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Wareta no Oni
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Wareta no Oni

Shadowlands · Oni · Nonhuman · Lose 6 Honor. Wareta no Oni has a Force penalty equal to the number of cards in your hand
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Shadowlands · Goblin Scout · Nonhuman · Lose 3 Honor. Recon Open: Bow Mishakene: Target a Province. For the rest of this turn, Personalities you control that assign to the target Province gain Force equal to their printed Force, but are destroyed after the attack phase
Daigotsu Ogiwara
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Daigotsu Ogiwara

Shadowlands Samurai · Obsidian Legionnaire · Lost · Lose 6 Honor. Reaction: After Ogiwara enters play: Target a Samurai Personality without the printed Shadowlands trait. Ogiwara copies one of his boldfaced traits until Ogiwara is not in play
Shosuro Mikado Exp
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Shosuro Mikado Exp

Scorpion Clan Courtier · Ninja · Experienced · Unique. Limited: Target and bow a Ninja Personality you control, who may remain bowed: Target a Holding. Until your Ninja is unbowed or not in play, this ability cannot be used and the Holding cannot straighten
Bayushi Kageki Exp
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Bayushi Kageki Exp

Scorpion Clan Samurai · Ninja · Magistrate · Experienced Mad Ronin · Unique. Kageki costs 4 less Gold for Ratling players. Battle: Target an opposing Personality. Kageki issues him an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Personal Honor. If the target is Dishonored, the first card Kageki focuses adds its Focus value an additional time.
Water Dragon Exp2 FOIL
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Water Dragon Exp2 FOIL

Unaligned Creature · Dragon · Shugenja · Cavalry · Naval · Experienced 2 · Unique. Personalities and Followers have the Naval trait while in an army with Water Dragon. After a Cavalry Maneuvers Segment ends, you may assign any number of units from your home to battlefields
Isawa Tomita
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Isawa Tomita

Phoenix Clan Shugenja · Bloodspeaker. Maho Battle: If Tomita is opposed, either Dishonor him or target and bow one of his Spells: Give each opposing Personality -2F. Give each Personality in Tomita's army +2F (including himself)
Yoritomo Ietsuna
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Yoritomo Ietsuna

Mantis Clan Pirate · Naval. Open: Target and Dishonor a Personality you control: Permanently give the Personality and each Follower in the unit +1F and the Naval trait
Hisaki FOIL
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Hisaki FOIL

Mantis Clan Orochi · Shore Hunter · Creature · Cavalry · Naval · Unique. Cannot attach non-Storm Rider Followers. Reaction: After Hisaki is destroyed, remove it from the game: Target up to two other Orochi Personalities in your discard pile. Bring them into play, ignoring costs and entering-play effects
Matsu Yoshino
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Matsu Yoshino

Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician · Scout · Unique. Tactical Battle: Target any number of Tacticians at this location. Give them each +3F.
Akodo Nariaki
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Akodo Nariaki

Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician. Tactical Battle: Give each Personality and Follower in this army +1F
Kitsuki Ryushi
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Kitsuki Ryushi

Dragon Clan Samurai · Magistrate. After Ryushi enters play, you may attach a +1F/+1C Weapon token to a Personality you control. Political Open: Target a Dishonored Personality. Bow him
Doji Jun'ai FOIL
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Doji Jun'ai FOIL

Crane Clan Samurai · Courtier · Cavalry · Tactician · Enlightened · Experienced Keeper of Water · Unique. Elemental Battle: Target an opposing unit. Move that unit and this one home. Until your next turn begins, neither unit may assign to or move into an attacking army
Doji Fujie
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Doji Fujie

Crane Clan Courtier. Reaction: After you overlay with a card from one of your Provinces: Fill the Province face-up
Blood and Steel
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Blood and Steel

Battle: Target a Shadowlands Samurai you control: Target a Personality opposing him. Your Personality issues the other an unrefusable challenge. The winner permanently gains +2F. (Destroy the loser.)
Conserve Your Strength
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Conserve Your Strength

Open: Show one or more Followers, Items, and/or Spells from your hand: Shuffle them into your deck. Draw a number of cards equal to that number plus one. Battle: Target a card attached to a Samurai you control: Target a card attached to a Personality opposing him. Destroy the opposing card
Credit Where Due
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Credit Where Due

Political Reaction: Before you gain Honor, target and bow a Courtier Personality you control: Target another player. He gains Honor equal to your Courtier's Personal Honor. Increase your gain by 2.
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Political Limited: Target a Personality you control who is not aligned with your Faction. Permanently give him your Faction trait. Draw a card
Sachi's Defiance
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Sachi's Defiance

