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Hitomi Suguhara
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Hitomi Suguhara

Dragon Clan Monk · Tattooed · Tenth Legion Commander. Battle: Once per battle, target and bow a Ring you control: Target an opposing Personality. Suguhara issues him an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. Bow the loser.
Togashi Nyima
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Togashi Nyima

Dragon Clan Monk · Tattooed · Soul of Hitomi Iyojin. After each time one of your Provinces is destroyed while Nyima is in play, he permanently gains +2F
Hida Daizu
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Hida Daizu

Crab Clan Samurai · Yu 3. Once per game, after Daizu is destroyed, you may restore him to Honorable status and bring him into play, ignoring all costs and restrictions
Utaku Meadows
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Utaku Meadows

Singular. Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Target a Personality you control. Attach a 1F Cavalry Follower token to him
Toturi's Grave
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Toturi's Grave

Unique. This card does not count against the number of Regions a Province can attach. Battle: Even during battles at other locations, bow this card and remove it from the game: Give each Follower you control +2F.
Doji Yoshiaga
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Doji Yoshiaga

Crane Clan Courtier. Political Open: Discard the Imperial Favor: Gain 2 Honor
Daidoji Ryunosuke
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Daidoji Ryunosuke

Crane Clan Samurai · Harrier. Ranged Attacks may not target Ryunosuke's Followers. Battle: Once per battle, if you control a Terrain: Target an opposing Personality. Give him ?3F. Battle: Once per battle, if another player controls a Terrain: Target up to 2 Personalities that player controls at Ryunosuke's battlefield. Bow them.
Hida Kyuwa
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Hida Kyuwa

Crab Clan Berserker. Reaction: After a Heroic action targets Kyuwa, even if Kyuwa is bowed: Draw a card.
Kaiu Hisayuki
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Kaiu Hisayuki

Crab Clan Samurai · Soul of Silence. Increase by 1 all Force bonuses Hisayuki receives from abilities on cards that are not in this unit. These increases last as long as the bonuses do
Hida Tenshu
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Hida Tenshu

Crab Clan Berserker · Soul of Hida Amoro. Cannot attach Armor. Destroy Tenshu after a battle ends if he was at its battlefield when it resolved and his army's total Force was less than or equal to twice the other army's
Plains of Otosan Uchi
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Plains of Otosan Uchi (Spanish)

Imperial · Unique. This Province holds two Dynasty cards. You control the order in which they are revealed during the Events Phase. Discard one of those cards if this card is destroyed. Lose 10 Honor if this Province is destroyed while this card is attached.
Big Stink
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Big Stink

Unique. Non-Goblin Personalities and non-Goblin Followers have -1F while at this battlefield. After each time a Goblin enters play from this Province, attach two 1F Shadowlands Goblin Nonhuman Follower tokens to him.
Temple to Shinsei
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Temple to Shinsei

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Target and bow a Monk Personality or Shugenja Personality you control, and bow this card: Gain 2 Honor
Silver Mine
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Silver Mine

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Phoenix Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.
Silk Works
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Silk Works

Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold
Shrine to Bishamon
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Shrine to Bishamon

Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Target and bow a Personality you control, and bow this card: Target a Personality. Give him +3F.
Shrine of the Sun
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Shrine of the Sun

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow and destroy this card: Target an Event card in play or in any discard pile. End all ongoing effects of the Event. Shuffle it into its owner's deck
The Shogun's Barracks
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The Shogun's Barracks

Unique. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Political Reaction: Before you fill a Province, bow this card and discard the Imperial Favor, or bow this card if you control the Right Hand of the Emperor: The Province fills face-up this one time.
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Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Crane Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.
Kobune Port
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Kobune Port

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Mantis Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold
Corrupt Officials
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Corrupt Officials

Retainer. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card, and destroy it if the target is Unique: Target a Holding. Its abilities cannot be used until the turn ends
Copper Mine
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Copper Mine

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Lion Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold
Akodo's Grave
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Akodo's Grave

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow and destroy this card: Target a Terrain. Destroy it.
Naga Storm Mirumoto Mountain
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Naga Storm Mirumoto Mountain

The next time this game a player would have two or more of his Provinces destroyed during the same turn, negate the second destruction.
Kachiko's Kiss
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L5R Singles

Kachiko's Kiss

If this is the first time a Kachiko's Kiss resolved this game, lose 10 Honor, remove the Imperial Favor from the game, prevent Dark Lord's Favor from being played until the game ends, and shuffle this card into your deck instead of discarding it; otherwise, return the Favor to the game uncontrolled, and end the restriction against playing Dark Lord's Favor
Severed From the Emperor
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Severed From the Emperor (Spanish)

Discard the Imperial Favor if you have it. Until the game ends, you may not achieve an Honor Victory, you may not lobby, you may not control the Imperial Favor, and you gain the ability, ?Reaction: Any number of times per turn, after an action that requires discarding the Favor as a cost targets a card you control: Lose 5 Honor. Negate the action's effects.?
Ratling Pack
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Ratling Pack

Ratling. Creature
Naga Guard
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Naga Guard

Nonhuman Battle: Bow the Guard. No cards in this battle can receive any further force bonuses until after the resolution phase of this battle (including terrain bonuses).
Heavy Cavalry
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Heavy Cavalry

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Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Inaccessible Region
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Inaccessible Region

Region No units belonging to a player other than the Attacker or Defender may be assigned to or moved into this Province without the use of a spell or innate ability.
School of Wizardry
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School of Wizardry

Bow to pay the entire gold cost for any one Human Shugenja. Variable cost cards may not be payed for in this manner. (Clarification: Can only be used when you are playing the Shugenja.)
Retired General
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Retired General

Retainer Open: Bow to provide a 2F bonus to any Personality until the end of the turn.
Iron Mine
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L5R Singles

Iron Mine

Mine. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
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