is still in play at the beginning of your second turn from now, discard it.
I Can Swim
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I Can Swim

Political Limited: Target a Courtier Personality you control. Permanently give him ?Political Reaction: Before losing Honor from a card you own, bow this Personality: Negate the loss. If it came from a Shadowlands card, this Personality permanently loses this ability
The Emperor's Blessing
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L5R Singles

The Emperor's Blessing

Singular. Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Until it leaves play, your Family Honor is considered 5 points higher for purposes of any player lobbying. Reaction: After you play a Kami card, discard this card from your home: Search your Fate deck for a Kami card. Show it. Put it in your hand.
Sacred Arena
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Sacred Arena

Unique. Battle: Destroy this card: Even during a battle at another Province, give each non-Unique Personality in the current battle ?2F. Token Followers have a maximum Force of 0. These effects last until the battle ends.
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L5R Singles


Mantis Clan Shapeshifter · Creature · Spirit · Unique. Unmei has each of the following traits while you control a Mantis Clan Personality with the same trait: Samurai, Shugenja, Courtier, Bushi, Scout, Cavalry, Tactician, Double Chi, Duelist, Naval. While Unmei is a Samurai, it has +3F. While Unmei is a Shugenja, it has ?Elemental Battle: Bow this card:...
Yobanjin Fortress
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L5R Singles

Yobanjin Fortress (Spanish)

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow this card: Create a 1F/1C Yobanjin Personality card in your army in the current battle. Remove this Personality from the game after the battle ends or after two more actions resolve.
Family Library
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Family Library

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Destroy this card: Target a discarded Personality in your discard pile and a face-up card in one of your Provinces. Discard the face-up card and fill the Province with the Personality.
Shrine of Discussion
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Shrine of Discussion

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Destroy this card: Target a Personality. Permanently give him ?2F/+2C and the Monk trait.
The First Wedding
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L5R Singles

The First Wedding (Spanish)

You may discard cards from your hand with a total Focus value of exactly 4. If you do, either draw 3 cards or target a player. If you target a player, he discards cards from his hand with a total Focus value of at least 4 if possible, or shows his hand if he cannot
The Death of Ryoshun
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L5R Singles

The Death of Ryoshun

This card remains in play in your home. Open: Discard this card: Name a card in play. Until the beginning of your next turn, actions on cards with that title may not be used.
Kuro's Fire FOIL (Signed by Monte Moore)
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Elemental Battle: Bow this Shugenja to make a number of consecutive ranged attacks up to the Shugenja's Chi. The ranged attacks' total strength cannot exceed the Shugenja's Force plus Chi. (Consecutive ranged attacks are targeted and resolved one at a time.) 
Doji Kurohito Exp2 FOIL
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L5R Singles

Doji Kurohito Exp2 FOIL

Crane Clan Champion * Samurai * Courtier Double Chi * Experienced 2 * Unique * Will only join a Crane Clan player. Bring all Winds you do not have, except the Black Heart of the Empire, into play from outside the game while you control Kurohito. Political Battle: Once per battle, issue an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Personal Honor to an opposing...
Tch'tch Warrens FOIL
L5R Singles

Tch'tch Warrens FOIL

You begin the game with three Provinces. Your Ratling cards cannot gain Shadowlands and are immune to Fear. Limited: Bow to take a non-Follower Fate card from another player's discard pile and put it in your hand. Keep this card face-up and revealed. The next time this card goes to a discard pile or deck, remove it from the game instead. 
Tribute to Your House FOIL (Signed by Jeff Carlisle)
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Political Limited: As a cost, destroy your rightmost Province. Until the beginning of your next turn, the player or players with the highest Family Honor are considered to have Family Honor equal to their starting Family Honor. This is not considered an Honor loss. Honor gains and losses occur as usual during this period and affect the player's true...
Hida Kuon Exp3 FOIL
L5R Singles

Hida Kuon Exp3 FOIL

Crab Clan Champion * Samurai * Double Chi * Yu 10 Experienced 3 * Unique * Will only join a Crab Clan player. As you are bringing Kuon into play or overlaying him, you may bow any number of your Followers to lower his Gold cost by the number bowed. Battle: Discard a card from your hand to force all opposing players to discard a card from their hands. 
Spirit Guide
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L5R Singles

Spirit Guide

Open: If this Personality is a Shugenja, bow Spirit Guide to straighten this Personality.
Shosuro House Guard
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Shosuro House Guard

Unique * Will only attach to a Scorpion Clan Personality. Battle: Bow Shosuro House Guard to target an attacking Personality. The Personality's controller decides whether Shosuro House Guard dishonors hat Personality or sends it home. Battle: Send this unit home from the current battle. You may use this action while Shosuro House Guard is bowed. 
Hoshi House Guard
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L5R Singles

Hoshi House Guard (Spanish Language)

Unique * Will only attach to a Dragon Clan Personality. This Personality gains +1F/+2C for each of your Elemental Rings in play while Hoshi House Guard is attached. Reaction: Once per turn, after this Personality casts a Kiho, return the Kiho to your hand if this Personality is a Monk. You may use this ability only once per Kiho title per game.
Shinsei's Shrine
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L5R Singles

Shinsei's Shrine

Singular This Province does not hold Dynasty Cards. (Do not refill it.) Gain 2 Honor during each of your End Phases while Shinsei's Shrine is in play.
Phoenix Library
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L5R Singles

Phoenix Library

Unique Bow Phoenix Library to produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Bow Phoenix Library after you attach a Spell from your hand to one of your Phoenix Clan Personalities to draw a card. 
Oracle of the Void
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L5R Singles

Oracle of the Void

Retainer * Unique Elemental Limited: Bow Oracle of the Void and pay 1 Gold to either draw a Fate card or discard a card from your hand. Show the card to all players. Elemental Reaction: During your End Phase, if you have fewer than five cards in your hand, bow Oracle of the Void to draw cards until you have five in your hand. Lose 2 Honor each time you...
Master Painter
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Master Painter

Retainer * Unique Limited: Bow Master Painter to gain 3 Honor. 
Lion Scout
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L5R Singles

Lion Scout

Retainer * Unique Bow Lion Scout to produce 2 Gold. Reaction: Bow Lion Scout when one of your Lion Clan Personalities performs a Tactical action. The Personality may perform one additional Tactical action this battle, but it must be a type of Tactical action he did not perform previously this battle.
Grove of the Five Masters
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L5R Singles

Grove of the Five Masters

Unique Limited: Bow Grove of the Five Masters to search your Fate deck for a Kiho. Show it to all players, put it in your hand, and discard one card from your hand. 
Utaku Etsumi FOIL
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L5R Singles

Utaku Etsumi FOIL

Unicorn Clan Battle Maiden . Samurai . Cavalry Unique . Soul of Otaku Kamoko Experienced Will only attach Cavalry Followers. Followers being attached to Etsumi cost 2 less Gold, to a minimum of one. Etsumi gains +1F while attacking. 
Seppun Jin FOIL
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L5R Singles

Seppun Jin FOIL

Undead Shugenja * Unique * Shadowlands Soul of Kuni Yori Experienced 3 Maho Limited: Bow Jin and discard a card from your hand to target a dead Personality in any discard pile. Bring that Personality into play in your home under your control, without cost and ignoring all restrictions. Permanently give the Personality Undead and Shadowlands. Lose 3 Honor....
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