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City of Loyalty
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City of Loyalty

Elemental Battle Terrain: Any player with the ring of earth in play may raise or lower this province's strength by 5 until the battle ends.
City of Empty Dreams
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City of Empty Dreams

Elemental Battle terrain: Each personality in this battle with 0 force gains +4F if his or her controller has the ring of void in play.
Gold Mine
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Gold Mine

Mine. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
Takao Exp
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Takao Exp

Unaligned Monk. Experienced. Unique Acolyte of Fire Reaction: Bow Takao when he is entering a duel. Both Takao and his opponent in this duel are destroyed.
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Unaligned Monk
Mirumoto Bujun
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Mirumoto Bujun

Dragon Clan Samurai Weapons being attached to Mirumoto Bujun have their Gold cost reduced by 2.
Hitomi Kobai
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Hitomi Kobai

Dragon Clan Hitoden. Tattooed Kobai gains a +1F/+1C permanently each time that he wins a duel. Battle: Issue an unrefusable challenge to any opposing Personality. The loser of this duel does not die. This may be performed once per battle.
The Palace of Otosan-Uchi
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The Palace of Otosan-Uchi

You begin the game with the Imperial Favor if you are the only Toturi's Army player. Your Imperial cards cost 2 less Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, when you are attaching a Follower to one of your Personalities, reduce the Follower's cost by the Personality's Force.
Shinjo Yasamura Exp
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Shinjo Yasamura Exp

Unicorn Clan Cavalry Samurai.{Experience. Unique} (As a Battle action once per turn, you may discard a card from your hand to raise Yasamura's Force by the card's Focus value until the turn ends.) When you bring Yasamura into play, draw a Fate card.
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Starting with you and going clockwise, each player destroys a Holding of the player to his or her right.
Strike at the Tail
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Strike at the Tail

Battle: Bow one of your units to destroy a number of opposing Followers with total Force less than or equal to the Force your unit had before bowing. If a Unicorn Clan Personality leads your unit, the unit gains +2F for this effect.
Touch of Despair
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Touch of Despair

Black Scroll • Unique After this Shugenja straightens: Give him a -1C Corruption token. Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja and target a Personality: Permanently give him Shadowlands.
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Black Scroll • Unique After this Shugenja straightens: Give him a -1C Corruption token. Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja and target your Personality: Choose two of his stats of either Force, Chi, or Personal Honor. Permanently give the stat whose base value is lower a bonus equal to the difference between them, and permanently...
Gust of Wind
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Gust of Wind

Reaction: Any number of times per turn, after a Ranged Attack targets a card in this army, bow this Shugenja: The Ranged Attack targets another card at this battlefield that would be legal for any player (including yourself) to target with a Ranged Attack.
Blood of Midnight
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Blood of Midnight

Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja and target an attacking Shadowlands Personality: Give him +4F.
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Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Spider • Cavalry • Spirit After Kumo enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Once per battle, target an enemy Personality with 1 or lower Force, or an enemy Follower with 2 or lower Force: Bow it.
Oni no Ogon
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Oni no Ogon

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni After Ogon enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Will not attach Items. Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, pay 3 Gold: Give Ogon +1F. Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow Ogon and target another player: He must pay an amount of Gold equal to Ogon's Force, or bow all his unbowed Gold-producing Holdings if he cannot.
Shosuro Tage
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Shosuro Tage

Scorpion Clan • Infiltrator • Unique Open: Target a personality with 3 or lower Chi controlled by the active player: If the target can legally assign to an attacking army, his controller must declare an attack this turn and assign the Personality. Lose 2 Honor.
Isawa Tadaka Exp
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Isawa Tadaka Exp

Phoenix Clan • Shadowlands • Elemental Master • Earth • Shugenja • Experienced • UniqueBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow Tadaka: Ranged 6 Attack which must target a Shadowlands card.
Ratling Scavenger
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Ratling Scavenger

Nonhuman • RatlingRatling Scavenger attaches Items paying 2 less Gold, to a minimum of 1.
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Nonhuman • Naga • Bushi Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow Shagara: Ranged 2 Attack.
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Nonhuman • Naga • BushiBattle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow Mara: Give her, or remove from her, a -2F Change token. Until the game ends, while she has a Change token, she has the Cavalry keyword.
Togashi Gaijutsu
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Togashi Gaijutsu

Dragon Clan • Tattoo Artist • UniqueReaction: Any number of times per turn, before resolving your Proclaim action, if you took it in reaction to your Dragon Clan Samurai entering play, bow Gaijutsu: Instead of gaining Honor from the Proclaim action, discard the top card of your Fate deck. Give the Samurai a number of +1F/+1C Tattoo tokens equal to Focus...
Mirumoto Taki
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Mirumoto Taki

Dragon Clan • SamuraiTaki may attach 2 Weapons.
Obsidian Mirror
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Obsidian Mirror

ObsidianLimited: Bow this Personality and target a player: Lose 1 Honor. Name a card. If that player has any copies of the named card in his hand, he discards one.
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Will only attach to a Ninja Personality. Battle: Destroy this card: Move this unit home. Reaction: Before you focus for this Personality in a duel, destroy this card: The duel ends immediately without resolution (all focused cards are discarded without effect).
Crystal Arrow
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Crystal Arrow

CrystalBattle: If this Personality has a Ranged Attack ability, bow him and destroy this card and target an enemy Shadowlands card: Destroy it. This action is considered a Ranged Attack.
Mirumoto House Guard
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Mirumoto House Guard

UniqueWill only attach to a Dragon Clan Personality. Battle: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and target an enemy Personality: This Personality challenges him. He may refuse; if he does, dishonor him and his controller loses 5 Honor. The winner's controller gains 5 Honor. Destroy the duel's loser.
The Falling Darkness
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The Falling Darkness

UniqueGive all Personalities a Force penalty equal to their Personal Honor until your next turn begins.
Rampant Plague
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Rampant Plague

Plague • Unique Until the game ends, before your Events Phase ends each turn, each player gives one -1C Plague token to one of his own Personalities and to another Personality, and each player has the ability, "Reaction: Once per game, after your Dynasty Phase begins, destroy all your Personalities with any Plague tokens: Until the game ends, your...
Imperial Levying
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Imperial Levying

Imperial • Unique Destroy the unit, or units if there is a tie, with the highest total Force. The controller of each unit that was destroyed gains Honor equal to the unit's Force.
Doom of the Scorpion
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Doom of the Scorpion

Doom • UniqueUntil your next turn begins, give all Scorpion Clan players' provinces a strength penalty equal to their base strength.
Doom of the Phoenix
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Doom of the Phoenix

Doom • UniqueDestroy all Spells in play.
Doom of the Naga
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Doom of the Naga

Doom • UniquePermanently give all Naga Personalities -1F/-1C.
Doom of the Dragon
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Doom of the Dragon

Doom • UniqueGive all Dragon Clan Personalities a Doom of the Dragon token. Until the game ends, any Dragon Clan Personality with this token may not be assigned to attack or defend a province with another Dragon Clan Personality.
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Select a faction other than your own. For the rest of the game, you can bring personalities of that faction into play for 2 less Gold.
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