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Ninja Kidnapper
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L5R Singles

Ninja Kidnapper

Limited: Bow a Personality with less than 5 Force. Leave this card in play in your home. The target Personality cannot straighten while this card is in play. This card remains in play until any player pays 10 Gold as an Open action. When this card leaves play, straighten the target Personality and lose 5 Honor. 
Luring Tactics
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L5R Singles

Luring Tactics

Tactical Battle: Move the performing Tactician you control and an opposing Personality from the current battle to an adjacent one. 
Loyal Yojimbo
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Loyal Yojimbo

Reaction: Play before one of your bowed or unbowed Personalities is destroyed by a duel or by another player's card effect to negate the destruction. Bow the Personality. Dishonor the Personality if the destruction was the result of a duel. You cannot play this Reaction during battle. 
Kolat Recruiter
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L5R Singles

Kolat Recruiter

Limited: Target a Dynasty card in another player's Province. Turn that card face-up if it is face-down. If it is a Personality, you may bring that card into play, paying all costs. If it is a Holding or Region, the other player may immediately bring it into play without cost. In all cases, play restrictions must still be met. Lose 2 Honor. 
Face of Ninube
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Face of Ninube

Open: Shuffle your hand into your Fate deck and draw a number of cards equal to your hand size after playing Face of Ninube. 
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Limited: Destroy a Holding. 
Contested Holding FOIL
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Contested Holding FOIL

Limited: Bow one of your Personalities and target another player's Holding to issue a challenge to that player. The player may accept the challenge with any of his Personalities. If he refuses, or loses the duel, bow the Holding and gain permanent control of it, but do not destroy the opposing Personality. If your Personality loses the duel, destroy your...
Contested Holding
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L5R Singles

Contested Holding

Limited: Bow one of your Personalities and target another player's Holding to issue a challenge to that player. The player may accept the challenge with any of his Personalities. If he refuses, or loses the duel, bow the Holding and gain permanent control of it, but do not destroy the opposing Personality. If your Personality loses the duel, destroy your...
Confusion at Court
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L5R Singles

Confusion at Court

Reaction: Play after the Imperial Favor is used to negate all effects it was discarded to pay for. 
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Limited: Declare an additional Attack Phase. Target one of your units that can legally assign to attack and another player's unit to assign to defend (even if illegal). Units in this battle are neither at a Province nor at home. No other units may assign or move to this battle. Units cannot move into or destroy Provinces this battle. After this Attack...
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L5R Singles


Limited: Bow any monk Personality you control to retrieve one Elemental Ring from your discard and return it to your hand.
Wasp Tattoo
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L5R Singles

Wasp Tattoo

Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait and without a Wasp Tattoo. For the rest of the game, the Personality has Wasp Tattoo, has -1C, and gains "Battle: Bow for a Ranged 4 Attack."
Cowardly Conscripts FOIL
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L5R Singles

Cowardly Conscripts FOIL

Reaction: Play as the Defender during the Cavalry Maneuvers Segment to create a Personality Personality card with 1 Chi(all other stats 0) assigned to defend one of your Provinces. Remove this Personality from the game immediately before it is targeted or destroyed or when that Province's Battle Action Segment ends.
Moto Steed
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Moto Steed

Creature * Cavalry * Will only attach to a Human Personality. This Personality gains Cavalry while Moto Steed is unbowed.
Yoritomo Sen
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Yoritomo Sen

Mantis Clan Samurai * Naval Soul of Yoritomo Okan Ranged Attacks cannot target Sen's Followers.
Blade of Truths FOIL
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Blade of Truths FOIL

Weapon * Unique Reaction: After this Personality enters a duel, name a Focus value. The opposing player cannot play Focus cards or Reaction Action cards with that Focus value during the duel.
Hida Shara
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Hida Shara

Crab Clan Samurai * Magistrate * Yu 3 Ranged attacks cannot target cards in Shara's unit.
Honor's Lesson Dojo
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L5R Singles

Honor's Lesson Dojo

Unique Reaction: After all players pass consecutively in a battle but before Delayed Terrains (if any) resolve, bow Honor's Lesson Dojo to take one Battle or Open action.
Court Intrigue FOIL
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L5R Singles

