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Kiho Maho Battle: Bow one of your Shugenja to give a -1C Blood token to a number of opposing Personalities up to the Shugenja's Chi. 
Purity of the Seven Thunders
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Purity of the Seven Thunders

Ritual Limited: Bow this Shugenja and any number of your other Shugenja such that their combined Chi is greater than 14, and destroy this Spell and this Shugenja, to destroy all Shadowlands cards. The Shugenja in this Ritual cannot straighten during your next turn. 
Doom of Fu Leng FOIL
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Doom of Fu Leng FOIL

Black Scroll * Unique Give this Shugenja a -1C Corruption token each time he straightens. Ritual Open: Bow this Shugenja and any number of your other Shugenja to permanently lower a target Personality's Chi by the number of Shugenja in this Ritual, to a minimum of 1. This effect may target each Personality once per game. 
Kyuden Gotei
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Kyuden Gotei

Kyuden Gotei counts as a Port card. Once per battle, as a Battle action, you may bow one of your Naval cards in the current battle to take two consecutive Battle actions.
House of Tao
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House of Tao (Spanish Language)

After all players reveal Strongholds, you may search your Fate deck for an Elemental Ring and put it into play. If you put a Shadowlands card into play, remove all your Elemental Rings from the game.
New Year's Celebration
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New Year's Celebration

Each player discards his hand, then draws five cards.
Far From the Empire
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Far From the Empire

For the rest of the game, whenever a player uses the Imperial Favor, permanently raise by 3 the Family Honor required by that player to achieve an Honor Victory.
Birth of the Sword
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Birth of the Sword

Each player gains two Honor and may draw one Fate card.
Ring of Water
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Ring of Water

Play Ring of Water after taking four or more Battle actions in one battle. Elemental Battle: Bow Ring of Water to move one of your units into the current battle from another battle or your home or from the current battle to your home. 
Ring of Earth
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Ring of Earth

Play Ring of Earth after an army containing your units wins a battle against an opposing army at a Province. Elemental Limited: Bow Ring of Earth and target one of your Personalities. Until the beginning of your next turn, other players cannot move that Personality into or out of battles. 
Ring of Air
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Ring of Air

Play Ring of Air after casting three or more Spells and/or Kiho in one turn. Elemental Reaction: After one of your Shugenja or Monks bows to cast a Spell or Kiho, bow Ring of Air to straighten that Shugenja or Monk. 
Test of Might
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Test of Might

Battle: One of your Personalities issues an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality. This duel compares Force versus Force. The winner gains 3 Honor. Bow the loser. 
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Political Reaction: Before any player gains or loses Honor, bow one of your Courtiers with Chi greater than or equal to the gain or loss to redirect the gain or loss to a different player. 
Let Your Spirit Guide You FOIL
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Let Your Spirit Guide You FOIL

When you play this card as a Focus card in a duel or use its Focus value for a Tactical action performed by a Personality, set its Focus value to the Personality's Personal Honor plus 3. 
Encircled Terrain
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Encircled Terrain

Delayed Terrain Battle: The Attacker and Defender each target one of their own units in this battle. You decide which player targets first. Send all other units in this battle home without bowing. 
Dirty Politics
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Dirty Politics

Political Reaction: Before another player loses Honor, negate the loss, then gain Honor equal to the amount you negated. Political Reaction: Before another player gains Honor, negate the gain, then lose Honor equal to the amount you negated. 
Desperate Wager
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Desperate Wager (Spanish)

Reaction: Play before your Dynasty Phase. Straighten all your Personalities. Gain an additional Attack Phase. After you declare your attack, straighten all the Defender's Personalities and Followers, including those that cannot straighten. You lose the game at the end of this turn. You cannot play more than one Desperate Wager per turn.
Berserker Rage FOIL
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Berserker Rage FOIL (Spanish Language)

Battle: Target one of your opposed Berserker Personalities. That Berserker's Force becomes equal to twice his printed Force until the battle ends. (This does not prevent later bonuses or penalties.) The Berserker bows when the battle ends, an effect that cannot be negated, and cannot straighten before your second Straighten Phase from now.
Blade of Truths
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Blade of Truths

Weapon * Unique Reaction: After this Personality enters a duel, name a Focus value. The opposing player cannot play Focus cards or Reaction Action cards with that Focus value during the duel.
Asahina's Blessing FOIL
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Asahina's Blessing FOIL

