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Hidden Defenses
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L5R Singles

Hidden Defenses

Battle: If you control no Personalities (in play), target one or two Personalities at any location: Bow them. Negate their straightening. Reaction: After engaging, if any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Personality: Move him there. Straighten him if he moved.
Ninja Tricks
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L5R Singles

Ninja Tricks

NinjaReaction: After an action on a Strategy is announced, bow your performing Ninja Personality at the current battlefield: Negate the action’s effects. Lose 2 Honor.
Remember Your Ancestors
L5R Singles

Remember Your Ancestors

PoliticalBattle: Bow your performing Courtier at any location and target an enemy attacking Personality: His controller may destroy him. If he did not choose this, discard a card at random from his hand, and choose a player, who gains or loses 3 Honor.
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L5R Singles


Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Declare an additional Attack Phase against that phase’s Attacker, in which neither player may invite allies and you may only assign one Personality. Give the Personality and each Follower in his unit +1F after he assigns.
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L5R Singles


FearBattle: Choose your performinng Berserker Personality and target another's player Personality not at the current battlefield: Move them both there. Straighten each unit that this move there.
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L5R Singles


Open: Choose your performing unbowed Tactician and target another of your Personalities: Give that Personality +3F. After the next time this turn another player's action targets him, negate it's effects.
Accidental Confession
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L5R Singles

Accidental Confession

Imperial • PoliticalOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Courtier, discard the Imperial Favor, and target a Personality: Dishonor him. His controller may not assign him, and he will not move, to battlefields this turn.
Asako Karachu
L5R Singles

Asako Karachu

Phoenix Clan • Air • Monk • Golden Arm • HenshinAfter Karachu bows: Straighten him.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Nonhuman Personality: Give a target enemy Personality a -3F Maimed token. You may create a +3F Improvised • Weapon Item and attach it to your Nonhuman.
Fu Leng's Guidance
L5R Singles

Fu Leng's Guidance

Kami • Unique Shadowlands cards have +1F while opposed. Reaction: After the resolution of an action that destroyed another player’s Personality during a battle, if you are a Spider Clan player, discard this card: Bring him into play, ignoring Gold cost and Honor Requirement, in your current army. Permanently give him Shadowlands and Undead.
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L5R Singles


Weapon Costs 2 less Gold when attaching to a Crab Clan Personality. Battle: Bow this card: Straighten this Personality.
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Naga Shugenja · Vedic · Constrictor. Open: Bow a target opposing Personality with less Force than Qolsa, a Ring, or a target Enlightened Personality.
Mantis Detachment
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Mantis Detachment

Naval · Samurai. Reaction: After this battle's resolution, if the battle is at a Province and it is not destroyed: Permanently give the Province ?2 Strength. Straighten all cards in this unit
All Things Have A Price
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L5R Singles

All Things Have A Price

Reaction: After another player's Events Phase ends: First you, then the current player, may target either a card with zero Gold Cost in a unit, or a Region. Destroy all targets.
Do Not Delay the Inevitable
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L5R Singles

Do Not Delay the Inevitable

Iaijutsu Limited: One of your Personalities challenges a Personality. This cahllenge may be refused regardless of card effects. If it is refused, your Personality permanently gains, "Battle: Once per battle, issue an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality."
Meeting the Keepers
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L5R Singles

Meeting the Keepers

Elemental Reaction: After an ability of an Elemental Ring you control resolves: Search your Dynasty deck for an Event. Show it. Shuffle the deck. Put the Event on top of the deck. Elemental Open: Bow an Elemental Ring you control: Draw 2 cards.
Ratling Conjuror
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L5R Singles

Ratling Conjuror (Spanish)

Ratling Shugenja * Creature Cannot attach Spells with a Gold cost above 3. Open: Bow Ratling Conjuror and discard a card from your hand to give all Ratling cards +1F.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Give an attacking Lion Clan Personality +3F, or give an attacking non-Lion Clan Personality +2F.
Corrupted Iron Mine
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L5R Singles

Corrupted Iron Mine

Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Each Blacksmiths produces 1 less Gold instead of 1 extra Gold when bowed. Bow the Corrupted Iron Mine to produce 2 Gold. If you are a Crab Clan player, bow the Corrupted Iron Mine to produce 3 Gold. Either way, lose 1 Honor.
Black Stories Edición Vacaciones
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¡Las vacaciones son un riesgo! En Black Stories Vacaciones todo gira en torno a esos "maravillosos" días libres que, a veces, disfrutamos.
PREORDER Scarlet & Violet 6.5 Shrouded Fable: 3-Pack Blister (English)
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This item is a PREORDER. It will be shipped on the release date: 2nd/08/2024.If the order has products with a later release date, it will be shipped when all the products have arrived. If you need a partial shipping for earlier products, let us know at Extra shipping costs may be required. If there's allocation (which means we don't...
Altered Beyond the Gates: Starter Deck Ordis (Spanish) Altered Beyond the Gates: Starter Deck Ordis (Spanish) 2
This item is a PREORDER. It will be shipped on the release date: /2024. If the order has products with a later release date, it will be shipped when all the products have arrived. If you need a partial shipping for earlier products, let us know at Extra shipping costs may be required. If there's allocation (which means we don't...
Plush Koya 18cm. BT21
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  • -€7.00
€9.99 €16.99
Diseñado por RM de BTS Peluche fabricado en felpa. Mide aproximadamente 18 cm. Lavar a mano. Secar al aire libre.
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