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Words Have Strength
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L5R Singles

Words Have Strength

PoliticalYou may only play one copy of Words Have Strength in reaction to any one resolution. Reaction: After a battle’s resolution, or the resolution of another player’s Battle action, if the resolution or action destroyed any of your Courtiers or Magistrates: Choose a player, who loses 3 Honor.
Seeking the Truth
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L5R Singles

Seeking the Truth

ReconReaction: After engaging, choose your performing unbowed Scout at the current battlefield: You have Reconnaissance there. Put a non-Unique Battle Strategy in your discard pile into your hand. After this battle ends, if you did not destroy the battlefield's province or an army, discard a card at random.
Shosuro Makiko
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Makiko

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Seductress • LoyalOpen: Bow Makiko: Take the Imperial Favor.
Kitsu Kagako
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L5R Singles

Kitsu Kagako

Lion Clan • Water • ShugenjaReaction: After Kagako enters play: She summons an Ancestor. Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality. Gain 1 Honor
Caught Unawares
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L5R Singles

Caught Unawares (Spanish)

Open: If you control no Personalities: Bow one or two target Personalities. Negate their straightening (this turn). If it is not your turn, draw a card. Battle: Bow a target enemy card without unbowed attachments.
Warrior Challenge
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L5R Singles

Warrior Challenge

Battle : Target one of your unbowed Personalities: He challenges a target Personality opposing him. Destroy the loser. The winner's controller takes the Imperial Favor.
Harmonious Temple
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L5R Singles

Harmonious Temple (spanish

Temple. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold when paying for a Monk. Battle: Target one of your Monks at the current battlefield and bow one of your Rings: Ranged 4 Attack.
Tsuruchi Chikuma
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Chikuma

Mantis Clan Magistrate · Samurai · Naval. Other players' Ranged Attacks targeting cards in Chikuma's army have ?2 strength. Battle: Twice per turn, discard a card: Ranged 4 Attack
Suitengu's Surge
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L5R Singles

Suitengu's Surge (Spanish)

Reaction: After an action targets a unit you control, bow this Shugenja: Target the unit. Remove it from the game, preserving bowed status and all attachments, including tokens. Its owner returns it to the game in that state after the next turn begins, in his home under his control, without considering it to be entering play.
Kuro's Fire
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L5R Singles

Kuro's Fire (Spanish)

Elemental Fire Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Announce a number of Ranged Attacks up to the caster's Chi, with a total base strength up to the caster's Force plus Chi. Target and resolve these attacks consecutively in the order announced
Weigh the Cost
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L5R Singles

Weigh the Cost

When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel, add 1 to its Focus value and to that of one other card you focused this duel. Battle: Target and move a Samurai Personality you control home from the current battlefield: You may target a Personality in the current enemy army. If you do, give him ?3F. Regardless, either raise or lower the current Province's...
Kharmic Strike
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L5R Singles

Kharmic Strike

As a Focus Effect: This duel's result is a tie, regardless of the Personalities' total scores
Ninube Ogoku
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L5R Singles

Ninube Ogoku

Unaligned Ninja Followers must be Ninja. Ogoku can join any army, including an army attacking your Provinces, regardless of whether you have been invited in that battle. You never gain Honor when Ogoku joins an army.
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L5R Singles


Ratling · Creature. Battle: Pay 2 Gold: Target a Ratling Personality at D'nir'ch's battlefield. Give him a +1F/+1C Weapon Item token
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L5R Singles

Nimm'k (spanish)

Ratling · Grasping Paw Tribe · Scout · Creature. Recon Open: Bow Nimm'k: Target a Province. After each time this turn a Ratling Personality you control assigns there, you may target an Item or Follower in any discard pile, reduce its Gold cost by 3 (or by 5 if the Ratling is a Scout), and attach it to the Ratling, ignoring restrictions and paying all...
Black Stories: Sexo y Crimen
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  • -10%
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Black Stories

Black Stories: Sexo y Crimen

€11.66 €12.95
50 misterios morbosos en torno al amor, la lujuria y la pasión. ¡Estos misterios están que arden, chicos!
Astral Crown Pre-release Kit Spanish
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  • -€5.01
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€29.99 €35.00
Astral Crown Pre-release Kit (Spanish version) Contents: Combine and battle pack + 3 additional booster packs.
Vampiro New Blood: Gangrel  (English)
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  • -€2.01
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€9.99 €12.00
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some...
Vampiro New Blood: The Ministry (Spanish)
New Blood is a collection of five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. These decks are simpler than tournament level decks, but showcase all the basic mechanics of the game. They are balanced, for a fun and exciting first try of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. Some of the cards included are reprints and some...
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