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Beautiful Host
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Beautiful Host

RetainerBow this card: Produce 2 Gold.Political Open: If another player’s action has caused you an Honor loss this turn, choose your performing Personality: Give him a +1F Revenge token.
The Agony of Her Gaze
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The Agony of Her Gaze

UniqueUntil your Events Phase two turns from now begins, after the resolution of any Battle action, give each of your Nonhumans who performed it a +1F Frenzy token.
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Void • Monk • Shugenja • Singular • FudoAttaches Heart of Fudo ignoring Gold cost. Limited: Discard Hyobuko: He searches for an ancient relic. Search your discard pile, then Fate deck, for a card titled Heart of Fudo. Show it and put it in your hand.
Lying in Ambush
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Lying in Ambush

Reaction: After the resolution of your Battle, Limited, or Open action that created a non-Shadowlands Personality: Create a 2F/2C/2PH Samurai Personality with your Clan alignment at the same location.
Fukurokujin's Wisdom
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Fukurokujin's Wisdom

Fortune • Unique You have +1 maximum hand size. Battle: Discard this card and choose one or more of your performing Personalities: Move them home. Straighten the unit of each of them who moved.
With My Last Breath
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With My Last Breath

Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Straighten him. Before the current Combat Segment ends, destroy him. You may take an additional Battle action.
Well Scouted Target
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Well Scouted Target

Battle: Choose your performing Scout: Increase or reduce the current battlefield’s province’s strength by 3. If you targeted that province with a Recon action this turn, you may take an additional Battle action. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets a card: Give the Ranged Attack +2 strength.
Waves Rush to the Shore
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Waves Rush to the Shore

kata Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards you control. While this card remains in play, you have the ability, “Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality with a Weapon: Bow a target enemy card without attached Weapons or Armor.”
Leaked Information
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Leaked Information

Political Limited: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate: Target a Personality with Personal Honor equal to or lower than your Magistrate’s Chi. The Personality’s unit may not assign to a battlefield this turn unless your Magistrate is there. After each time your Magistrate’s unit assigns this turn, assign the Personality’s unit to the same...
Draw Attention
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Draw Attention

Focus Effect: After a Personality loses this duel, his controller loses 2 Honor. Reaction: After the resolution of one of your Battle actions whose effects destroyed an enemy card: Gain 2 Honor.
Concentrated Fire
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Concentrated Fire

Recon Open: Bow one or more of your performing Scout Personalities: Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without attachments, with lower Force than your Scouts’ total Force.
Reach Across the World
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Reach Across the World

Air Battle/Open: Transfer one or more attachments from your target Shugenja to another of your target Shugenja. If this Shugenja is Air, you may take an additional action appropriate to the phase.
Armor of the Loyal Son
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Armor of the Loyal Son

Armor • Cursed • Unique Before an action destroys this Personality, this card, or both, if this card is unbowed: Destroy another of your Personalities with the same Clan alignment as this Personality. If this destroyed a Personality, negate the action’s destruction of this Personality and this card.
Fifth Wind Cavalry
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Fifth Wind Cavalry

Cavalry • Unique This Personality has Tactician.
Seppun Ujifusa
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Seppun Ujifusa

Samurai • banker • Imperial • Imperial Bank of Rokugan Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, bow Ujifusa: Produce 2 Gold.
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Samurai • Hero Reaction: After Ieyoshi enters play: Choose a Clan alignment. Permanently give all unaligned copies of Ieyoshi you own, in and out of play, that Clan alignment.
Shinjo Tobasa
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Shinjo Tobasa

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry Tobasa has -1F while there are any Cavalry units on the enemy side at his battlefield.
Shinjo Meng-Do
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Shinjo Meng-Do

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout Limited: Meng-Do recruits a new scout. Create a 2F/2C/2PH Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout Personality.
Shinjo Chu-Yeung
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Shinjo Chu-Yeung

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Tactician Battle: Ranged 4 Attack.
Shiba Gohiko
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Shiba Gohiko

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Yojimbo Open: If it is not your turn: Straighten your Stronghold.
Asako Hitsuko
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Asako Hitsuko

Phoenix Clan • Void • Water • Shugenja • Alchemist • Inquisitor • Magistrate Battle: Starting with you, each player must target and move home half, rounded down, of his Personalities at the current battlefield. You may destroy one of the targeted Personalities whose movement failed.
Agasha Kamarou
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Agasha Kamarou

Phoenix Clan • Thunder • Water • Shugenja • Cavalry Kamarou has Naval while she has a Thunder Spell attached. Battle: Switch the locations of your target Personality and Kamarou. Straighten their units if they moved.
Mirumoto Tsubasa
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Mirumoto Tsubasa

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Poet Battle: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower a Force penalty equal to Tsubasa’s Force.
Jimen's Decree
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Jimen's Decree

Political • Winter Before the next time this game an Event resolves, its effects do not happen. (Discard it.)
Asahina Beniha Exp
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Asahina Beniha Exp

Crane Clan • Air • Courtier • Shugenja • Daimyo • Experienced • Loyal • Unique Political Battle: Even if Beniha is not at the current battlefield: Move a target opposed Personality home. If he is yours, gain 2 Honor. If the movement failed or he is Undead, you may destroy him.
Exotic Goods
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L5R Singles

Exotic Goods

Artisan • Merchant • Retainer Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Choose your performing Artisan Personality: Target another player’s unbowed Personality. His controller may bow him. If he did not bow, gain 1 Honor.
Tamori Ochimo
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L5R Singles

Tamori Ochimo

Dragon Clan • Earth • Monk • Shugenja • Alchemist • Unique Battle: You may discard a card with an element keyword: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. If you discarded a card, destroy the enemy card.
Kitsu Marimi
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Kitsu Marimi

Lion Clan • Water • Shugenja • Unique Limited: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality. Remove it from the game after your next turn begins.
Bayushi Orijitte
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Orijitte

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Bitter Lies • Unique Battle: Show the top card of your Fate deck: If its Focus Value is odd, or is lower than the Focus Value of one of Orijitte’s Weapons, draw it.
Fettered Minion
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Fettered Minion

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Undead After Fettered Minion enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Fettered Minion has +3F while in an army with another Undead card.
Seasoned Ronin
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Seasoned Ronin

Ronin • Samurai Battle: Give all Ronin Personalities and Followers in Seasoned Ronin’s army +1F.
Shinjo Liu Ying
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Shinjo Liu Ying

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Unique Battle: Move a target enemy Personality home.
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Ronin • Samurai • Duelist
Faint Praise
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Faint Praise

Political Open: Before the next time this turn a player gains Honor during his Dynasty Phase or from one of his own actions, he loses that amount of Honor instead of gaining it.
Planned Adversity
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Planned Adversity

Unique Limited: Destroy one of your non-Unique Holdings: Search your Dynasty deck for a non-Unique Holding. Put the new Holding into play (bowed).
Aspiring Ronin
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L5R Singles

Aspiring Ronin

Ronin Will only attach to a Samurai Personality.
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