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Conscript Sailors
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L5R Singles

Conscript Sailors

Unique Battle: If this card was not in play when this battle began: Give it +1F. Open: Put this card into your hand.
Equipment Storage
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L5R Singles

Equipment Storage

Unique Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: After an Item enters play, bow this card: Give the Item a +1F token.
Kitsune Akizuki
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L5R Singles

Kitsune Akizuki

Mantis Clan • Shugenja · Naval Battle: Target a Personality with 0F, and target a unit in his army. Move the unit home.
Mantis Master
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L5R Singles

Mantis Master

Mantis Clan • Samurai Venerable Master Personality. May not be included in decks.
New Recruit
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L5R Singles

New Recruit

Samurai Recruiting Allies Personality. May not be included in decks.
Yoritomo Omura
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Omura

Mantis Clan · Samurai · Commander · Unique Battle: Straighten another target card without the Naval keyword. It can use its base abilities one additional time this battle.
A Brilliant Shot
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L5R Singles

A Brilliant Shot

Reaction: After one of your actions resolves that created a Ranged Attack, if the Ranged Attack's target is in play: Move him home.
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L5R Singles


Farmlands Follower. May not be included in decks.
Tsuruchi Akinori
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Akinori

Mantis Clan · Samurai Battle: Ranged 2 Attack. Battle: Ranged 2 Attack.
Yoritomo Bussho
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Bussho

Mantis Clan · Samurai · Naval Battle: Personalities who did not assign to this battlefield can not move to this battlefield.
Matsu Takehiko
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L5R Singles

Matsu Takehiko

Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero • Unique Battle: Destroy a target Terrain. You may take an additional Battle action to play a Terrain from your hand.
Moto Horsebow
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L5R Singles

Moto Horsebow

Weapon Attaches to a Cavalry Personality paying 2 less Gold. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 3 Attack. Reaction: After you target another player's card at this card's battlefield with a Ranged Attack, destroy this card: Give the Ranged Attack +2 Strength.
Daidoji Arrows
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L5R Singles

Daidoji Arrows

Attaches to a Crane Clan Scout for 2 less Gold. Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 2 Attack. Reaction: After you target another player's card at this card's battlefield with a Ranged Attack, destroy this card: Give the Ranged Attack +2 Strength.
Custom Barding
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L5R Singles

Custom Barding

Armor • Unique Can only attach to a Cavalry Personality. Can attach to a Personality with exactly one other Armor. This Personality can have two Armors. Battle: Your steed surges forward. Bow a target enemy card without attachments.
Chuda Naotake
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L5R Singles

Chuda Naotake

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja • Unique Lose 6 Honor. Maho Battle: Any number of times per turn, permanently give Naotake -1C: Ranged 4 Attack.
Daigotsu Taiji
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Taiji

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Undead Lose 2 Honor. Open: If Taiji is dead: Bring him into play, paying 2 less Gold.
Asahina Minori
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L5R Singles

Asahina Minori

Crane Clan • Shugenja Open: Target another player's Personality. After the next time this turn he is destroyed during a battle, gain 2 Honor.
Shadow Games
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L5R Singles

Shadow Games

Ninja Battle: Bowed Ninja Personalities at the current battlefield contribute Force to their units.
Soshi Iaike
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L5R Singles

Soshi Iaike

Scorpion Clan • Ninja
Shosuro Nikai
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Nikai

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • Unique Ninja Limited: Create a battlefield (not at any province). Assign Nikai to attack there. Assign another player's target unit to defend there, and straighten it. Fight a battle there. No other units may move there. After the battle ends, lose 3 Honor.
Chuda Saeka
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L5R Singles

Chuda Saeka

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja Lose 3 Honor. Fear Battle: Destroy a target enemy Follower. If the Follower's Gold Cost was zero, you may target a Follower and bow it.
Daigotsu Keigo
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Keigo

Spider Clan • Samurai After a Fear, Maho, or Dark Virtue action resolves during a battle, if Keigo is at the current battlefield: Give him +1F.
Phoenix Warrior
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L5R Singles

Phoenix Warrior

Phoenix Clan • Samurai Shiba Ningen Personality. May not be included in decks.
Western Outpost
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L5R Singles

Western Outpost

Temple • Unique Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold. Limited: Bow this card: Discard a card from one of your Provinces, refilling it face up with a target discarded Personality you own.
Ritual Standard
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L5R Singles

Ritual Standard

Unique Reaction: Before this Personality would be destroyed, bow your target Shugenja at his location: Transfer this card and any Spells in this unit to the Shugenja.
Benika's Pride
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L5R Singles

Benika's Pride

Nonhuman • Cat Matsu Benika Follower. May not be included in decks.
Utaku Chiasa
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L5R Singles

Utaku Chiasa

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: If there are any other Personalities in Chiasa's army: Set her Force to the highest Personal Honor among those Personalities.
Trident Formation
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L5R Singles

Trident Formation

Battle: Target three of your Cavalry Personalities: Bow a target enemy Personality with Personal Honor less than or equal to the lowest Personal Honor among your three Personalities. Gain 1 Honor.
Fire and Stones Cut
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L5R Singles

Fire and Stones Cut

After a duel ends that you won, if no Personality was destroyed for losing it: Destroy a target card with no attached cards in the losing Personality's unit.
A Prophet Revealed
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L5R Singles

A Prophet Revealed

Until the end of the game, after any action resolves that produced a Ranged Attack, if any target of the Ranged Attack is still in play, straighten any cards that performed the action.
A Common Goal
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L5R Singles

A Common Goal

Name a Clan other than your own. Until the end of the game, your Personalities have +1F while in an army that has any Personalities with your Clan alignment and any Personalities with the named Clan’s alignment.
Darling of the Season
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L5R Singles

Darling of the Season

Until the end of the game, each player cannot lose more than 5 points of Honor in total from other players’ cards in a single turn.
Return to the Heavens
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L5R Singles

Return to the Heavens

If this Event is resolving from a province: Gain two provinces which permanently do not hold Dynasty cards, to the left of your leftmost province. Then destroy the province this Event resolved from.
Kata Training Grounds
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L5R Singles

Kata Training Grounds

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold when paying for a Personality with a base Gold Cost of 8 or more who is a Hero or Tactician.
Northern Hub Village Shipwrights
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L5R Singles

Northern Hub Village Shipwrights

Port. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: If you are a Mantis Clan player, after an action resolves that one of your Magistrates paid a cost for by bowing, bow this card: Straighten him.
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