Court Intrigue FOIL

If you control the Imperial Favor, you may discard it to give each of your Courtiers the following ability until the beginning of your next turn: "Political Open: Bow this card during the Action Phase to bow a non-Unique Personality with lower Personal Honor."
Boastful Proclamation
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L5R Singles

Boastful Proclamation

If this Province is destroyed by an attacking army before the start of your next turn, then at the end of resolution, every Personality attacking it gains +1F/+1C permanently and the Attacker may draw a card. Otherwise, at the start of your next turn, this Province permanently gains +3 Strength and you gain 3 Honor. Discard this Event without resolution...
Kyuden Agasha
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L5R Singles

Kyuden Agasha

Attaching Spells from your hand is an Open action for you. All Spells you own cost 2 less Gold, to a minimum of 1.
House of the Fates FOIL
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L5R Singles

House of the Fates FOIL

Bow House of the Fates to produce Gold equal to the numbered of bowed Personalities in play. Bow House of the Fortunes and discard a card from your hand to produce Gold equal to the number of unbowed Personalites you control.
Doji Kazo FOIL
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Doji Kazo FOIL

Crane Clan Samurai * Unique * Double Chi * Will not attach cards.
Akodo Map FOIL
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L5R Singles

Akodo Map FOIL

Unique Reaction: Bow before you play a Terrain to increase all numerals on the Terrain by 1, including Gold cost.
Raise the Dead FOIL
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L5R Singles

Raise the Dead FOIL

Kiho Maho Battle: Bow one of your Shadowlands Shugenja or Shadowlands Monks to search your Fate deck for one or more Undead Followers with a total combined Force no greater than the caster's Chi. Attach them to your Personalities paying all costs. Lose 2 Honor per Follower. The Phoenix tried to scream, but the sound would not come.
Kawaru Coins FOIL
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Kawaru Coins FOIL

Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Shugenja or Monks to look at the top three cards of any one deck and rearrange them in any order.
Massive Power FOIL
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L5R Singles

Massive Power FOIL

This Shugenja gains +2/+2 for eachPower token on Massive Power. Put a Power token on Massive Power during your Straighten Phase. Destroy Massive Power if it ever has more than two Power tokens. Battle: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to produce a Ranged attack with strength equal to the Shugenja's Chi before this Spell was destroyed.
Gale Force Winds FOIL
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L5R Singles

Gale Force Winds FOIL

Elemental Open: Bow this Shugenja to target a unit with a Force total less than 5. That unit may not assign to attack Provinces this turn.
Ebbing Strength FOIL
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Ebbing Strength FOIL

Open: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell. Until the end of your next turn, Personalities enter play bowed.
No Failure FOIL
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No Failure FOIL

Political Reaction: Play before another player loses Honor to bow a Personality controlled by that player with a Foce less than or equal to the loss. Negate the loss.
Draw From Within FOIL
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L5R Singles

Draw From Within FOIL

When played as a Focus in a duel, lower this card's Focus value by 3 if your Personality strikes and raise it by 3 if the opposing Personality does. Aikune scowled. "If your clan will not stand with us as allies, Shinya, there is only one other option."
Restless Zokujin
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L5R Singles

Restless Zokujin

Creature Battle: Bow Restless Zokujin to bow an opposing Follower with greater printed Force than that Follower's Personality. Nakamuro and Shaitung fled deeper into the Earth to escape the Dark Oracle of Fire. What they found surprised them both.
Shiba's Shrine
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L5R Singles

Shiba's Shrine

Unique. This province does not hold Dynasty cards (do not refill it). Battle: Up to twice per turn, bow a Shadowlands card in an army attacking one of your provinces. You may take this action during a battle in which you have no units and during a battle at another of your Provinces.
Ronin Village
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L5R Singles

Ronin Village

While you controlat least one Ronin Village, your Farms produce one extra Gold when paying for the cost of a Samurai with no Faction alignments or Ashigaru. Samurai with no Faction alignment and Ashigaru have +2F while defending this Province. Ronin often seek the favor of clan samurai by protecting the inhabitants of a remote village.
Auspicious House
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L5R Singles

Auspicious House

Once per turn, when refilling this province after bringing a Personality into play from it, refill it face-up. (An Event is revealed outside the Events Phase does not reslove until the Events Phase, and only if it is still in the Province.)
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