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Allegiance to the Shogun
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L5R Singles

Allegiance to the Shogun

Political Limited: Discard all Imperial and Emperor cards you control, other than Winds. Until the game ends, you may not play Imperial or Emperor cards and you gain the ability, ?Open: Target and bow a Wind you control: Target a Personality with an attached card or the Gozoku trait. Straighten his unit.?
Silk Works
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L5R Singles

Silk Works

Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold.
Confusion at Court
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L5R Singles

Confusion at Court

PoliticalReaction: Before an action resolves, if discarding the Imperial Favor is one of its base costs: Negate the action's effects.
Sneak Attack
L5R Singles

Sneak Attack (Spanish)

Reaction: After a Battle Action Segment begins: The Attacker has the first opportunity to take an action or pass during this battle. Play proceeds in turn order from him after that.
Large Farm
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L5R Singles

Large Farm (Spanish)

Small Farm. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold
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L5R Singles


Whenever you reveal a Fortification in this Province, replace it with a face down Dynasty card. Players cannot assign units to attack or defend this Province during the Cavalry Maneuuvers Segment.
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L5R Singles


As a Battle actino once per unit per turn, any player may move a unit out of or into this Province to or from one of your Provinces immediately to the left or right of this one.
Small Farm
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L5R Singles

Small Farm

Bow the Small Farm to produce 1 Gold.
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L5R Singles


Wasp Clan Master Bowman. Samurai Yoritomo's Alliance Raise by 1 the Ranged Attack strength of each of Tsuruchi's Followers with ranged attacks. Tsuruchi's Followers without Ranged attacks each gain the ability "Battle: Bow this Follower for a Ranged 1 Attack." Battle: Bow Tsuruchi for a Ranged 4 Attack.
Daidoji Sembi
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Daidoji Sembi

Crane Clan Samurai.
Narrow Ground
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Narrow Ground

Delayed Terrain Battle: Lower to 2 the Force of each Personality with over 2 Force in this battle.
Way of Shadow
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L5R Singles

Way of Shadow

Reaction: Play immediately after an action targets a Ninja card, but before its effects are resolved. The action is canceled and has all its effects negated.
Blind Honor
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L5R Singles

Blind Honor (Spanish)

Immediate Terrain. Battle: Personalities have a Force penalty equal to their Personal Honor while in this battle.
Brutal Confrontation
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Brutal Confrontation

Battle: All players may take the following actions for the rest of the battle. You may take one such action inmediately if your army has at least two units. "Battle: Bow one of your Personalities for a Ranged 3 Attack." "Battle: Bow one of your Personalities to challenge an opposing Personality to an unrefusable duel of Force or Chi."
Desperate Conscripts
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L5R Singles

Desperate Conscripts (Spanish)

Ashigaru Desperate Conscripts costs 3 less Gold if any of your Provinces have been destroyed by other players this game.
The Wind's Truth
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L5R Singles

The Wind's Truth

Kiho Elemental Reaction: Bow any one of your monks or shugenja when honor is being gained or lost. Redirect the honor gain or loss to another player.
Jade Katana
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L5R Singles

Jade Katana

Weapon Jade Katana has +2F/+2C while opposed, in a battle or duel, by any cards controlled by a player who controls any Shadowlands cards.  
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L5R Singles


Battle: If you are the Defender, you may take this action even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Move home a target Personality without Followers. Bow him if he moved. His controller may pay 1 Gold as a cost to create a 1F Ashigaru Follower card and attach it to him.
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L5R Singles


Reaction: Play after the last resolution segment for an opponent's attack phase in which you were the defender. This card immediately creates an attack phase in which you are the attacker and the former attacker is the defender.
Shadow Dragon Exp (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Shadow Dragon Exp (Spanish)

Creature · Cavalry · Ninja · Experienced · Unique · Shadowlands. Shadow Dragon cannot bow. After your Straighten Phase ends, if Shadow Dragon is dead in your discard pile, you may bring it into play, paying all costs. Battle: Move Shadow Dragon home from the current battlefield: Target a non-Unique Personality. Gain control of him. Move him to your army...
Jade Works
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L5R Singles

Jade Works

JadeBow this card: Produce 3 Gold, or 5 Gold if paying for a Jade card.
Bayushi's Mask
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L5R Singles

Bayushi's Mask (Spanish)

Unique. Reaction: After the Cavalry Maneuvers Segment, bow this Personality and destroy this card: Target any number of Personalities you control in battlefields and any number of battlefields. Move those Personalities to those battlefields any way you like.
Enough Talk!
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L5R Singles

Enough Talk!

Reaction: Before another player's target Personality performs a Political action, target one of your unbowed Samurai Personalities to issue an unrefusable challenge to the other Personality. Resolve the duel before the Political action. If your Samurai wins, negate the Political action's effects. 
We Stand Ready
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L5R Singles

We Stand Ready

Recon Limited: Target a Scout you control, and bow him if he is not Crab Clan: Target a Province. Each time a Personality you control assigns to its battlefield this turn, attach a 0F Follower token to him.
Shosuro Oniji
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Oniji

Scorpion Clan Poison Master · Ninja · Duelist · Ninjutsu 1. Reaction: Once per turn, after another player targets Oniji with an action: Target a Personality that player controls; the target must oppose Oniji if it is an Attack Phase. Oniji issues the target an unrefusable challenge.
Corrupted Silver Mine
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L5R Singles

Corrupted Silver Mine

Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Bow the Corrupted Silver Mine to produce 2 Gold. If you are a Phoenix Clan player, bow the Corrupted Silver Mine to produce 3 Gold. Either way, lose 1 Honor.
Asako Kinuye
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L5R Singles

Asako Kinuye

Phoenix Clan Monk · Bloodspeaker · Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Kinuye need not bow to cast Maho Kihos.
STRAY KIDS - ATE (9th Mini Album) Limited Ver. STRAY KIDS - ATE (9th Mini Album) Limited Ver. 2
  • On sale!
  • -€2.00
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STRAY KIDS - ATE (9th Mini Album) Limited Ver. El grupo Stray Kids: Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin y I.N. tiene nuevo disco.
Altered Beyond the Gates: Starter Deck. Yzmir (Spanish) Altered Beyond the Gates: Starter Deck. Yzmir (Spanish) 2
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