Battle: Target and bow a Follower or Item you control: Target a card opposing it with no cards attached. If it is a Dishonored Personality, destroy it; otherwise, bow it
Thunder and Steel
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Thunder and Steel

Reserve Formation · Formed by a Shugenja with a Spell and a Samurai Personality. Reaction: Before an action targets a Personality you control at the current battlefield, target and bow a Personality you control there: Redirect the action
Weakened Defenses
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Weakened Defenses

Recon Open: Target a Scout Personality you control: Target a Province. For the rest of the game, after each time a battle resolves there, permanently reduce the Province's strength by 4 if a unit was at that Province's battlefield at the start of the battle's Resolution Segment.
The Halls of the Damned
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The Halls of the Damned (Spanish)

Your samurai have +2 Force while opposed. Battle: Target and bow a Shadowlands Human Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him with lower chi. Gain control of the opposing Personality until the end of the turn. Move him into your army.
Fuhao's Shadow
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Fuhao's Shadow

Battle: Bow this card, and target and destroy a card attached to any Personality at this battlefield: Straighten that Personality
The Kami's Blessing
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The Kami's Blessing

Open: Bow this card: Raise this Shugenja's Force by his Chi. Battle: Bow this card: Target up to two Samurai in this army. Raise each target's Force by this Shugenja's Chi
Howl of the Wolf
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Howl of the Wolf

Can only attach to a Human Shugenja. Reaction: After the Battle Action Segment at this unit's location begins, bow this card: You have the first opportunity to act this battle. You may not choose more than one opposing target with that action
Kharmic Struggle FOIL
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Kharmic Struggle FOIL

Kiho Reaction: After an Event resolves, target a Monk or Dragon Clan Personality you control: Target a Personality you control. Until the game ends, you gain 2 additional Honor as a result of the first duel he wins each turn
Seeking Within
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Seeking Within

Elemental Kiho Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield, target and bow a Monk you control and two Monks and/or Rings you control: Target a Province. Raise its Strength by 10 until your next turn begins.
Chuda Hankyu
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Chuda Hankyu

Weapon. Battle: If this unit is at the current battlefield, destroy this card and Dishonor this Personality: Target a Follower, or a Personality without Followers, with a Force less than 5 at any location. Lose 3 Honor. Destroy the target.
Golden Obi of the Sun Goddess Exp FOIL
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Experienced · Unique. Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, before this Personality is destroyed, destroy this card: Negate this Personality's destruction. Battle: Bow this card: Target up to 2 opposing Shadowlands cards. If this card is attached to Isawa Sezaru, destroy them; otherwise, give them -4F
Proof of Dishonor
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Proof of Dishonor

Battle: Bow this card: Target an opposing Dishonored Personality. Bow him
Tsuken's Blade
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Tsuken's Blade

Weapon. Cards this Personality focuses have a minimum Focus value of the number of different Faction alignments among Personalities you control, or 4, whichever is less.
Keeper of the Void
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Keeper of the Void

Unaligned Samurai • Singular When Keeper of the Void enters play, you may send all Elemental Rings you control to their owners' hands to search your Fate deck for a Ring of the Void, show it to all players, and put it in your hand. Elemental Limited: Once per turn, straighten a Keeper of the Void.
Tomorrow Sensei FOIL
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Tomorrow Sensei FOIL

Ratling Sensei Limited: Once per turn, discard a Ratling Personality from one of your Provinces to fill that Province face-up and draw a card. Limited: Discard a card from your hand to shuffle a Ratling Personality in your discard pile into your Dynasty d
Tishi Sensei FOIL
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Tishi Sensei FOIL

Scorpion Clan Sensei Your Honor gains have a maximum value of 1. Ninja you own have +1C. Open: Once per turn, bow one of your Scorpion Clan Personalities to look at a number of face-down cards in opponent's hand or Provinces up to your Personality's Chi. 
Tenshu Sensei FOIL
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Tenshu Sensei FOIL (Spanish Language)

Crab Clan Sensei Personalities you own lose Yu trait and may not gain it. Your Bersekers gain +2F while opposed in a battle. Battle: Once per battle, straighten a Beserker Personality.
Someisa Sensei FOIL
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Someisa Sensei FOIL

Dragon Clan Senesi Shugenja will not join you. You may bring Monk Personalities into play regardless of Honor Requirement if you control no Shadowlands cards. Open: Once per turn, bow one of your Monk Personalities that had not cast a Kiho this turn to st
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