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Hida Benjiro Exp2
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L5R Singles

Hida Benjiro Exp2

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander • Hero • Rikugunshokan • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique Battle: Benjiro challenges a target enemy Personality. Both Personalities use their Force as their duel stat. Destroy the duel’s loser.
Yoritomo Kaemon
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Yoritomo Kaemon

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • Kabuki Master
Conscript Troops
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Conscript Troops

Open: Choose your performing Commander: Look at the top 5 cards of your Fate deck. If one of them is a Follower, you may attach it to him, paying 4 less Gold. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Chuda Otsu
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L5R Singles

Chuda Otsu

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shugenja • Undead After Otsu enters play: Lose 5 Honor.
Reckless Confrontation
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Reckless Confrontation

Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Reduce the Force of each Personality and Follower in a target enemy unit by your Personality’s Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor for each Personality and Follower in that unit whose Force is now 0.
Wandering Budoka
L5R Singles

Wandering Budoka

After this card enters play from your hand, draw cards equal to the number of players who had a province destroyed this game. This card has a Force bonus equal to twice the number of your provinces that have been destroyed this game.
Groves of Stone
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Groves of Stone

Earth Battle: Even if this unit is not at the current battlefield, bow this Shugenja unless he is Earth: Give the current battlefield’s province +4 or -4 strength.
Akodo Ryozo
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Akodo Ryozo

Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Paragon • Unique Battle: Ranged Attack with strength equal to Ryozo’s Force or Personal Honor.
Readied Blade
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Readied Blade

Weapon May not be included in decks.
Border Ambush
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Border Ambush

Battle: Dishonor your target Personality: Give each of your Personalities and Followers at the current battlefield +1F, or +2F if they are opposed.
Yasuki Otsuka
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Yasuki Otsuka (Language Spanish)

Crab Clan • Artisan Reaction: After Otsuka enters play, bow him: Bring your target Holding from a province or discard pile into play (bowed), paying 3 less Gold.
Master Saleh
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L5R Singles

Master Saleh

Spider Clan • Shugenja • Jackal After Master Saleh enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Limited: Remove a target Personality in any discard pile from the game and pay 3 Gold: Lose 2 Honor. Create a 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personality.
Matsu Mikura
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Matsu Mikura

Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero
Imperial Artificer
L5R Singles

Imperial Artificer

Imperial Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If this pays for a Follower or Item attaching to a Samurai, you may draw a card, then discard a card.
Matsu Naomasa
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Matsu Naomasa

Lion Clan • Samurai • Paragon Reaction: After one of your Bushido Virtue actions targets Naomasa: Gain 2 Honor.
Shinjo Ming-li
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Shinjo Ming-li

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Kensai. Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality without attachments. Destroy him if Ming-li has a Weapon and higher Force.
Osano-Wo's Rebuke
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Osano-Wo's Rebuke

Thunder This Shugenja has +2F. Battle: Bow this Spell: Bow a target card in the enemy army with fewer attachments than this Shugenja.
Kakita Taminoko
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Kakita Taminoko

Crane Clan * Courtier Political Limited: Bow Tamioko: Target another player’s honorable Personality. The player may choose to dishonor him. If he does not choose this, gain 2 Honor.
Forest Killer Cavern (Formato Celestial)
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Bow this card: Produce Gold equal to 2 plus the number of Wealth tokens on this card. Limited: Dishonor one of your target Personalities: Add a Wealth token to this card. You may target anotherplayer's Holding and remove a Wealth token from it.
Shizuka Toshi
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Shizuka Toshi

Limited: Bow one of your target Courtiers or Artisans: Target another player's Personality. That Player may choose to dishonor him (even if already dishonorable). If he chooses not to, gain 3 Honor.
Shinbone Warpack Exp
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L5R Singles

Shinbone Warpack Exp

Ratling · Creature · Nonhuman · Bushi · Broken Shinbone Tribe · Experienced Shinbone Pack · Unique. Shinbone Warpack cannot challenge or be challenged. After the first time each turn a Ratling Personality is destroyed: Give Shinbone Warpack a +2F Pack token. Before Shinbone Warpack would be destroyed, remove a Pack token from it: Negate the destruction
High Courts
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L5R Singles

