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Guerrilla Tactics
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L5R Singles

Guerrilla Tactics (Spanish)

Battle: Target, Dishonor, and permanently give the Shadowlands trait to an unbowed Personality you control at the current battlefield: He produces two consecutive Ranged Attacks with strengths equal to his Force and his Chi, in either order. If he is defending, bow him. Lose 3 Honor
Hoshi Matsuta
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L5R Singles

Hoshi Matsuta (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Monk. Matsuta has +2F for each Ring you control. Limited: Bow Matsuta, and target and bow a Ring you control: Target an Event in your discard pile. Shuffle it into your deck. After the next time this game an Event with that name resolves for you, remove that Event from the game
Tsuma Dojo
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L5R Singles

Tsuma Dojo (Spanish)

Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 3 Gold if paying for a Duelist Personality. Reaction: Before you focus, put a card in your focus pool on the bottom of your deck: Focus with a card in your Fate discard pile instead. Remove that card from the game when the duel ends
Yoritomo Tsuyu
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Yoritomo Tsuyu

Mantis Clan Samurai Limited: Bow to challenge any Experienced Personality to a duel that cannot be refused. The winner gains 4 honor. Tsuyu gains a 1F/1C permanent bonus if he wins the duel.
Street to Street
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Street to Street

Battle Terrain: This terrain takes effect as soon as it is played. All Followers at this battle are considered unattached. After the end of this battle action phase, or when this terrain is destroyed, each player's remaining Followers may be attached to any of that player's surviving Personalities in this battle. Followers unable to legally attach in this...
Sanctified Temple
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Sanctified Temple

TempleBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and pay 2 Gold: Gain 2 Honor.
Pearl Divers
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Pearl Divers

Pearl • RetainerBow this card: Produce 1 Gold, plus 1 additional Gold for each Port in play.
Doji Yosai
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Doji Yosai

Crane Clan • SamuraiWhen Yosai lobbies: Other players may not discard to "give a gift" during the action's resolution.(This trait only has effect when using the Classic Lobbying optional rule.)
The Star of Laramun
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The Star of Laramun

This Personality has Double Chi
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Chrysanthemum Festival
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Chrysanthemum Festival

Each player gains a province to the left of his leftmost province.
Breach of Etiquette
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Breach of Etiquette

Limited: The player (or players, if there is a tie) with the most Family Honor commits a public breach of etiquette and loses 5 Honor
Otaku Tetsuko
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Otaku Tetsuko

Unicorn Battle Maiden. Samurai. Cavalry Will only attach Cavalry Followers. Tetsuko has a 2F/2C bonus for each of your Provinces that have been destroyed in battle during this game.
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Unaligned Samurai. Tactician. Toturi's Army. Monkey Clan.
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Naga Shugenja Ralish's Force is equal to the number of forest cards you have in play.
Blackened Claws
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Blackened Claws

Shadowlands Cannot be moved. May only attach to a Shadowlands Personality without Blackened Claws. May attach to a Personality regardless of restrictions on the Personality. Reaction: When this Personality enters a duel, bow Blackened Claws to give two -1C Corruption tokens to the opposing Personality.
The Power of Incompleteness
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The Power of Incompleteness

Kiho Open: Bow a shugenja or monk you control. Target a personality who has their lower trait of Chi or Force raised to be equal to the higher trait until the end of the turn.
Naga Storm Mirumoto Mountain
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Naga Storm Mirumoto Mountain

The next time this game a player would have two or more of his Provinces destroyed during the same turn, negate the second destruction.
Unrequited Love
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Unrequited Love

Political Open: Target one of the active player’s unbowed Human Personalities. That player may choose to bow the Personality and gain 1 Honor. If he does not choose this, dishonor the Personality, and the player loses Honor equal to the Personality’s base Personal Honor.
Hida Enko FOIL
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Hida Enko FOIL (Spanish Language)

Crab Clan Samurai Battle: Once per battle, discard an Action card from your hand as a cost. Each player who controls a unit opposing Enko must discard an Action card. Each of these players who cannot discard must reveal his hand.
Fortress of the Dragonfly
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Fortress of the Dragonfly

All of your human and naga personalities have +1 chi while the Fortress of the Dragonfly is in play.
Walking the Way
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Walking the Way

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Search your Fate deck for a card. Put it in your hand.
Deadly Ground
L5R Singles

Deadly Ground

Immediate Terrain Battle: Players can take no actions for this battle except ones that destroy this terrain.
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RetainerOpen: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and target a non-Stronghold Port, or a copy of Pearl Divers or Pearl Bed: Straighten it.
Strike with No-Thought
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L5R Singles

Strike with No-Thought

You may only play one Strike With No-Thought per duel.Reaction: Before you announce a strike in a duel, if both Personalities are using Chi as their duel stat: Add this card's current Focus Value to the total of your other focused cards' values in the duel's resolution
Remember What You Have Seen
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L5R Singles

Remember What You Have Seen

Reaction: When bringing into play a Personality with no Clan affiliation, gain honor equal to the Personality's Personal Honor.
Command of the Kami
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Command of the Kami

Political Open: The player with the Imperial Favor discards it and loses 2 Honor, to a minimum of his starting Family Honor.
Contest of Power
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L5R Singles

Contest of Power (Spanish)

Limited: Target a Samurai Personality you control and another player. Your Samurai issues a challenge to a duel of Force that the player may accept with any personality he controls. The winner, or your Samurai if the challenge is not accepted, permanently gains the trait ?Once per game, after an effect destroys this card, his owner brings him into play,...
Clash of Steel
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L5R Singles

Clash of Steel (Spanish)

Center Formation. Formed by 3 units, each of which contains cards with a total printed Gold cost of at least 10. Battle: target a unit in the current battle that contains cards with a total printed Gold cost less than 10. Bow it.
Tsuruchi Risako
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Risako (Spanish Language)

Mantis Clan Bushi · Pirate · Naval · Scout. Raid Reaction: After Risako's army wins a Raid Battle (even against no units at resolution), target the current Province. Until your next turn ends, you may take the action ?Open: Once per turn, target a face-up card in the Province. Bring it into play, paying all costs. Fill the Province face-up.?
Akodo Mirotai
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Akodo Mirotai

Lion Clan Samurai · General · Tactician. Limited: Once per turn, give Mirotai a 2F Follower token. Mirotai loses the Tactician trait.
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L5R Singles

Ki-Rin (Spanish)

Unaligned Creature . Unique While Ki-Rin is unbowed and honorable, Personalities with a Personal Honor of zero, four, or five cannot assign or move into armies attacking your Provinces.
Walking the Way
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Walking the Way

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to search your Fate deck for any one card and put it in your hand. 
Boundless Sight FOIL
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Boundless Sight FOIL (Spanish)

Search your Dynasty deck for an Experienced Personality and refill this Province with that card, face-up.
Chuda Ruri
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Chuda Ruri

Shadowlands · Shugenja · Bloodspeaker · Lose 5 Honor. After Ruri is destroyed while at a battlefield or in a duel, target and permanently give the Shadowlands trait to a Personality who opposed her when she was destroyed or who was in that duel. Battle: Fear 4
Bayushi Bokatsu
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Bokatsu (language)

Scorpion Clan Courtier · Magistrate. Reaction: After a Personality you do not control is Dishonored, bow Bokatsu: Target a Personality controlled by the same player. Dishonor him
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