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to target a Personality controlled by any player. After the next time that Personality is destroyed this game, put the Personality on top of your Dynasty deck. The shugenja of the Crane rarely use magic to destroy.
Personal Sohei
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Personal Sohei

Monk Personnal Sohei may cast Kihos. (Sohei does not add to his Personality's Chi.) The Brother of Rebirth were once members of the Order of Osano-Wo. At Osano-Wo's command, they have sworn to obey the will of the new Fortune, Tsukune.
Soshi Kiyo
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Soshi Kiyo

Scorpion Clan Courtier Political Reaction: Bow Kiyo to take the Imperial Favor after another player takes a Political action who has already taken a Political action this turn.
Bayushi Norachai Exp
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Bayushi Norachai Exp

Scorpion Clan Imperial Magistrate * Experienced * Unique Norachai gains +2F/+2C while another player controls the Imperial Favor. Political Reaction: Once per turn, after any player discards the Imperial Favor, Norachai gains +2F/+2C.
Hitomi Maya
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Hitomi Maya

Dragon Clan Samurai * Tattooed Battle: Bow for a Ranged 2 Attack targeting each Follower in one opposing unit. These Ranged Attacks may not be combined or modified by your cards.
Asahina Keitaro
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Asahina Keitaro

Crane Clan Shugenja * Courtier Political Open: Boe Keitaro to restore a Dishonored non-Showlands Personality to Honotable status. Bow that Personality if he or she is not at a battle.
Sezaru's Mask
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Sezaru's Mask

Unique Will only attach to a Shugenja. Reaction: Bow Sezaru's Mask before this Shugenja participates in a Ritual. This Shugenja counts as two Shugenja for the ritual.
Kabuki Mask
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Kabuki Mask

Unique Limited: Bow Kabuki Mask to target a Personality with one or more Political abilities. This Personality copies one of those abilities until the end of the turn.
Teeth of Osano-Wo
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Teeth of Osano-Wo

Battle: Bow this Shugenja to produce a number of consecutive Ranged Attacks up to his or her Force or Chi, whichever is lower. Each Ranged attack has a strength equal to the Shugenja's Personal Honor. Kiyoshi's magic sheilded Kuon and the others as they escaped the fallen towers.
Asahina's Blessing
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Asahina's Blessing

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to target a Personality controlled by any player. After the next time that Personality is destroyed this game, put the Personality on top of your Dynasty deck. The shugenja of the Crane rarely use magic to destroy.
Akodo Shusaku
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Akodo Shusaku (French)

Lion Clan Samurai. Deathseeker. Yu 2 Shusaku may not be dishonored.
The Topaz Armor FOIL
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The Topaz Armor FOIL

Reaction: When this Personality discards a card for a Tactician Force bonus to raise the discard's Focus value to 3 if it is below 3.
Tamori Shiki FOIL
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Tamori Shiki FOIL

Dragon Clan Shugenja. Tattooed Other players may not target Shiki with Spell or Kiho actions.
Sword of the Righteous Emperor
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Sword of the Righteous Emperor

Ancestral Weapon • Unique This card has +1F for each Personality you control. Limited: If you have exactly one Province or another player has at least 40 Family Honor, remove this card from the game: Target a Personality you control. Create three 4F/4C Personalities with 3 Personal Honor and the target's boldface traits.
Moshi Hitaka FOIL
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Moshi Hitaka FOIL

Mantis Clan Samurai · Scout · Storm Rider. Hitaka has +1F for each Orochi you control. Battle: Bow Hitaka: Target an Orochi Personality. Raise its Force and its Chi to twice their printed values. Destroy it when the turn ends
Daidoji Teika FOIL
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Daidoji Teika FOIL

Crane Clan Samurai · Harrier. After Teika is destroyed, dishonor an Honorable Personality you control. Battle: Destroy Teika: Give ?2F to each opposing card with no cards attached. You may target and destroy one of those cards that now has 0F.
Kaiu Sugimoto Exp FOIL
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Kaiu Sugimoto Exp FOIL

Crab Clan Hero · Samurai · Yu 5 · Experienced Keeper of Earth · Unique. Elemental Reaction: Once per turn, even if Sugimoto is bowed, after an action is announced: Add ?Target and bow a Personality you control? to the action's cost
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