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Poorly Chosen Allies
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L5R Singles

Poorly Chosen Allies

Political Limited: Choose a player who has two or more different Clan alignments among Personalities he controls. He loses 3 Honor.
Intimidating Stance
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Intimidating Stance

Fear • Iaijutsu Battle: Target your unbowed Duelist: Move a target enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi home.
Hope Against Hope
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Hope Against Hope

Battle: Destroy your target Unique Personality or Lion Clan Personality: Bow a target enemy unit. Draw a card if your Personality was a Tactician when this targeted him.
Hold Them Off
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Hold Them Off

Battle: Destroy your target Personality: Increase or reduce the current battlefield’s province’s strength by his Personal Honor. You may target a number of Personalities up to his Personal Honor; those Personalities may not use their base abilities this turn.
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Open: Pay Gold equal to the total Gold Cost of the targeted Personality’s unit: Lose 3 Honor. Take control of a target Personality. While you control him, you may not assign his unit to attack and he will not move to attack. Before this turn ends, give control of him to his owner.
Dance of Blades
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L5R Singles

Dance of Blades

Iaijutsu • Kata Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards you control. While this card remains in play, you have the ability, “Reaction: After one of your Personalities wins a duel, if he has a Weapon: Draw a card.”
Aura of Malice
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Aura of Malice

Fear Battle: Target your unbowed Shadowlands Personality, and bow him unless he is a Paragon: Target an enemy unit. Bow each Follower and Personality in it with equal or lower Force than your Personality’s base Force. Destroy any Followers with 2 or lower Force in that unit.
Apprehending the Villain
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Apprehending the Villain

Reaction: After the resolution of an action that was performed by an enemy Personality who is now dishonorable: Move your target Personality to the current battlefield. Straighten his unit if he moved. Battle/Open: Straighten your target Magistrate.
Imperial Outpost
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Imperial Outpost

Imperial • Temple • Unique Your non-Holding Imperial cards enter play paying 1 less Gold. Reaction: After engaging in a battle at this province’s battlefield: The Defender, then Attacker, each choose and bow one unit in their own army.
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L5R Singles


Monk • Hero • Paragon • Unique Your Personalities without base abilities enter play paying 2 less Gold. Reaction: Before an action destroys Furumaro: Negate his destruction. Battle: Bow a target enemy card. Destroy it if it is Shadowlands.
Shinjo Emiko
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Shinjo Emiko

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout Recon Limited: Target a province. Other players may not use abilities on cards in play at other locations (except Strongholds)during battles at that province’s battlefield.
Moto Chuluun
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L5R Singles

Moto Chuluun

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry After a battle’s resolution, if Chuluun was ever opposed during the battle: Destroy Chuluun.
Masakazu Exp
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Masakazu Exp

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Hero • Yojimbo • Experienced • Loyal • Unique • Bully Masakazu enters play paying 1 less Gold for each Shugenja you control. Battle: Bow a target card in the enemy army with lower Force than Masakazu’s Force. Bow the card’s unit if its total Force is lower than Masakazu’s Force.
Tsuruchi Gosho
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Gosho

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Samurai • Naval • Scout Battle: If the current battlefield’s province has been targeted by a Recon action this turn and Gosho is face-up in one of your provinces: Bring him into play at the current battlefield, paying 2 less Gold. If he entered play, Ranged 3 Attack.
Mirumoto Shiki
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Shiki

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Imperial • Magistrate • Unique After an action destroys an enemy card at the current battlefield, if Shiki is there: Gain 1 Honor, or 2 Honor if the card was dishonorable before it was destroyed. Battle: Ranged 4 Attack that may target a dishonorable Personality with attached Followers.
Mirumoto Meisetsu
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Mirumoto Meisetsu

Dragon Clan • Void • Samurai • Vigilant Meisetsu has +1F for each Unique card you control.
Mirumoto Bokusui
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Mirumoto Bokusui

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist After one of your Personalities loses a duel, or if another player ever controls more Rings than you: Destroy Bokusui.
Asahina Ekei Exp
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Asahina Ekei Exp

Crane Clan • Air • Shugenja • Artisan • Experienced • Unique Battle/Open: Even if Ekei is not at the current battlefield: Straighten a target Personality.
Offices of the Emerald Magistrates
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L5R Singles

Offices of the Emerald Magistrates

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: When paying the Gold cost of an action on a Strategy, if you control a Magistrate: Produce 2 Gold.
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L5R Singles


Until your next turn begins, all players have the ability, “Reaction: When paying a Gold cost, once per game: Produce 3 Gold”.
Twin Soul Temple FOIL
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Twin Soul Temple FOIL

Temple Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai, and you may bow one of your Shugenja at any location: Target an enemy Follower or Personality without Followers. Destroy it if its Force is lower than your Samurai’s Force plus the Chi of any Shugenja you bowed.
The Oni's Eye
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L5R Singles

The Oni's Eye

Unique Will only attach to a Scorpion Clan Personality. Limited: Bow this personality: Another player shows a card at random from his hand. He may choose to lose Honor equal to that card's Focus Value. If he did not choose this, he discards the card.
Hideshi's Guardian
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L5R Singles

Hideshi's Guardian

Spirit • SamUrai May not be included in decks.
Sharpened Naginata
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L5R Singles

Sharpened Naginata

Weapon Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality or Follower with 2 or lower Force.
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Limited: Turn all cards in provinces face up.
Sympathy for the Assaulted
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Sympathy for the Assaulted

Political Open: Target a Personality. After the next time this turn his unit is assigned to attack you, gain Honor equal to his Personal Honor plus one.
Strength in Honor
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L5R Singles

Strength in Honor

Battle: Target your unbowed Paragon: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor.
One Soul's Strength
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One Soul's Strength

This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Shugenja you control. Battle: Bow your target Personality: Bow a target enemy unit with fewer cards in it than your Personality’s Chi.
Laying in Wait
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L5R Singles

Laying in Wait

Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai: Ranged 3 Attack. Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai: Ranged 6 Attack whose strength is compared against Gold Cost instead of Force.
Last Stand
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L5R Singles

Last Stand

Heroic Open: Target your Hero: While he is the only Personality in an army, he has +6F.
Forging the Gift
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L5R Singles

Forging the Gift

Political Limited: Target your unbowed Artisan Personality: Create a +2F/+1C Weapon Item and attach it to a target Samurai Personality. Gain 2 Honor, or 4 Honor if the Samurai is controlled by another player.
Misleading Wasteland
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Misleading Wasteland

Battle: If the current battlefield is at this province, bow this card: Move a target enemy Personality home or to the current battlefield.
Besieged Borderland
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Besieged Borderland

Battle: Bow this card: Give each non- Unique Personality without your Clan alignment in your current army +1F, or +2F if he is opposed.
Shinjo Hansu
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Hansu

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician Tactical Battle: Discard a card: Give a target Personality in Hansu’s army a Force bonus equal to the discarded card’s Focus Value. You may move Hansu home.
Moto Paisei
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Moto Paisei

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Sake Master Open: Pay 2 Gold: Give a target Personality a +1F Sake token.
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