High Courts

Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you control a Magistrate. Political Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, after a player loses Honor from his own card effect, target one of your Magistrates: Dishonor one of that player's target Personalities
North Hub Village FOIL
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North Hub Village FOIL (Spanish)

Singular. Costs 1 less Gold for a Unicorn Clan player. Bow this card: Produce 1 Gold for each Gold-producing Holding you control.
Togashi Satsu Exp3
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L5R Singles

Togashi Satsu Exp3 (Spanish Language)

Dragon Clan Samurai · Clan Champion · Monk · Shugenja · Dragon · Creature · Cavalry · Duelist · Experienced 3 · Unique · Loyal. Satsu need not bow to cast Kihos. Other players may not target Satsu with Spell or Kiho effects. Battle: Bow a Ring or Unique card you control: Remove a target unit opposing Satsu from the game.
South Hub Village
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South Hub Village (Spanish)

Singular. Costs 1 less Gold for a Crane Clan player. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Political Limited: Bow this card and a target Courtier you control: Gain 2 Honor.
Hida Nari Exp
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L5R Singles

Hida Nari Exp

Crab Clan Bushi · Experienced · Unique. Nari cannot be targeted with Elemental effects. Battle: Any number of times per turn: Attach a Follower from your discard pile to a target personality in her army, paying all costs.
Dark Moto Steed
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Dark Moto Steed

Shadowlands. This Personality has the Cavalry trait. Battle: Bow this card: Move this unit to the current battlefield if it would be opposed
Chitik FOIL
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L5R Singles

Chitik FOIL (Spanish)

Ratling Shugenja · Third Whisker Tribe · Creature. You may not create Personalities. You may play Action cards in any discard piles with an additional cost of either bowing or Dishonoring Chitik. Remove cards played this way from the game instead of discarding them
Kakita Tsuken Exp
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L5R Singles

Kakita Tsuken Exp (Spanish)

Crane Clan Samurai · Duelist · Enlightened · Experienced Keeper of Fire · Unique. Elemental Reaction: After a duel ends that a Personality in Tsuken's army won: Ranged 5 Attack
The Tribes Gather
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L5R Singles

The Tribes Gather

Delayed Terrain Battle: Give all Nonhuman Personalities and Nonhuman Followers in your army +1F, or give all Human Personalities and Human Followers in this battle -1F. 
Kanjiro (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Kanjiro (Spanish)

Phoenix Clan Protector of Gisei Toshi · Shugenja · Dragon · Creature · Cavalry. While Kanjiro is in play, reduce the Honor Requirement of Dragon Creature Personalities you own by 4.
Lessons of Pain
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L5R Singles

Lessons of Pain

Open: Target an Oni Personality you control: Target a Personality. After the next time this game he assigns opposing a Shadowlands card you control or assigns to attack you, permanently give him the Shadowlands trait. Open: Bow a Personality you control with the printed Shadowlands trait: Target a Shadowlands card. Destroy it.
Forward Sentries
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L5R Singles

Forward Sentries

Reserve Formation. Formed by 2 Personalities with the Cavalry, Scout, Harrier, or printed Tactician traits. Battle: Twice per battle: Target a unit and a battlefield. Move the unit to the battlefield. If you do not control the unit, straighten it.
Corrupted Dojo
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L5R Singles

Corrupted Dojo

Shadowlands . Lose 3 Honor. Bow Corrupted Dojo to produce 2 Gold. Lose 2 Honor. Bow Corrupted Dojo to produce 3 Gold when paying for a Personality. Lose 2 Honor. 
Taut Bowstrings
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L5R Singles

Taut Bowstrings

Reaction: Play before one of your target Followers or Items bows to produce a ranged attack or as part of a combined ranged attack. That card need not bow. Reaction: Play after a unit moves into a Province or before a unit leaves a Province to make a ranged attack targeting it from your opposing cards in that Province. Your cards need not bow to produce...
Bayushi Marumo
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Marumo

Scorpion Clan Samurai No items except weapons and armor. Battle: Once per turn this unit may move to a different Province of the Defender. You may not perform this action if this unit has move than one Follower.
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